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  1. You are right that we can never judge another person because we don't see their heart. But God's light seemed to shine through Mother Teresa and everything she said and did, reflected her great love for Jesus.
  2. Thank you for your beautiful words GoldenEagle. I especially appreciated your words about when things are going good. It's so easy to slip back and begin to trust ourselves and our circumstances. But you're so right...it is only an illusion of security. I'd never thought of it that way. The only true security I will ever have is God.
  3. Thanks for sharing Fez. What a great experience. It would be so wonderful just to be able to look up and see the beauty of the heavens with hundreds or thousands of stars. What a fabulous place to pray. My daily prayer is that I will be like a clear glass vessel that the Lord's light can shine through. And then I ask Him to please clean the dirty, filthy, smudgy glass that is me...so that His light can shine through it. Blessings, Kathy
  4. kakieanne

    Year 2012

    I agree. However, if anything does happen, there will be an increase in cosmic activity from the alignment. The False Prophet has already said that mid-summer 2017 is when these "climate catastrophes" will take place. This fits in line with the 10th Jubilee Mystery: 1517 - 1917 Ottoman Turkish Empire controls Palestine (1517 starts the 10 Jubilees). 1.) 1567 - Ottoman Turkish Empire control of Palestine. 2.) 1617 - Ottoman Turkish Empire control of Palestine. 3.) 1667 - Ottoman Turkish Empire control of Palestine. 4.) 1717 - Ottoman Turkish Empire control of Palestine. 5.) 1767 - Ottoman Turkish Empire control of Palestine. 6.) 1817 - Ottoman Turkish Empire control of Palestine. 7.) 1867 - Ottoman Turkish Empire control of Palestine. 8.) 1917 - British Mandate over Palestine (1917-1948). 9.) 1967 - On June 5, 1967 Israel began their six day war, (The War of Liberation - 1967) which resulted in them gaining control of the Western Wailing Wall of the Temple Mount. 10.) Feast of Trumpets 2017 - could possibly be the pre-tribulation Rapture (catching away) and the starting point for the re-building of the 3rd Temple next to the Dome of the Rock. The following study is based on the chronology of Edwin R. Thiele in his book: The Mysterious Numbers of the Hebrew Kings, which is considered by many scholars to have established the date of the division of the Israelite kingdom in 931 B.C. after Solomon reigned for 40 years. Most conservative scholars agree that Solomon began to build the Temple in 966 - 967 B.C. in his fourth year as king of Israel. (1 Kings 6:1) So he became king in 970 - 971 B.C. Forty years earlier his father David became king in 1010 - 1011 B.C. (2 Samuel 5:4-5) and forty years earlier, Saul became Israel's first king in 1050 - 1051 B.C. (Acts 13:21) According to Flavius Josephus - "Antiquities of the Jews" ( Book 6 - 13:5), it says that the prophet Samuel "governed and presided over the people... 18 years together with Saul the king." So the last act of Samuel being a judge over Israel was in 1033 B.C. (1051 B.C. + 18 years = 1033 B.C.) In (Acts 13:20) Scripture records that 450 years earlier, God gave Israel judges. Moses is no doubt the first judge of Israel. And his first act as judge was delivering his brethren out of the hands of the Egyptian slave master. (Exodus 2:14) That would put Moses' first act as judge at 1483 B.C. (1033 B.C. - 450 years = 1483 B.C.) In ( Daniel 9:24-26) the 70 weeks could also possibly be understood as 70 groups of Jubilee years (70 X 50 = 3500 years) (1483 B.C. + 3500 years = 2017 A.D.) That's fascinating. Thanks for all your info.
  5. My husband died five years ago and I remembered the Blessed Virgin Mary who was also a widow and yet I knew that God deeply loved her so I knew that even in my pain and sorrow God still loved me. I looked to the story of Naomi who lost her husband and both her sons and yet God still had a plan for her, provided for her and greatly blessed her. Five years later I can tell you that God never changes. He did have a plan for me...I live close to my church and am very active there and volunteer at a local homeless shelter two/three times a week. I love the people there and they bless me so much more than I bless them. The Lord has provided for me in so many ways including helping me to do things that I had no idea how to do. Like Naomi, I can also say, I have been greatly blessed.
  6. Israel didn't start the 1967 war. And Israel has given up land in the past for the promises of peace and received nothing...so I really hope that this time they don't give up one square inch of land.
  7. The American Episcopalean Church and the Canadian Anglican Church are one and the same. We are all part of the world-wide Anglican communion. We are called people of the Prayer Book and we love our Church service which nearly always includes the Holy Eucharist (Communion). Most of the people in my Church, including our three priests are Spirit-filled, Bible-believing, praying Christians. We have a wonderful prayer group, good Bible Studies and the sermons that we hear on Sunday morning are always based on the Holy Scriptures that are read that morning. Just because the so-called leader of the Episcopalean Church or the Canadian Anglican Church or even the Church of England says that he or she believes something -does not mean than I or we have to agree. Anglicans are a different breed - that's what I love about being an Anglican. In our Church we have high-Anglicans, low-Anglicans, Charismatic Anglicans and Evangelical Anglicans. We celebrate our common beliefs and respect our differences.
  8. How very, very sad. No one seems to notice or care that Israel is surrounded by countries whose primary goal is to wipe them off the map.
  9. I'm a brand new member and this is the first post that I have read. Thank you...it is all so true.
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