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The Global Government - Economic (part 2)

Marilyn C



Economic: The management of Wealth & Resources.  





The G 20, the world`s richest nations, have now brought together key financial institutions and are empowering them to oversee the world`s economies.


STANDARDS – The Financial Stability Board. (FSB)

This was a forum (FSF – Financial stability forum) bringing together the world `s finance ministers, central bankers and financial bodies, but after the 2008 world financial crisis, the G 20 empowered it to become a `legal` institution, the FSB, the Financial Stability Board.

They have been commissioned to establish Principles and Standards for the World`s Financial Institutions. These are being implemented in different countries, and followed up by a monitoring process with peer reviews.  

When non-cooperation is identified, then the names are published. This public exposing, `name & shame,` shows the world`s system`s  purpose – to control.


FINANCIAL – The International Monetary System. (IMF)

The International Monetary System, (IMF) has also been empowered by the G 20 and is achieving Global status as the world`s financial `Saviour.` Billions of dollars have been made available through the IMF to countries whose economies are collapsing. Those who borrow are truly `servant of the lender` and have to make great structural reforms to their economies.

The IMF uses Special Drawing Rights (SDR`s) as its `currency.` This has given the holder a choice of four currencies to borrow from – Pound, Dollar, Euro & Yen.



However, recently China has been added to the IMF`s `basket` of currencies. This will have the effect of moving the world`s reliance on the US dollar and move confidence to the IMF`s `currency` of Special Drawing Rights,` (SDR). At the moment there are nearly 200 countries and some international organisations also using Special Drawing Rights.




As SDR`s become more popular it will replace the US dollar and serve as the world monetary reserve, moving from a single system to a multi-lateral system. After the next world financial crisis, the IMF will be empowered to become the world central bank. It`s currency will be called `Bancor` and be freely available alongside national currencies. Eventually it will become the major currency of the world making available `buying & selling.`







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ok so what if one of the individuals in the group of G20 have a falling out?


the G 20 empowered it to become a `legal` institution, the FSB, the Financial Stability Board.

all very nicely streamlined, (ever watched the Harry Truman show....) great comfort to those who like order and everything/one in their place. freedom and creativity has now just left the building and in comes a clone there is no soul just bland sameness.


Those who borrow are truly `servant of the lender` and have to make great structural reforms to their economies.

ah yes Greece springs to mind what a mess and if only they hadnt joined, but hey it l00ked g00d from where they were.


The IMF uses Special Drawing Rights (SDR`s) as its `currency.` This has given the holder a choice of four currencies to borrow from – Pound, Dollar, Euro & Yen.

i think i can see where this might go. whats to stop a country from making favourable currency top of the pops and in affect destroy the other 3 or 2 other currencies at least.

so the first causality is the dollar maybe?!

0k feel i need to put my cards on the table regarding the end times in that the jury is still out there for me  at the mo... it kinda feels like being in the middle of God and satan. but i think of Daniel and Revelation and so ....its all new ground for me.

the end of the world = Jesus returning although the Jews dont believe that he came in the first place!
worldly events well there has always been nation against nation, natural disasters are we seeing more because the world has shrunk due to technology. most certainly mankind is a war mongrel

thanks Marilyn for these bloggs it has given me the opportunity to talk about this and it is enjoyable!

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Hi Mabel,

You do have interesting thoughts & questions. So you ask - `so what if one of the individuals in the group of G20 have a falling out? `

The group is - UK, USA, EU, Japan & now China. Well the first 3 work together, Japan, (keep you former enemies close) & China, is needed as they have a very large economy & China also needs the others so that is doesn`t get holding all those dollars (USA) when the music stops. And stop it will very soon. The gigantic bubble of debit is 10 times bigger than the last GFC (Global Financial Crisis) so be prepared for a gigantic global economic tsunami that will be coming to your (& every bodies) shore some time soon.

The big powers know this, that is why they have banded together in the IMF (International Monetary Fund) to create the Global central Bank. And when currencies are devaluated (public debit) then sovereignty will not really be valued. Remember that Globalists do not believe in Nationalism, but want the whole basket of goodies, with them being in power creating the money as they see fit.

So, no, none of them will want to go it alone, thus any differences are merely smoke screens as they all want the ultimate power. 

As to a country having more SDR`s of a certain currency, they can only have a certain percentage of their quota, so `top of the pops` is not going to happen. SDR`s have been used for many years by the major players, it is only recently that they are letting others in, for they are ready to make it the world`s currency leading to the Bancor.

Ok, `nation against nation,` yes over the years, however if you are referring to Matthew 24: 7 where the Lord refers this (& other things) to `birth pangs,` then I would say - `birth pangs` do not go on for thousands of years. :o Thus the Lord is referring to the time of the end (of the Gentiles rule). Jesus was telling the people of Israel what would happen to them as a people & a nation.

Lots to think on, Marilyn.

