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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2015 in all areas

  1. I was doing good in church and I slowly slipped out. I've been thinking a lot about Jesus lately, to tell you the truth I never stopped. I just feel like a huge disappointment, and if I did get back into church then I would just disappoint again. I suffer from near crippling social anxiety, its horrible I'm to the point where all I want to do is sleep stay home and go to work. I can't even stand to have people over to my house, its so bad my sister moved here a couple weeks ago and she started wanting to come over to my house during the week I stressed out so bad over it I actually broke out in shingles. I stopped going to my church on more than one occasion all because when the pastor wife was in the pulpit she said in front of the church lets welcome back Brother "Cpanthers786". I would like to think God has a purpose for me matter of fact I wish he does. I just don't know how im supposed to serve him when i can barley speak to a stranger. I know through God all things are possible, im no fool I know this. Im lost and im hurting so bad right now it isint funny. Please pray for me please.
    1 point
  2. my prayers go out to Pastor Saeed.
    1 point
  3. I do believe that all this is basically the result of a very serious agenda concerning our liberty.
    1 point
  4. Glory To The KING Of KINGS~! And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. Acts 2:46-47
    1 point
  5. I do not look at prayer as a burden.I am communicating with my Father.God enjoys hearing from me and wants to take the burden off of my shoulders when I come to Him in need.He loves to hear my praises to Him and He loves to hear that I love HIm.He appreciated it when I thank Him for everything he provides in my life.I lean on Him heavily and I have faith that he hears every word that I communicate to Him so no.....it definitely is not a burden.God is in the driver's seat in my life I am in the passengers seat.
    1 point
  6. Praying~! Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalms 139:23-24
    1 point
  7. Thank you Matthew. I don't think with all that is going on with this already we need to bring it up here. What we as believers need to be doing is praying for these men and women laying their lives on the line for us everyday out in the streets of everytown and city. I have a friend who use to be a CHP, California Highway Patrol. Everytime Carl would come into the restaurant where I worked without his vest I would worry. Everytime they stop someone they are literally taking their lives in their own hands, never knowing what is going to happen. There is always going to be one who is "overzealous". But for everyone one of them there are a 100 that are just doing their job.Start thanking them.
    1 point
  8. zion, have you listened to his speeches following events like this? and even long before ferguson or baltimore, for that matter. he makes it clear that he believes that there is a lot of racism in the police departments. he defended the outcry against cops in the louis henry gates arrest. he said cops act stupidly. at the time he made that statement, he hadn't even been made aware of the circumstances of the arrest, and yet he STILL called them stupid. he made it clear that he was angry at the decision in the michael brown case, saying the anger is understandable. that black people (not black criminals, but black people) feel they are targeted by police, and that the problem is real.. black people are not just making it up. he talks about how black girls get harrassed more, jailed more, and black guys get convicted more and beaten more. he says the baltimore riots are about decades of inequality and injustice towards the black community. he sympathizes with "victims" who are injured or killed by police during the commission of crimes. and he blames the police for brutality. this is HIS narrative, and he's driving it. how do you not see that?
    1 point
  9. who's asking tit for tat, zion? asking for equal JUSTICE to be applied is not tit for tat. it's saying 'quit making this all about race'. and obama isn't turning a blind eye. he's actively (albeit passively) encouraging every bit of dissidence.
    1 point
  10. Sin is sin...if the Lord says no no it is ...an appereance of evil can do as much damage as doing evil
    1 point
  11. I was just about to abandon this post but you know what? I need to say it!!!! We should not be asking for tit for tat. We are so blessed to be children of a God who does not see only the colour of our skin, but made us fearfully and wonderfully. We are not just variant lumps of melanin walking around, its never right to judge one another in this manner, whatever our colour. It is in these times we are called to love our enemies. We are to be the example, holding the world to Christ's standard, not our own. Let's wake up to the tactics of the enemy, not be a part of them. We should be praying for God's mercy that those committing these acts would repent and turn to God, for they sin more against Him than anyone else. That black sheriff has the same destiny as all other murderers unless he repents. Same as the officers who committed the horrific acts in Ferguson. It's not too late for the Lord to touch their hearts and turn them to Himself. Obama may be turning a blind eye, but so have the many presidents before him and for too long. Think and pray on that too. I urge us all to see the individual, and not the statistics, as is the agenda of the enemy through the media that is fed to us through our screens. Don't let hate enter our hearts or let them be troubled. Let us not lose the testimony we have in Christ, but rather let us be one. Come on, Worthy family! I love you all.
