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    the here and the hereafter

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  1. it is exactly as Jesus said and literally meant that He is the actual/literal light of the world and the colour of the world also viz the painter of the fruits and flowers and the rainbow also - twinc
  2. yes who spoke to Moses and actually gave him the ten commandments written on stone tablets as often depicted - twinc
  3. this will be answered shortly - meanwhile anyone else care to lighten or enlighten - twinc
  4. sorry about that Morning Glory - you see according to Evolutionists, Dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago before man and other animals and plants and animals and birds found buried alongside and along with them, even evolved - sorry about that so please take me out of the queue - twinc
  5. it seems we are on a merry go round even as we get off one horse we mount another but still on the same merry go round imho - twinc
  6. the question was did Jesus Christ give the ten commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai - twinc
  7. I did not say Christians but for so called born again Christian back sliders via google see [Hell's best kept secret] - twinc
  8. so how does that answer the question - do not get upset if you do not know the answer - twinc
  9. well since you ask - water finds its own level after a while especially after 40 days and nights of consistent heavy rain and especially as those who would deny the Flood and the six days of creation insist that those 40days must have been forty thousand years or more - twinc
  10. young earth not old earth and millions of years of evolution = mission possibly accomplished - twinc
  11. it seems Einstein supposedly stated that he had no idea where light came from and would spend the rest of his life trying to find out but alas and sadly it seems he never did and yet it seems some would have us believe they know - as Christians we know that God is light and Christ is the light of our world - any comments - twinc
  12. did the I AM who was before Abraham as the I AM of the burning bush give the ten commandments to Moses and to us[Matt.19:17] to keep - twinc
  13. it is well known that most would claim to be born again but over 75% are backsliders proving the point made by Jesus that it is simply very difficult if not simply simply impossible for adults to simply simply believe - so how did He resolve this dilemma as done and finished - twinc
  14. Jn.3:5 says water and the spirit - so Christians do not have to be born again - twinc
  15. Nicodemus was not a Christian - twinc
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