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Yzraela last won the day on June 24 2011

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About Yzraela

  • Birthday February 14

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    Maple Hill

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  1. ~Candice~: Yes, that's exactly what I was trying to say..... Another example is Rebekah... and when Jacob deceptively gained the blessing of Isaac.. Hey don't you just hate those catch 22 situations? I am very very hesitant to lie to bring about a greater gain, and the Spirit would have to be screaming at me like a banshee in order for me to defend my actions if I did it. However, I do believe there is scope in scripture, as we saw with Jehu, to (with absolutely pure motive, and direction from Him) lie in order to do what He commands. One place this has been discussed is whether or not we would tell the truth if there were a Jew hiding in our house during the holocaust. Would we lie to save a life? Probably, yes, but we would check our motives so often to make sure they were of Him, becoming almost paranoid about taking grace for granted. So yes, I think "sanctified transgression" may exist, but very rarely and not something that should form a regular part of our Christian experience. I'll probably be crucified for saying this . God bless Got your point.. Thank you, ~Candice~ - May God bless you..
  2. ~Candice~: Yes, that's exactly what I was trying to say..... Another example is Rebekah... and when Jacob deceptively gained the blessing of Isaac.. Jodetoad: Thank you... I need prayers...
  3. What do you mean by sanctified trangression? I'm sad for lying on something just to help some people dear to me.. When I confided this to my sister, she said what I did is a sanctified transgression 'cause I made them to help the poorest of the poor.... Can you help me figure this out, please? Please pray for me, too.......
  4. Dear Saints, Thank you so much for your time and great advice! I am going to delete this post tomorrow morning but I want you to know how much I learned from the wisdom God has given all of you!! I will forever thank God each time I remember you... Blessings, Yzraela
  5. @man... i hate to say this but i kinda agree with you there... :-( @Samuel.... that's really wise but she will hate me forever if i happen to do that... besides she's old enough to handle it... i don't know.. I will pray about this. @yod... my husband thinks the same way! Please continue to share with me your thoughts about this... I'll be offline for awhile but will check from time to time. Blessings, Yzraela
  6. Yup, thank's for the reminder. I heard it's now spreading in Asia. Praying.... Yzraela
  7. I love the Book of Psalms! Especially Psalm 145-150 :-) Every morning, my friends and I will meet up in free conference call and read the psalms together. I also love the Book of Proverbs and John - :-)
  8. Eversince I read the book "Safely Home", I've been wanting to learn how to speak Chinese so I'll be able to understand my Chinese brothers and sisters in Christ. Hopefully soon. Welcome!
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