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Careers in the Kingdom



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Careers in the Kingdom

God doesn't change, but mankind's circumstances do. Therefore, God has made different covenants with the peoples of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and the Church. Each covenant was tailored to fit the needs and abilities of the people in their own time, their own Age. Each covenant had unique elements, yet all of God's covenants provide similar roles for men to fill, both among the priesthood and laity.

The Bible and Jesus teach that there will come "the end of the [present Church] age," to be followed by a 1000-year Kingdom Age on Earth. The Kingdom Age will be governed under its own covenant, which will provide its own roles (jobs). Here is a summary of these, showing how the priesthood and laity jobs in the coming age compare to past such roles in both the Mosaic ('Jewish') Age and the Church Age.

Ecclesiastical Careers

High Priest Under the Mosaic Covenant, which was tailored to suit the needs of carnal men, a carnal/physical priesthood was established: Aaron, the first high priest, and thereafter the lineage of his firstborn sons. (Aaron was a firstborn himself.)

The High Priest of the Church Covenant, a covenant tailored for spiritual men, is Jesus Christ, the spiritual Firstborn of God. He continues in this position throughout the Kingdom Age.

Priesthood All of Aaron's unblemished male descendants of age became priests. They were the only ones authorized to offer the sacraments of the Mosaic Covenant.

In the Church, this role was established in Christ's Apostles, his spiritual offspring; and in their unblemished spiritual descendants.

In the Kingdom, the priesthood office is allotted to the Manchild of Revelation 12.

Aaron's descendants had authority over all Israelites; the apostolic office has authority over all the Church, both Jew and Gentile; the Manchild is to “shepherd all nations.” Rev. 12:5; 2:26-27

Servants of the Priesthood God gave “the Levites as a gift to Aaron and his sons...to do the service...in the Tabernacle...” Num. 8:15-19 Before entering this work, they washed their clothes; then [high priest] Aaron presented them like a wave offering before the LORD.” Num. 8:21 The Levites were accepted by God as Israel's firstborn.” Num. 8:16, 18 The job of the Levites was to serve in God's Tabernacle, but not to administer the sacraments or approach the holy things. Num. 18:2-3

In the Church Age, the corresponding role fell to the office of the deacon. Acts 6:1-6; 1 Tim. 3:8-13 This office was established to serve the Apostles, by relieving them of many details of the Church's material affairs: the same service of the Levites for their priests. (Unlike the Levites, deacons can progress to a priesthood role.)

In the Kingdom Age, the Rapture brings the “Church of the Firstborn to “the heavenly Jerusalem,” “to Jesus the Mediator [and High Priest] of the New Covenant;” there he “will shepherd them.” Heb. 12:22-24; 8:1-2; Rev. 7:17 These firstborn “come out of the Great Tribulation and wash their robes,” then “[wave] palm branches” before God. Rev. 7:14, 9 Their job/role is thenceforth to “serve [God and the Lamb] day and night in his temple.” Rev. 7:15 In sum, these people are to be the servants of the High Priest of the heavenly tabernacle. Their work is to be “before the throne” (Rev. 7:9, 15), not on or from it: they will not have the rulership authority that Christ and the Manchild have. Rev. 2:26-27; 3:21; 12:5

Governmental Careers

Leaders of Israel When the LORD descended upon Mount Sinai, he called “up...seventy of the leaders of Israel” (along with Moses, and Aaron and his sons) into his Presence. Ex. 24:1, 9 These Seventy were later more fully anointed with authority, receiving part of the Holy Spirit that God had given Moses. Num. 11:16-30 The Seventy were anointed tribal elders, but were not priests.

When the Holy Spirit descended into the “upper room” where 120 elect Israelite disciples of Christ were gathered, they came into God's Presence, and were anointed with his Spirit. Acts 1:15; 2:1f. The upper room was their 'mountain.' These later received a second anointing of the Spirit, which empowered them “to speak the word of God with boldness.” Acts 4:31 Nevertheless, most of them were never accounted to have apostolic authority: they remained as ruling elders over the Israelite Church.

