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JCISGD last won the day on November 4 2010

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  • Birthday 04/10/1961

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    Hamilton NZ
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    Doing the will of God.

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  1. did you know that the exception Jesus gave is properly translated as fornication and not adultery? this is confirmed by His use of two different words. The KJV says "Whoever divorces except for forncation(Porenia), commits adultery (Mochecia). My spelling might be wrong but you get the gist of it? To allow remmariage makes a nonsense of 1 Cor 7:10+11 and Rom 7:2+3 Paul states that this the Lords command, presummably from Jesus` dirct teaching to him. How can Jesus both allow remarriage and also command husbands and wives not to divorce, but to remain single or reconcile? Again He says "whoever loves me, keeps my commandments" Why also did John the baptist preach against Herods remarriage, even to the loss of his life? Again He says "whoever
  2. Forgot to reply to your point about the head and tail. I agree Christ is our head, but when in reguard to the world or our enemies the bible says we are not to be wagged by the tail, but to be the head.
  3. hi Wingnut, if your at peace with your understanding its not mine to judge. What i meant about repenting was if a christian realises theyve done something wrong and sinned against God, then they need to stop that sin and ask forgiveness, which God will do. Salvation is not licence to sin. It is not conclusive that God allowed divorce, we are only told that Moses allowed it because of hard hearts. In those days men could treat women harshly and it was a mercy to have them "put away" these women rather than keep them resentfully. We do know that in Malachi God says he hates divorce and that Jesus over rules Moses. Those who point to OT practices to condone what they do, fail to realise that those in the old covenant did not have the "Light of the world" with them. When Jesus explained privately to His disciples, what he had said about divorce, they were so shocked they exclaimed "its better not to marry then". They would not have said such things if Jesus had allowed divorce as the Pharisee did.
  4. What can one person do? "One can put a thousand to flight" and "two ten thousand". When we pray down a revival, we can see thousands come into the fold n one day, and when two agree n fervent effectual prayer whole cities can be won. Dont lose heart brothers and sisters, its easy for God. The hard part is subduing and overcomng the world, the flesh and the devil untll the Lord reigns in us, then we WILL see revival on a scale not dreamed of.
  5. The characterstc`s of the adulterous woman are in direct contrast to that of the Prv 31 woman. She is loud, contentious, lacking discretion, cant stay at home and be at peace, gets at her husband like a "continual dripping", " She eats and wipes her mouth, And says, “I have done no wickedness.” she "pulls down her own house" and above all she dose not fear the Lord. Christans, both men and women should check all our beliefs and understandings with God, and keep an ear open for the still quiet voice of the Holy Spirit. It matters not what we beleve, it only matters what God says. Many wll be turned away on the day of addmisson because they would not hear Gods voice to them.
  6. The church is the head and not the tail, and God has always used out numbered people to defeat the wcked and show His power. Its true that the world is in rampant sin because the church has her hands tied behind her back because we have allowed sin into the camp. God will forgive all who repent, but He will not over look it. 2 Chr 7:14 says that for revival, Gods people must first turn from THEIR WICKED ways. While we are happy to feign humility and pray for revival, we are not so happy to think we mght have somethng wicked in our ways that needs repenting of, which is at heart pride. One of those sins in the church is divorce, which is unbelief and hardness of heart. Jesus dd not give adultery as an exception to divorce as many think in Mat 5:32 and 19:9 as these are in clear conflict with the rest of scriptures on the subject and the general tenor of the gospel. I wont be drawn nto arguement about this, study for yourself and seek the Holy Spirt to guide into all truth. If anyone wants to ask genune questions wth an open heart and mind, I suggest we take it to the controversial section.
  7. Does it matter what we believe? Gods word says mracles will follow those who believe Mk 16:15-17. Among other miracles, I saw several people walk from wheel chairs at a T B Joshua crusade in Singapore, but Jesus also said mracles are not proof of salvation of the recipient or the miracle worker. Matt 7:21-23
  8. Howdy Aaron, being from NZ i am often out of step with boards because of timezone, but i try to reply eventually. Feel free to send me a PM if you want.
  9. Early in my walk and as christian and as a previously immoral man, i determined to live free of sexual temptation, but 6 mths into this a "christian" who i accepted a ride from felt he had been shown something by God that he was to tell me. At the time i did not know it, but it was a lie from Satan and a seed that once planted caused many problems to come. In hindsight if i had checked with God, i would have heard His voice and been spared the darkness i endured before recieving light again. what Adam and Eve failed to do, was to take Satans suggestions to God and "Hear Him", but they acted on their own understanding, and we also can be prone to this.
  10. #11 i think i answered the OP in my first post. My position is that husbands and wives do not use Matt: 18:15-17 to settle disputes.
  11. Wernt the Romans were only placating the Pharisee`s demands? Either way its possibly true, as the "love of money" is the root of all kinds of evil.
  12. #7 in that situation i think the police should be contacted, as its not a dispute but a crime. The church leaders should also be made aware of the proceedings and details, and if they try to dismiss, cover up or play down its seriousness, i think it would mean they are in error. Once the abuser has gone through the legal process, they should then be willing to go before the church body as proof of accountability and repentance.
  13. The opposite of legalist, is antinomianist. This is the lawless person, of whom Jesus says does miracles and casts out demons but is not known by Him, and will not enter heaven. Both are wrong and not from God.
  14. hi Fez, yes thats right.
  15. Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord: A wife is not to depart from her husband But even if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. And a husband is not to divorce his wife. hi ninhao, the Lords instruction in to married believers via Paul in 1 Cor 7:10+11 covers this imo. My thoughts below. A believer must forgive or forfeit heaven, for there is no unforgiveness there. While Mat 18:15-17 is the process for believers to bring disputes into the light, it isnt to force another to accept our way, but a process to bring healing and resolve. Also removing ourselves from judging and leaving our dispute in the hands of God via the elders and body of Christ. It is a temptation in marriage to try to win a dispute by bringing in a third party to agree with us, but the third party in marriage and with other believers is God, who has already told us not take disputes to court.
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