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hello Marilyn


The gigantic bubble of debit is 10 times bigger than the last GFC (Global Financial Crisis) so be prepared for a gigantic global economic tsunami that will be coming to your (& every bodies) shore some time soon.

It seems madness a perfect backdrop for the one basket will fit all mentality with a Vincent Price kinda laugh.



So, no, none of them will want to go it alone, thus any differences are merely smoke screens as they all want the ultimate power. 


Well I don’t think there is a strong enough bed to take the strain..zip..

Ah the club the was a film called the fight club and I seem to remember…not that i watched it lol! definitely not my cup o tea

“Welcome to Fight Club. The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is: you DO NOT talk about Fight Club! Third rule of Fight Club: if someone yells “stop!”, goes limp, or taps out, the fight is over. Fourth rule: only two guys to a fight. Fifth rule: one fight at a time, fellas. Sixth rule: the fights are bare knuckle. No shirt, no shoes, no weapons. Seventh rule: fights will go on as long as they have to. And the eighth and final rule: if this is your first time at Fight Club, you have to fight.”

all whilst being seen to be playing by the rules.

time for some comfort food i reckon oink




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aye.. yeah righto!

a question that keeps coming up for me:wub: i thought Jesus came to die for all our sins etc and that he wiped the slate clean.  i know there are some very evil things/individuals. i have read a thread no names that quite disturbed me and really doesnt help with the anxiety and depression as i feel all is lost blip...zip ... a kinda 1984 total global control. ... sets up a dark chain of events...


thats kinda the question but i dont seem to be able to flesh it out at the mo

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Hi Mabel,

Yes it would be disturbing to think that we go to `reckoning day.` However, as you said that is why Jesus died, so that we would be `saved,` from God`s judgment & eternal damnation. Those who do not have their sins forgiven will face the judgment time - & no court of appeal there!

I so encourage myself with this scripture -

`Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, & to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy...` (Jude 24)

These other scriptures have been helpful of late -

`cast all your care upon Him for He cares for you.` (1 Peter 5: 7)

`Trust in the Lord with all your heart & lean not on your own understanding, and in all your ways acknowledge Him & He will direct your paths.` (Prov. 3: 5)

In life we can succumb to `worry, doubt &/or fear,` but if we encourage our hearts in the truth then we can stand strong & know the Lord is with us.

Our choice. Hard, yes, but gets easier over time as we see the effect in our hearts.

all the best, Marilyn.

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it just makes me wish i had a good church to go to where i can talk about this...sigh...zip i guess its down to de Boss upstairs n me when the chips are down.

my heart certainly needs prayer then! and lots of it.....i certainly cant be filling my head with the doom n gloom prophecy's otherwise i am sunk. for me that is a 10 ton truck going over a one ton bridge eek.

the end times that you speak of now that is different for some reason, in a way its like being forewarned is being forearmed dont know why that should be so as it all leads to .......

0k 0k.. off to listen to some praise n time for a hot choc as i feel the need for it!!

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Hi Mabel,

Can you or do you want to enlarge on that thought?

`the end times that you speak of now that is different for some reason, in a way its like being forewarned is being forearmed dont know why that should be so as it all leads to .......`

interested, Marilyn.

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well all roads seem to lead to Armageddon. its kind of having a birds eye view of what man is doing and its outcome and seeing how God interacts to bring things to a head so to speak is somehow far scarier yeah it dont makka much sensa.

if man was to change his ways then God wouldnt have to have these things come to pass ...just me wee thoughts

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Hi mabel,

I hear what you are saying. Now we need to remember that God continually stretches out His hand (of mercy), He desires that none shall perish. And in the Old Testament we read it is only when evil has come to a head that He judges a nation, group etc. Also this is interesting -

`But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, & idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, & wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk; and they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.` (Rev. 9: 20 & 21)

God knows man`s heart is extremely wicked & there obviously needs to come a time when there is a judgment. To let such behaviour go on would only end in the human race annihilating itself. 


Edited by Marilyn C
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hello Marilyn

yeah i can see that gosh man is stubborn as an individual and then you get the complication of man in the group a bit like Sodom and Gomorrah who will save just 10 good peeps or less.

so from a nation then we have to follow laws and outcomes ie the banks in the uk say lend to 3rd world countries and all but destroy them with the interest rate. so that means i am part of this also. as it has come from my nation.

ah time for a hot chocolate i think

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Hi mabel,

Yes we do have to follow certain laws of the land, however when we turn to God through Jesus we are not under judgment. We individually are not accountable as to how banks & governments behave. We are only accountable to the Lord daily, as He brings to our attention things, behaviours that we need to work on with His help.

As to that whole Gentile debt system, it will be judged & God`s government put in its place. The nations will also have to account for their treatment of Israel after the tribulation -

`I will gather all nations, & bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; & I will enter into judgment with them there on account of my people, my heritage Israel...` (Joel 3: 2)


Edited by Marilyn C
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