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Song In The Night

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Song In The Night last won the day on May 3 2011

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    The Holy Trinity,
    Surrendering to said Trinity,
    Loving my child.

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  1. That was very nice. You've been through alot. God bless you sister.
  2. Nebby, internet friends like you make me forget all about it though !! Thanks.
  3. Wow, thanx for posting the spoon theory Nebz. Like I said before, you know how to find things..... I have servere irritible bowel syndrome, bad asthma, severe back pains from a very physical job, and high blood pressure that caused a brain hemorage a while back. I know exactly how it feels to "ration" your spoons. If I do one thing, there's a good chance I will not be able to do another. I have to eat when I am not hungry just so I can take my meds. It takes me a while to get ready in the morning on bad days. I have to save most of my spoons for work, or I will be homeless again, so alot of days are spent just laying down. But all the while in the back of my head, I am counting my "energy" spoons. Did I save some of todays spoons to have extra spoons for tomorrow cause it's errand day, or laundry day. Oh wait, I haven't cleaned my apartment in weeks, I better save some spoons for that, or should I use them for that doctor appointment or the 2 hour wait in line to get my much needed meds ? All I know is, I BETTER SAVE ENOUGH SPOONS FOR ENERGY FOR WORK, FOR THAT IS TOP PRIORITY. Doesn't sound too bad, but the pain is. Really. I recently ran out of my asthma meds and was out for a whole day. It was 24 hours of one long asthma attack. The pharmacy screwed up again. And then there are some days when all at once are bothering me. Those are the days I have to dig into my utter most being and try to scrounge up a fork.....
  4. Song and dance. Usually kills a thread..... We need a "sigh" emoticon.
  5. Cary Grant......duh. I was gonna post that til I saw you had first ! We better not be wearing the same outfit too.
  6. Do you believe these words will sway anyone's opinions? Do you believe they will silence critics? Would it not be more productive if you could find evidence that the "layering" argument is invalid? Wouldn't it be more productive if you didn't try to talk down to people? How was I trying to talk down to anyone? And isn't what you just responded with called "blame-shifting"? Nebz, I had to leave a debate once with mg for this very same reason. She insisted I post proof of my info from a reputable source. And when I did she refused to acknowledge it. Yes, her style is rude and stuborn, and I know you had to clarify your statement, but if she contin
  7. You know, I really thought it meant a "straight" cut, as apposed to the "crinkle-cut" fries.
  8. Silly heads ! When the potatoes aren't naturally cut they have more calories in them.
  9. Just be careful it's not your neighbor with a really bad hangover.
  10. Oh, I thought the article was gonna be about an all female, alcoholic, satanic punk rock band from England playing on a roof top.
  11. I haven't been following this really cause, well, the reason is obvious. But hasn't anyone pointed out scripture to him that no man knows the day and time ? If so, what was his response ? And when his new calculation date rolls around, I wonder what his new excuse is gonna be. "Lucy, you got some splaining to do !" Oh it just now hit me why he's doing this !! He just wanted to be in the show !!!
  12. sigh..... Is the anger building up in me righteous anger or no I can't tolerate tolerance Must.... pray.... sigh......
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