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About crybaby44

  • Birthday 12/24/1966

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    mid Missouri
  • Interests
    gardening, photography,hgtv, staging and decorating, working outside with my hands, nursing

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  1. I know and saw my father on his deathbed and after he'd had no sign of life but a very minimal pulse and BP, the day before he died, started praying and talking to Jesus for a few minutes then stopped. He was never able to talk to anyone for 3 days before or after he'd done this but we knew the Lord and his angels were already ministering to him as The word says they do. Who are we to say he wasn't already in the presence of Jesus somewhere. There would have been no reason for the boy to completely die if the Lord had other plans for him still on earth. The bible says that in the last days your children will have visions,prophesy etc.. so I am sure we can't limit what he has for us with what our previous generations have experienced. Lets just say I am cautiously optimistic to some of these experiences. I would not want to deny the spirit by saying it can't be true nor could I say everyone else must believe this boys account.
  2. Fair enough. I did not see anything in the book that would have not been possible. I understood that he may have been right on that edge, but maybe I am very trusting of people, especially 4 yr olds. Didn't mean to rub old wounds. It"s also a matter of faith. The story meant for those who are ready to receive its meaning just as from any message you feel the Lord meant for you.
  3. I absolutely believe everything this little boy is saying. The book (his story) matches up with the Bible and his parents deliberately tried not to coax any words that were not his own. He appeared on GMA last week and i decided to check it out. It is so comforting for anyone who has lost a baby, loved one or who finds themselves at the end of there life. I feel God wanted it simplified as only a child could describe. The parents describe how their little boy who had an emergency operation to clean up a burst appendix. Medical personel never told parents anything about the boy dying on the table. They find out little by little as the boy starts telling them about things he could not know. He sat on Jesus's lap and describes his eyes as so pretty. He met his big sister that he knew nothing about. She had been a miscarried child at 2 months gestation and this little boy shocks his mom (who never told the kids) by telling her that his sister looks just like his older sister except with dark hair. It is a ten dollar book from Walmart but worth a million. I would like to hear anyone else's take on it or would love to answer questions about the book.
  4. Oh Amen! I am praying for the lost souls in Japan as well as the rest of world! I hope that Jesus comes back soon, I am tired of living down here; I am also praying to live longer so that I may win many to the Lord. You see, I, like Paul, am in a 'twixt between two' - (Philippians 1:22-26) "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 22But if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour: yet what I shall choose I wot not. 23For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better: 24Nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you. 25And having this confidence, I know that I shall abide and continue with you all for your furtherance and joy of faith; 26That your rejoicing may be more abundant in Jesus Christ for me by my coming to you again." I do not count my life on earth as anything dear to me; For if I die, I have nothing to lose and all to gain, but if a sinner dies, he has all to lose and nothing to gain. Jesus is coming soon folks! We cannot be spiritual couch-potatoes! The harvest is plenty but the labourers are few. I have made up my mind about wasting time, the trumpet's about to blow! Come quickly Lord Jesus! AMEN and Ditto. I crave to go home with him and I'm only 44 yrs. old. I have seen everything fall right into place for the past 10 or more years and have warned my family, but never felt as eminate as in the past two years. A year ago I urgently felt his spirit telling me I have wasted too much time, there isn't much time left and there is much to be done. I asked Him to use me how He will . He jerked me out of my unfullfilling high paid management position so fast it made my head spin and put me back in my gifts serving others in great need . He brought me into the lives of four family's through my private duty nursing and they have unbelievable problems of every kind . I don't know where to start. I ask for a new perspective with each one and the Lord just gave exactly that. I just pray that he gives me the right words at the right time. They are so lost. The young 21 year old cerebral palsy patient (girl) I care for can't talk but she prayed with me while I pray aloud for her family today about replacing their depression with that joy. I don't think anyone has ever prayed with her but her Mom says she's happier with me than she has been in years. Such a blessing to me she is. It is important to be real with these people and without judgment. God has given me unspeakable joy in the midst of these ugly surroundings and situations that I might live out that joy in front of them. If they only knew what was coming.
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