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Chr Commando

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About Chr Commando

  • Birthday 03/01/1957

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  1. Fez is right on. Many times, its better to pray for God's will to be done, than for what we think or would like to see done. And then, have the faith to be patient in waiting on God's time and purpose for when He answers it. there will be times we have needs, but we must still seek God's help in his Will, not ours, for his answer for our need(s). God bless!!
  2. Well lets hold now- those who brought up OT teachings have changed, since god is now a God of love, compassion, forgiveness, allowing us in repentance to seek forgiveness. Fact is, as far as animals in general as pets, some can get loose by accident and cause harm. Around where i live, hundreds of pets have been just dropped off here, running around loose. Why? Who knows. The neighborhood takes care of them tho. Death. but a good number can end up in the pound. Even those who've attacked someone and not caused serious harm. If have, they are put down, if not, the pound. I've known diverse breeds of cats and dogs, who will only tolerate certain types of actions of humans with them, some like petting on the head but don't get close to thier tail rubbing down the back. Some dogs don't like being petted around the ears, some don't like it around thier shoulder areas, some don't like being touched around thier face, or grabbing or brushing thier tails, etc, etc. we had a pure bred chiwawa"- (check spelling). That dog, from as a pup to full adult, hated kids. I was really the only one who could rub her back, but only alittle, then better quit, or be bit. so, all breeds are different, besides how they are treated, when raised from pup age to adult. Not all are the same. But as said before, when first started, the whale situation was originally to help stranded ones. Now, since we've had some in captivity, certain groups have changed, to be greedy and seek making money from them. But, go to a zoo or other animal/fish place where they have trainers, and you'll find, those people understand thier risk dealing with wild animals in confined situations. They understand anything can happen. civilized man has had enough dealings with trying to domesticate wild creatures to know they can be turned on at any time. Andy is right, in the case of that woman trainer, killing the whale will not be a justification, since she knew the risks and chose to do so anyway. As such, while i also feel for her family, the daughter/trainer still chose of her own free will to interact with the whale. Thus, her choice, her responcibility. Well, as for "pitbull" dogs, they have been proven, if raised from pups to full adults without training them to fight or attack other creatures, they make wonderful pets. we can't hardly speak against that breed of dog, and not be against German Sheperds, Husky dogs and many other breeds, who've proven to be 'man killers" in the past by documented cases. It came down to investigations in the past life of the dog under its owner(s), how they were raised and or treated. Should we put down bulls who kill thier riders in rodeos? Even tho how do they get that mean when buck the rider off and gore them with horns and throw them like rag dolls? we don't put them to death. Instead, they become a greater challenge for an upcoming rider to defeat, don't they? even tho those bulls are electrically proded, sharply poked, spurred and more, to make them so very irritated and hard for riders to stay on. And its man who intentionally does that. For sport at that. I suggest people should consider all aspects of the environment things happen, past treatment, type of animal and more, before passing quick judgement on them. its not all thier fault in every case. God bless!!
  3. I agree about the cults that believe as was described. but... thats basically the way they have taught "soul sleep" to be, a state of "unconciousness". some teach our "spirit" is actually the literal "Breath" of God, which returns to him at our physical death. Others teach our "spirit/breath" stays with the physical body but on a subconconcious/unconcious level. this is where the "unconcious state" came from in relation to physical death, even tho Christ and God teach totally opposite. thats the point I was making. And that is a "spin off" from Oriental/Middle Eastern teachings such as Buhdism, Hinduism and others, that teach when we come to the end of our progressive physical existance and reach "Nurvana"- (check spelling), our spirit is like a mist or "spiritual essence", which exists on a spiritual plane, so that is why they teach everything is divine, and we are divine and become gods when die. God Bless!!
  4. No, there is no such thing as "soul sleep." Yes Jesus declared Lazarus was only asleep. But, his physical body lay dead in the tomb. The little girl a man came to Jesus and said was dieing was claimed dead as well by the time jesus arrived, but he said no, she was only sleeping. Fact is, Lazarus was physically dead, and so was that girl. The difference between them then and us now? As the story Jesus told of the richman and lazarus, there were two compartments to the OT Hell. One of torment, the other of comfort. Why? OT Saints could not go to Heaven, as the ultimate price for Salvation had not been paid. Animal sacrifice only "covered" sin, but never took it away. This is why the richman from the torment side, could see Lazarus at rest in the bosom of Abraham and even talked with Abraham. After Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to Heaven, now- "to be absent from the body, present with the lord." so Lazarus and the girl were both in the comfort side of Hell- (Paradise). "Today, thou shalt be with Me in Paradise". As for Jesus' perfected Glorified body after being raised from the dead, it was