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Christ in Revelation - The Mediator. (Part 2)

Marilyn C


                                                                                             The Mediator                                   

Christ is the Mediator of the Covenant that God made with Israel. As such He represents God as the Son of God, & He represents Israel as the Son of Abraham.

Christ the Promised Son.

The `woman` with the 12 stars, (from Gen. 37: 9 & 10) represents Israel. She gives birth to a son, Jesus, the promised son, (Isa. 9: 6 & 7). He would deliver Israel from its enemies, then after He died & rose again He ascended into heaven.

Then the graphic battle of the ages unfolds as Satan unleashes his demonic strategies to get rid of the people of Israel. Each of Satan`s names represent his demonic plan –

- The serpent of old who tries to delude man,

- Satan, the deceiver &

- The devil who robs, kills & destroys.




Satan`s Global Government.

Finally Satan represented as the `dragon,` tries to devour God`s chosen people, Israel. God promised that they would rule the nations of the world but Satan sets up his Global Government & persecutes the people of Israel.


Satan`s Global Government has a succession of 7 leaders, (7 heads) with the final leader ruling over a cabal of 10 nations (10 crowned horns). They rule the great Federations of the world – described in Daniel 7 as a Lion (& Eagle), Leopard & Bear, (The UK (& US), EU & Russian Federation & the terrifying one, Islam).


Alongside the leader of the Global Government is his executor who not only controls the financial system of the world but also heads up the Religious Counsel, drawing all people to worship Satan himself.


Satan has complete authority & power over this whole `beastly` Global Government.  He, the dragon is described with - 7 crowned heads – complete authority, 10 horns -  power.





The Lord Jesus Christ overcomes every plan & strategy of the enemy.



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ah... in two minds... whereas satan has seven heads! and very egotistical ones too i mean with crowns on!

no wonder he is the author of confusion!!

interesting that the picture depicts a lion a counterfeit one maybe or Jesus' exact opponent.

i sometimes wonder why Wales in the UK has the dragon as its national symbol, also the George and the Dragon story. ah an urban myth but -----

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Hi mabel,

lol, interesting. Yes man likes to use lots of different symbols to depict some aspect of their heritage. God uses symbols too, as we can well see in Revelation. Now that is where many make the mistake & try to interpret them themselves. I always look into God`s word for His interpretation.

Thus 7 - in Hebrew means complete. That is why the book of Revelation has so many sevens - lots to be completed. Just like the orchestra doing a huge finale.

The red dragon -

Red – fire like – flame coloured,  fig. lightning. (2 Cor. 11: 14   Luke 10: 18)

 Dragon –  a fabulous kind of serpent ,  to fascinate.  (2 Thess. 2: 9)

  7 heads –  Complete authority.  (1 John 5: 19)

  7 diadems –  Complete rulership. (Matt. 4: 8 & 9)

  10 horns -  Lawlessness,  power.  (Eph. 2: 2.     2 Thess. 2: 8 & 9)

    `the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.` (John 5: 19)

A picture says a 1,000 words, ay. This is God`s identity kit of Satan, as the one who desires all power & control.

I do like your interesting & fun thoughts, mabel,

All the best, Marilyn.


Edited by Marilyn C
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