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    art museums,painting, cooking, hiking and of course grandchildren and bible study

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  1. What a beautiful video that little girl stole my heart. I have always had such a soft spot for the homeless. I grew up very poor but was never homeless because my grandparents always took us in, I can remember at least twice we went to live with them. There is a strain on children when they don't have that security of a home that I can see in there eyes. It just makes my heart scream no, not so, this can't be. I wish I had a job like yours onelight. May God Bless you.
  2. We were misled into believing it was time to pull out our shorts and sandals only to have them now in the way in our closets.
  3. I think it's about half and half, she used to really make up things that were easy to find out the truth on, and then we would and some family members would call her on it, men in the family, so she respects them now(yeah I know), but now she has gotten wise to what she says and she doesn't do it as often. Especially when the boys are around. They come from a blunt family and will say it right out. I cannot however. I think sometimes she just gets her facts mixed up and says something that comes out untruthful, but not meaning to do so. I have watched her cry over things and go from being a young irresponsible parent to a good mother and I do care about her. She's been in my life regularly for 13 years. But what I can't deal with is her treating myself and others as though she has been perfect and doesn't make mistakes when we all do, and we know she did and does, and if she is modeling her life after me, I have no issue with that, except that it is my life and if she is going to copy me word for word on things, and develop my attitudes then don't turn around and be nasty to me when you get a chance. I really do need to seek the Lord, I am always worried about it being gossip, but I just don't know how to handle her. Wow, it sounds like she idolizes you and behind that is some jealousy with a history trying to deceive everyone. Try to focus on the fact that God placed you right where he wants and has allowed you this trial and claim it as one of your trials. Praying peace for you in this.
  4. I feel that this article is telling us that this writer was writing of truths that was unknown at that time ,hence totally God inspired.
  5. Do you think she knows that she is lying? I know someone who really believes her thoughts are real. She has memories of childhood that never really happened. Sometimes I call her on it and say I don't remember it that way but other times it just seems sad. Do you know if this person does the same to other people? I pray you find peace with this situation. May God bless you.
  6. Hi sammm, Welcome to Worthy. I would like to ask you to please talk to your wife. I wouldn't want my husband to deal with such feelings alone. She needs to have the opportunity to help or support you in this. Remember you aren't going through life alone, God has blessed you with a helpmate, it may just be her turn to be the strong one and be there for you. Just remember God so loved the world He gave His only son. I believe he still loves the world just the same. I pray things will turn around for you real soon.
  7. I'm shocked too and a little suspicious, wondering what the motive of the UN was for backing Isreal this time.
  8. I think you will remain on the shelf as long as you are in denial of your own willfulness and deliberate disobedience. Once you realize that, and you have suffered from the separation of not being worthy to be used by him, maybe then is when God will remove you from the shelf and put you back into His service. He is merciful and patient and will never be fooled by anything less than true repentence. I agree with Dr Stanley and have found much respect for his teachings.
  9. I just watched a good movie on netflix "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" . It was a story about the friendship of two young boys who became friends through the fence of a concentration camp. It is worth the time if you would get a chance to watch it.
  10. Thats what I was thinking. He really didn't look old enough for all that. This was so cute.. good post.
  11. I wonder where he is going to get his references for this book??????
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