a body and was physically real. But... transfigured. Why? Even tho He'd passed thru a door, He approached Thomas and told him to handle him, touch His wounds and BELIEVE. So, it was His old original body, but in a transfigured state. also, Jesus declared- "ye do er, for man shall be as the Angels are". And then you have the spirits of dead Saints who appear under an altar at the opening of the fifth Seal in Revelation. They'd been there awhile already, because it declares they cry out for God to help thier loved ones still on earth, and how long God will take to avenge them. well, it states, God calms them, and gives them raiment- (clothing) to wear. You cannot put clothing on a so called body that has no solid structural form. Jesus spoke of both people being "asleep", as His intention was to raise them both from the dead. The original ancient meaning of the word used for "asleep" means deceased, dead, etc. Later translation groups added all the other interpretations to its meaning. God bless!!
  5. Remember what Jesus said about the Roman centurian who came and told Christ about his servant being very sick, as unto death, and asked Jesus to heal him? Jesus told the Centurion to lead the way to his home. The Centurion spoke i believe his home was not worthy of Christ to enter it, but if Jesus would just say the word, his Servant would be healed. Jesus declared that He had not seen such great a faith. That the Centurion's Servant was healed according to this man's faith. But, lets keep in mind, God shows, when Christ was on earth, some miracles seen, were for true restorations, healings etc, while other were to show breaking of generational curses, other for the unrighteously living- (sins) of a person and for "signs" to prove who Christ was. As for us, jesus declared once we recieved the Holy Ghost and Power, we would be able to do all things he had, plus more. But... we are not Jesus- (God in the flesh). Thus... it will be according to God's will, when and if its answered, according to his timing and purpose for all things on this earth. So..., it may have nothing to do with faith at all except for this- "Count it all joy, when ye fall unto diverse temptations, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye be found perfect and entire, wanting nothing." God Bless!!
  6. Hi everyone- Yes, earthquakes was one of the "signs' of being in the "Last Days". but I'm not concerned. Why? Jesus declared,. as time went on, all the signs he gave would wax worse. (Happen more frequently). Plus, he said they would happen in diverse places. I'd read reports in the last 12 years or so, of earthquakes of varying magnitudes happening in places they hadn't before. thats fine. Jesus spoke of it. But its not that we should get ready for doing God's work, but that we should already be doing it. Whats this idea we must be ready or get ready? The heck with that. Get out there and start now. God also speaks of idle hands being the work of the devil, and that we should not be lax in our living for and serving god. that means, we should already be out there doing what he teaches us now, not waiting to do it. God bless!!
  7. Hi everyone. If I may put my two cents worth in- Animals can think just beyond the general "animal instinct', because if you'd ever spent any time out in the wild, you'd have seen some of the things i have, of animals playing and romping around, they can learn things are good or bad- (dangerous), etc. no, its not on a level of "deductive reasoning" as man has, but on a more basic level. as for the whales etc held in captivity, if look back at the beginning history of man keeping the very first whale in captivity, it was because they found it stranded somewhere close off shore and tried to get it loose, but it kept coming back and got stuck again. so, they built one of the first large sea tanks for such to keep it alive. Some of the ones they helped to get loose later swam off out to sea, others were found stranded and nearly dead. thats where the original history of man keeping and holding whales and other sea animals first started. We must remember tho, thier ability to understand things is not equal to human standards, even tho are present at a more primitive level. Therefore, they do concieve of such to an extent. and there are documented testominies that can be looked up, of dogs, domesticated wild animals and more, which have gone after people who have demonstrated actions considered by the animal as threatening to thier masters. At the same time, any animal that was originally born in the wild and taken into captivity and domesticated, has been proven time and again, to see its "wild side" come out at times and attack people. There are no quarantees when dealing with such what may happen. Its personal choice wether to keep something like that or not as a pet. if so choose, its thier choice then, to accept consequences of any wilder side actions the animal/creature might supprisingly demonstrate out of the blue. It cannot be ignored nor rejected, it is documented as happened and is always possible to happen at any given time. But... there is always a "trigger" that sets the animal off to do such a thing. Like those circus pair "Sefried and Roid"- (Check spelling). Remember when a tiger they'paraded around for years, out of the blue, attacked the one partner and he is now walking again some, but was terribly tore up by the attack. He himself, a year after the attack, claimed it had to be something out of the ordinary that triggered their pet to do such a thing, having no prior problems of that kind with it before. But, as said, with any kind of animal, it can be set off to nip, bite or attack, if the "trigger" occurs that convinces it to, and thus, its every animal owner's choice to have to accept and deal with such, if should occur. Thats the nature of owning pets of any kind. God Bless!!
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