    1 point
  12. Martin Luther King Jr, led the black protests for equality in the 1960's. His focus was of course black rights in a time when slavery had been abolished decades before, but blacks were not treated equally. Segregation was an issue because the blacks were segregated into poor neighborhoods, bad jobs, etc. But, I remember the last lines of Kings 'I have a dream speech'. And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last! I have always been impressed by that speech. King was dedicated to helping the black community, but in helping the black community, he did not lose sight of all people having the same rights. He fought for blacks, but remembered that suppression of any group of people was wrong, and as a society, he wanted all people to be free of suppression. Dr. King was a great man, and very unusual. In this world, people want to be better off then others. People are jealous of what others have. If a person is wronged the do not forgive but want their pound of flesh. People compare themselves to others, and are happy if they have better, but jealous of those who have more. Kings dream is a dream of the Kingdom, and won't really come true until the Kingdom is here on earth as it is in heaven. Today, we are living in a fallen world. But, what is sad, is that so many leaders do not have Kings dream, and protest to gain for their group by taking from others. They only care about themselves and won't care about others.
    1 point
  13. Praying, cpanthers. God Bless you. Your brother in Christ, KPaulG.
    1 point
  14. Well, if you intend to live for the lord, then unequally yoked relationship is not the answer. Christianity is unlike other religion whereby you just follow the tradition or prayer or you try assimilating both religion to one. And although your partner do not belong to Any religion for now, still it does not mean that it would be easier to get your partner to follow Christ. I am in an unequally yoked marriage. Although my husband is a wonderful person, whenever it comes to spiritual matter, we differ (Obviously) in many aspect. I do share the good news at times with him, nevertheless I leave it to God to guide him. I don't wanna choke my faith down his throat. But then, I do feel empty at times in the sense that I could never be one with him in Christ, I sometimes long for a Christian companion to express my faith. Currently i'm like all fired up for the lord but I cant like express them to my husband. Like me and him wouldn't have that same understanding. Oh also, I wasn't a Christian. I accepted Christ in 2003/2004. Sometime there. Both of us are from my former religion, Hinduism. So basically everythg is according to Hinduism but I'm a lone ranger Christian. So I would caution against unequally yoked relationship.
    1 point
  15. Praying Thank you Matthew , will dro p him a line
    1 point
  16. Praying For Our Nation And All The Precious Folk In Her May The LORD Jesus Bless Our Hearts And Turn Our Minds To His Peace And His Blessings In Jesus Amen~!
    1 point
  17. This verse should be taken in its entire context (vv 8-12). 8Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. 9(Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? 10He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.) 11And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Verse 9 is the key to understanding this passage. When Christ died, His body was laid in a tomb. However, His soul and spirit descended into "the lower parts of the earth" and remained there for three days and three nights. The lower parts of the earth refers to Hades, hence Christ says prophetically in Psalm 16:10 "thou wilt not leave my soul in Sheol/Hades" (unfortunately translated as "hell"). We know from Luke 16 that Hades had two compartments until the resurrection of Christ -- one was "Abraham's bosom" (the abode of the righteous dead) and the other was simply the abode of the damned. Those who were in Abraham's bosom were being held "captive" in Hades, since they could only ascend to Heaven at the resurrection of Christ. So when Christ "led captivity captive" He destroyed the power of Hades to hold the saints captive, by taking all of them to the New Jerusalem. This is what is meant when Christ said that He would build His Church and the "gates of Hades" would not prevail against it (Mt 16:18). These OT saints are also a part of the Church (Jew and Gentile in one Body), and the gates of Hades were destroyed when Christ rose from the dead and took all these captives with Him to Heaven. They are referred to as "the spirits of just men made perfect" in Heb 12:23. There is no "Abraham's bosom" in Hades any longer, so it is now reserved exclusively for the lost, who will await their final resurrection and judgement. There is also nothing in Scripture to indicate that Paradise was in Hades. That is a misconception. The other aspect of Christ's ascension and exaltation is that "He gave gifts to men". This refers to the spiritual gifts given to all believers, and those gifts could only be given when the Holy Spirit was sent down of the Day of Pentecost (and continuously thereafter). First we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and then He bestows spiritual gifts to all believers. The gifts mentioned in v 11 pertain to those spiritual gifts which are for the edification of the saints. We need to also be clear that the "apostles" (NT) and "prophets" (OT) now refers to the entire Bible, since they have all passed on and the written Word of God is complete. Therefore the gifts which remain with us are those of *evangelists*, *pastors* and *teachers* (in addition to a host of other gifts discussed in 1 Corinthians).
    1 point
  18. Blessings Icamen Welcome to Worthy,,,,,I believe we both attended the same computer school!!!!!!:LOL Humility is not something that seems to come naturally for most men(& women of course).......most people put much emphasis on their own importance,to be humble is the realization that we (as an individual) are not important at all,,,,,,,,,,what is important is what we do & say to have a positive effect in the lives of others and that it should always reflect Gods Glory,,,,,,,,,,,,,we must always give all the credit to God Almighty,He is our Source,our Everything,our All in All As Christians we have a common cliche we use frequently "As we decrease,Christ will increase".....that little cliche should be a focal point for us to live by,when we are fully committed to Jesus Christ ,we crucify our flesh & we are resurrected with Him that we walk in Spirit & in Truth,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the spirit man is very humble,it is in the flesh that pride & vanity lives..................Striving to walk in Spirit & in Truth,in Christs Perfection is our goal We can do all things in Christ Jesus,submitting to His Lordship,He will produce that "New Creature",,,,,,,A willing ,unobstructed ,unhindered,obedient ,open vessel that He abides in & works through,,,,,the servant that gives Him ALL the Glory,.............. With love in Christ,Kwik
    1 point
  19. They did what was considered marriage in the eyes of the community. It doesnt matter what rituals etc they did. What matters is that it is viewed as marriage.
