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Albert Finch


Since the moment we first came to Christ, there has been an updraft of the Holy Spirit, a constant drawing from God lifting us upward toward the fullness of His Presence. Let's surrender to this wind of God and allow Him to carry us into our holy future (our DESTINY).

The disciples did not just pray and sit around waiting for God to enter the "playing field" to convert the world on His own. They went out into the world so that the Holy Spirit might go into the World.

"The Lord worked with them." - Mark 16:20



Times of difficulty give us an opportunity we don't have otherwise, and that is the opportunity to demonstrate sacrificial love to Him by ministering to him instead of attending to our pressing needs. This is what makes strengthening yourself in the Lord completely opposed to self-sufficiency.

"Strengthen me according to thy word...I have chosen the way of faithfulness." - Psalm 119:28,30


I am not designed to drift - I am designed for destiny.


The Lord wants me to rooted in Him, not rooted in my idea about Him.


Jesus calls me to a higher love, to embrace the burning and passionate heart of God.



It is time to set every part of your being in alignment with God's purpose for your life -- to establish His Kingdom on the earth. 
God honors His Word above His name (see Psalm 138:2), so proclaim His Word, declare it into the atmosphere and the angels will respond and perform it! 
Our words will seed the atmosphere and the Lord will send His angels to perform it! He promises us His Word will not return void (see Isaiah 55:11).



Angels (4).jpg


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