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About Celticman

  • Birthday 10/21/1966

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    Newport, Oregon

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  1. Just an aside to the discussion... I do find it remarkable that those who profess to be such believers in science are the quickest to abandon that science when the proof they find does not match their ideology. Not sure why you would find it remarkable. One does not need to believe in science as it is based on evidence, and as more evidence is discovered, theories can be changes. Do you find that inferior to the dogma of religion where once one makes an assertion, it cannot be changed regardless of the evidence? If you think about it, it takes a great deal of "faith" to believe in Neo-Darwinism as the entire hypothesis breaks down rather quickly under the slightest examination. Granted, Darwin's "research" does not specifically state where life came from...the title of his book specifically states that he has found "The ORIGIN or Species..." And, granted, I have not read each and every paper which purports to describe and "prove" the origin of organic life on Earth, I have read enough to know that "natural" circumstances cannot be the answer as purported by Miller-Urey. I would invite you (and, anyone else for that matter) to read Dr. John F. Ashton's book "Evolution Impossible" for a concise rebuttal of the most fundamental contrivances of Neo-Darwinism and the misguided notion of abiogenesis. If all scientists believed in the "goo to you" hypothesis as stated by abiogenesis then ALL scientists would be Atheists. Clearly, all scientists are not Atheists. I, quite frankly, find the dogma of science (where the origin of life is concerned) to be inferior as there has be incalculable research devoted to an hypothesis that has seen NO advancement since the inception of the idea. There have been numerous ideas postulated, numerous anecdotes put forward, but not a single shred of evidence has been found to provide the answer that Atheists are hoping for.
  2. Just an aside to the discussion... I do find it remarkable that those who profess to be such believers in science are the quickest to abandon that science when the proof they find does not match their ideology.
  3. They aren't a rehash of the Urey experiments. They are completely new experiments. Life did arise from chemical compounds, whether you believe the bible, scientific evidence or both. Science: Life arose from chemical compounds Bible: And he created Adam from the Earth. Life still arises from chemical compounds...we are just a bag of chemicals... Oh, but they are a rehash of the originals. The original Miller-Urey experiments showed some "promise" but did not display the results they were hoping for. Mainly, the "living" sludge that was created very quickly died due to the conditions of the atmosphere. Also, it was determined that the sludge could not have survived for more than a couple of minutes due to the extreme solar radiation the sludge would have been subjected to because of the Earths atmospheric properties. So, the new experiments (these rehash experiments) were adjusted to compensate for what an atmosphere would need to be comprised of in order for the "living" sludge to survive. So, again, a failed rehash of the originals. As the experiments of Miller-Urey, Louis Pasteur and numerous others have come to prove, life could not have come about on Earth all on it's own and then have been genetically improved upon all on it's own...biogenesis and abiogenesis are not possible. IMHO...life is here on Earth as a result of intelligent design...period! We may be a sack of chemicals...but, we are a very well crafted blend of chemicals put together by a master chemist!
  4. Thanks to all of your for your advice...it will be a good education for me to get out and just attend as see what I find. I don't know anyone in the area so it will be hard for me to talk with friends there since I don't have any. However, I will attend a service or 3 and see what comes form it. And, of course, as God to direct my steps to the right place. Thanks again!
  5. I am currently seeking a church to attend and have a couple questions I'd like your opinions about. First, I want to find a church that really studies the bible and the word as it is written. With that in mind, what questions should I ask a potential pastor/teacher to find out what his views and his churhes views are on different bible topics? What questions should I ask to find out if they have liberal leanings and whatnot? Your help on this is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
  6. Ya know...I've said the Lords Prayer many, many times...I've had this problem for a long time not knowing just how to pray or what to say and how to say it. In all this time it never occured to me to just say the Lords prayer! Thanks!
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