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  1. You state an obvious truth. Jesus Christ is not God. He prayed to God as we do. He didn't do his own will, he was sent and the sender is greater The father is greater than I. He was born, that was his genesis,; beginning. He set aside his own will, he said why does thou call me good, there is none good save one, that is God Matt 27:18 all authority is GIVEN to me in heaven and earth. If he was God why did it have to be given to him? in 1 cor 15:20-25 or so after God has put all under Christ then Christ returns subject to God that God may be all in all. People run with blinders on to a few pet verses they do not understand, desperately clinging to those few misunderstood verses to substantiate what someone told them as kids. Don't believe the lie of the trinity. Trinity, triune, 3 in one etc etc. and all the terms used to describe them are made up and not biblical. Gods word is so clearly obvious but you'd never know that with all the wrong doctrine that is believed out there. Anyone out there awake?
  2. He went to the hades, the state of being dead. Hades and Sheol mean the same thing. The state of the dead. Untill being raised we all go there. Read John 3:13. There is only one man in heaven.
  3. Thats correct. Theos is capitalized and un-cap. Depending on usage. There are also uses where is is capitalized in the NT when it should not be most likely. Like when Jesus made reference to old testament men being called god or gods. Have to go, that is in John somewhere. There is a lot of confusion on this topic. Not in one place in the bible does our Lord Jesus Christ claim to be equal to God. In fact all authority he has was given to him which means he didn't have it in the first place. There goes co-equal out the window. He was also sent, mentioned it many times. The one sent is not greater than the one who sends.
  4. Whats the point? He is not the one of the Book of Revelation anyway. Get back in the bible and quit sensationalizing this worthless chatter. God Bless,
  5. 1 John 2:18 . Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. The word
  6. Everybody wants to hear this...too bad it isn't true. 1 John 5:16 NIV If anyone sees his brother commit a sin that does not lead to death, he should pray and God will give him life. I refer to those whose sin does not lead to death. There is a sin that leads to death. I am not saying that he should pray about that. This passage wasn't written when Jesus was on the earth in bodily form. The enemy is cursed and this world is cursed because of the enemy. If you decide to go to the enemy's camp and blasphemy Jesus Christ, betray Jesus Christ. Woe to the man that betrays Jesus Christ. Many people even so called christians are betraying Jesus Christ. Most even know when they have done it.. Look at Judas, he even repented and he lost his mind and committed suicide. If you decide to follow the footsteps of Judas...there is no hope and you will reap what you sow. Satan has been a liar from the beginning blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is a very eternal consequence. Denying Jesus Christ is not good but betraying Jesus Christ is a terrible, unforgivable, decision. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is to commit the unforgivable sin. Cain was the first to do this. People literally become children of the wrong god. This is permanent and cannot be undone. Jesus mentioned of course that some of the Pharisees were in this category; see John 8:40 --> It's not swearing so called. It is a commitment to one of the kingdoms of the world. In our day and time Politics, Entertainment, and education are three of the biggest areas influenced by these people. At the top of every religion sits one who is opposed to God. Christians cannot do this. We belong to God; forever and ever. Mentioned above someone said there is no such thing now due to Christs atoning sacrifice. That is not true. Man can still sin and in 1 John which is written to our day and time it says there IS a sin unto death. Read the bible please. Ron
  7. Why waste time worrying about it? What needs to be spread is God's Word. Teaching christians rightly and bringing new people into the family of God. Besides we are not living during the time period of the book of revelation. That is still future and it begins when christians leave. 1Thess. 4:13-18; 1Cor. 15:50-58 etc. People waste their time looking for "THE" antichrist. Don't waste yours, learn the trith of God's word, not the errors people try to force into it. God Bless you abundantly. Ron
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