Following the opening of the 6th Seal of Revelation 6 and the descent of Christ, the 144,000 Israelites are to be “sealed in their foreheads,” i.e., their 'upper rooms.' Rev. 7:3-8 “Whether in the body or out of the body, God knows” (2 Cor. 12:2-4), they will be “caught up” into the Presence for a space, then return below to lead their people. (See End Times Crib Sheet: The Rapture.) At a later date, they will receive a greater empowerment, coming to stand with the Lamb before God's throne. Rev. 14:1-5


Leaders of the Various Tribes Under Old Testament law, the firstborn sons of men were to be set apart to God, and receive special privileges and authority in their clans and tribes. If faithful and competent, they became tribal elders of various ranks. Ex. 13:2; Deut. 21:15-17; Gen. 25:29f.; 27; etc.

In the Church Age, the firstfruits of the Apostles' ministry often became elders/presbyters of the churches, being recognized in various levels of rulership authority. 1 Cor. 16:15

In the Kingdom Age, those who have “part in the first resurrection...shall reign with him [Christ] a thousand years.” Rev. 20:6 This “first resurrection” refers to the righteous dead who are resurrected at the 6th Seal; to the killed and quickly resurrected Two Witnesses; and to those killed/“beheaded” by the Beast, and resurrected after his defeat. All of these, along with the 144,000, are called firstborn” and “firstfruits.” Heb. 12:23; Rev. 11:7-12; 14:4; 19:20 – 20:6

Like at the Exodus, however, there is a before and after distinction at work. The Levites were taken in place of the firstborn of Israel who were born before the Tabernacle was established (Num. 3:40f.; 1:1; Ex. 40:17): they worked in the religious sphere. The firstborn afterward became tribal elders: that is, secular governmental officials.

The heavenly Tabernacle workers of Rev. 7 will be resurrected and/or raptured before men are first called to serve in that Tabernacle. The Rev. 20:4 saints will be resurrected afterward, and become Kingdom governmental officials. (The Israelite Apostles and disciples were called before the Church was established; the Gentile elders after.)

Roles of the Common People

The Ecclesia/Church in the Wilderness The great bulk of both the Israelite and the Kingdom covenanters were/will be common members of the body, without official rank. At the time of the great cry...of Egypt, such as was not like it before, nor shall be like it again,” Israel fled into the wilderness. Ex. 11:6; 12:31-34 Most of these people were mentally unprepared, and suffered because of it; yet God provided manna and water to sustain them. Even so, when forewarned by God: Behold, I come...be ready,” most were not ready, and cowered away from his Presence when he appeared. Ex. 19:9, 11; 20:18-21

At the time of the Great Tribulation, such as was not from the beginning of the world...nor shall ever be [again],” the Woman [God's people] will flee into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there...” Matt. 24:21, 16f.; Rev. 12:6 Again, most of these people will be mentally unprepared to leave the comforts of civilization. When later forewarned by God, Behold, the Bridegroom cometh,” only some of them—“those who are ready”—will be able to abide and enter into his Presence. Matt. 25:6-10 Most will not be ready, and will cower away from his Face. Rev. 6:15-17; cf. 1 Chr. 21:20

P.S. Less than two months passed between the day Israel left Egypt and the day of God's descent. I believe that the corresponding Great Tribulation period will be even shorter (yet more fearsome), because Jesus said “those days will be cut short.” Matt. 24:22

The Martyrs When the Israelites were in the wilderness, “Amalek...smote the hindmost of thee, even all that were feeble behind thee, when thou wast faint and weary.” Deut. 25:17-18; Ex. 17:8f.

During the Tribulation, many of God's people who are weak in the flesh and/or who are stragglers, but who remain spiritually faithful, will be martyred. Through their martyrdom, they will become sanctified, being “given white robes,” which represent their righteous act of faithfulness unto death. Rev. 6:9-11; cf. 19:8

[The raptured Virgin Church of Rev. 7 must “wash their robes”—divest themselves of their spiritual uncleanness—before coming into the Presence of God. Rev. 7:14 This was allegorically portrayed by the purifications undergone by Esther and the other virgins, prior to their coming before the king. Esth. 2]


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