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The Tribulation Calendar - The Beginning of the Tribulation.

Marilyn C



3. Beginning.jpg


In the near future, the armies of the Russian Federation and the other 3 nations (Iran, Ethiopia and Libya), will come to the mountains of Israel to destroy Israel as a nation.


Down from the north will come the Russian Federation. They will lead a great army  - the Russian military,  the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) other Republics, and Slavic nations. Iran will also be with them coming from the east. Then up from the south of Israel will come Libya and Ethiopia, heading for the mountains of Israel.


`Prepare yourself and be ready, you and all your companies that are gathered about you; and be a guard for them......You will ascend, coming like a storm, covering the land like a cloud, you and all your troops and many peoples with you.....I will bring you against my land, so that the nations may know me, when I am hallowed in you, O Gog, before their eyes.` (Ez. 38: 7, 9, 16)


God intervenes and brings judgment upon them - `rain down on him, on his troops, and on the many peoples who are with him, flooding rain, great hailstones, fire and brimstone.` (Ez. 38: 22) In the confusion and terror, the armies turn on each other and `everyman`s sword will be against his brother.` (V. 21) Most of the armies are annihilated.

The bodies of the great armies will be buried in a valley - the Valley of Hamon Gog, (the multitude of Gog/people). When travellers see bones along their way they put up a marker for the search parties to find and bring the bones to the valley. (Ez. 39: 11 - 16)


Israel as a nation, will start to return to their God.

`So the house of Israel shall know that I am the Lord their God from that day forward.` (Ez. 39: 22)


The great nations of the world are astounded at Russia`s great army being annihilated and will then demand cessation of all conflict. No one dares to come against Israel and the Middle East is ready for Peace.

Thus, into this situation will step the Peace Negotiator, a seemingly benevolent leader who will convince everyone that he can bring peace between the Arabs and Israel. As confirmation of his capabilities, he will cite the successful transformation of the previously volatile Middle East. Further, he will negotiate and conclude a seven year peace treaty with the nation of Israel.

`Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week, (unit of 7 years).` (Dan 9: 27)

The tribulation will have begun.


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