    1 point
  20. It is wrong.They should remain separated in their own residence until after they are married.It is too close of quarters and too tempting for the couple to live in the same residence.
    1 point
  21. People in leadership, especially youth leadership, need to be careful to set a good example. Requirements for deacon, etc were that they have a good reputation both among Christians and in the community.
    1 point
  22. Oh heavens, Mam... The Jews had an exhaustive process, starting at engagement, where permissions are granted and then the groom to be and his father would go away and not be seen again until a place had been prepared for the couple to live... There were dowries... and so many other things taking place... all culminating in a ceremony and celebration that would last 7 DAYS with wine, food and various drink, night and day the whole time... It was a very complicated and extravagant event. Now as for Gentiles? i have no clue. Who knows. I don't even know if they did marry.
    1 point
  23. you have to get a group of protesters and rioters and looters together and burn down a few businesses to get any justice, jade, don't you know that?
    1 point
  24. Humble means lowly. It can mean poor, of low degree, the opposite of wealthy and rich. It can mean afflicted, modest. humbled means abased or brought low. A synonym is pitiable. ( Word Study Dictionary) Vine adds cast down. Perhaps it is deeply understanding how insignificant we are and undeserving of God's even noticing us, let alone of His grace. Meekness is a condition of the heart, an inwrought grace of the soul, and is chiefly directed toward God. It accepts His dealings as good and does not resist them. It is only the humble heart which is also meek. It accepts the verbal abuse of men as used by God to chasten us and/or purify us. In Gal. 5:23 it is associated with self control. It does not suggest weakness but rather is power under control. It is not occupied with self at all. (Vine) Perhaps it is produced by love for God and trusting His Character to use and bring good out of hardships we endure.
    1 point
  25. ~ Pray without ceasing. I Thessalonians 5:17
    1 point
  26. It's hard going...you will feel lonely for Christian company
    1 point
  27. For the record, I think it is unwise for couples to live together before they are married. However, it is absurd to say that someone is sinning because someone else thinks they are sinning. I don't live my life to please other people, I live it to please God.
    1 point
  28. We will know inside when something is wrong...the Holy Spirit will speak to our heart...Maggie
    1 point
  29. It violates appearances, yes. But worse than that, it's just playing with fire. It is unwise. Best thing to do is just go before the judge in their local court and tie the knot. Unless they aren't really planning on a future together. They could always have the formal ceremony anytime they wish. That said, it's their decision to make. Gathering advise from wise counsel is one thing so one can better know what to do is fine. But policing morals? Might as well give that up.
    1 point
  30. I believe the question arises -- isn't this breaking the understanding set forth in 1 Thessalonians 5, 1Th 5:22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.
    1 point
  31. I believe God wants us to pray from our hearts, not our minds. On some days, our prayers would be worship in manner, others may be requests, others may be a cry for help.
    1 point
  32. How does God want us to pray..... often..... Jesus recommended we go into our closet.... I think the point he was making is that we do so in a private way and just talk to him..... and I would say, take the time to listen.
    1 point
  33. We can pray sitting up,standing up,laying down,walking,on our knees,in our car,with our eyes open or closed.We can pray silently or aloud.The Bible says this about prayer: Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. The Lord says He wants us to come to Him in prayer as a child.That means a simple prayer and just what is on our hearts no matter how simple our request is.Sometimes a person is in so much distress that they can not pray.Then the Holy Spirit takes over and delivers what is on our heart to Him. The Lords Prayer is not a prayer we should recite to God.It is just an example.
    1 point
  34. Hi Bobeep Faith without real works is not real faith at all. It is only a matter of words . James is not saying we are saved +works . To believe this would be dishounering to the finished work of Jesus Christ. If we would be saved by faith + work there would be 2 Saviors _Jesus and ourself. We are not saved by faith of words only but by that kind of faith which results in a life of good works. Works are not the root of Salvation but the fruit,they are not the cause but the effect.
    1 point
  35. Jesus said to the thief on the cross 'today you shall be with Me in Paradise' remember paradise and Hades/ Sheol were visible to one another - as Lazarus and the rich man - so Jesus did show Himself to the fallen angels chained in'hell' and when He rose He took Paradise with Him to Heaven so those who die now do not go to paradise their spirit goes to heaven.
    1 point
  36. Jeb Bush is a little more conservative than Hillary Clinton but he's NOT a viable candidate. And, as several of you have said, ENOUGH of the Bushes. They are the past.
    1 point
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