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About martus

  • Birthday 09/18/1948

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    Jerome Idaho

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  1. The nearness of His coming, yes. But not the rapture. Interesting comment Sis. Care to expound? You did a great job before! the question should be are you ready when Christ comes not when he comes
  2. In revelation it mentions that a lot of sea creatures will die this spill will seem trival when that happens
  3. I thought it was from Isaiah but upon further study the s is not captilezed in old testament the word spirit refers to ruwach strons 7307 while in new testament it is capilized making personal or from the Holy Spirit the word comes from pnruma strons number 4151
  4. Revival starts in ones heart prayer then repentance then change of life confess sins do not sin no more revival has nothing to do with hype or entertainment repentence toward a life style of Holliness will bring revival
  5. As a pastor I must be in touch with what God is saying or the people will not hear I encorage my members to chck the Bible for everything I say and do . I do not want to be exalted or lifted up salvation comes from Jesus not a pastor .Dont be pastoed saved only Jesus
  6. most muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet i start there and find comman ground i plant seeds i have personally 3 to Christ we place seeds and hpoe it falls on good ground
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