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Everything posted by ejected

  1. Here I go a risk! Many christians have compromised with the junk in Hellywood movies. Could be something you possess like Indian religious trinkets, or catholic art and trinkets, etc.. Idols all. Spirits can attach to them. Anything of a spiritual nature in a movie or book. Music is another culprit anymore. Artists actually sell their souls to the devil for a successful career. A lot of christian musicians have incorporated new age symbology on to their cd covers. Possible foothold for the demonic. Many churches now embracing the homo deal, Islam, new age, and the pope as the NWO church head. If u r in any of these gatherings, RUN! Definately seek God about this.
  2. Appreciate your comments. Could talk about bodily function humor that seems to be a christian staple but the last time i brought that up, i got blugeoned to death. I was going to spell it out, first letter-space-last letter but i cant even do that let alone spell it out completely. Rhymes with cart. Nuff said. Just wish christians would stop using that word. And the B word. You know, 'get your B over here'. I hate it.
  3. We really need to pray for one another and the whole ekklesia. We have given to many Christians over the years and to many non-christians. Sad to report that the most grateful and thise that express gratitude are the non-christians. Have you noticed that as well? I believe its several things. Ill mention one. The trials of life, the weariness of just trying to stay ahead may be a reason for this phenomonon. Any thoughts?
  4. I get you. But there is no glamour. About a bag lady.
  5. Im sorry, you misunderstand. Its a christian movie.
  6. Beautiful. Thanks for that.
  7. I belong to CHM, Christian Healthcare Ministries. I get a list of people that need prayer every 3 months. We are told to send them any king of support. I have noticed a lot more christians are coming down with cancer in the last couple of years. Thats a topic for another time. Here's my question. Is it a good idea or not to send these folks a book or a movie where the character in the story gets healed of cancer? Do you see what I mean? Is that being insensitive or is that giving encouragement? I know we are to be led by the Spirit for sure but i'd like to hear anybody's opinion on this. Thanks.
  8. Loose lip christians. I hear this a lot. You hear this a lot. Are you guilty of over looking the second commandment? 'You will not take the Name of the Lord God in vain.' Im talking about the one liner 'oh my God!' This is used for any occasion. Trouble-excitement-humor- it just slips out here and there and everywhere. It is not a prayer, or worship moment. It is a non conscious expletive in the adjective sense. Its degrading to God and a bad witness to the lost. A careless pronouncment that needs to be repented of. Blasphemy. For sure.
  9. So it is clear from scripture that God forsook the church....as we know it, as we call it. And it is what we call it. A physical building. We even boast in some cases about our fine, well designed 'building'. "Where do you go to church?" proves we esteem some building as the 'church' that we must not forsake. And if a christian is 'not going to church', Hebrews 10:25 is pulled like a gun and the non building attender may get pistol whipped. Mark 13:1-2 As He was going OUT OF the temple, one of His disciples said to Him, "Teacher, behold what wonderful stones and what wonderful BUILDINGS!" And Jesus said to him, "Do you see these great buildings? Not one stone will will be left on another which will not be torn down!" Titus ' Roman army saw to that in 70 a.d. Acts 7:48 Howbeit the most High dwells not in temples made with hands... Psalms 118:22 The Stone that the builders refused is become the Head Stone of the corner. Mark 14:58 We heard Him say 'I will tear down this temple which men have made, and after three days I will build one that is not made by men'. 1Peter 2 :5 you also as living stones are built up as a spiritual house (building). Each stone alive with spiritual gifts and functions. In organised temples today, they are required to 'sit on it'. vs.7 the stone the builders disallowed. Jesus. Not quite good enough, so men start the building programs in third century to restore that which God had destroyed. Let me say this. A place to gather is good. But what has been built has disallowed Christ as Head, and replaced Him with a preeminent man. See: 3John. And has shut down the functionality of the every member particupation. In a word, killed the 'lively' stones. Three days later He raised up His own body as the temple. There after, His followers became part of that temple, a dwelling place for God.....the true 'church', ekklesia. So we fellowship with one another, 2 or 3 gathered together, wherever. The prohibitive stones and motar have been removed. But only for those that get it.
  10. .....each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification. 1Cor. 14:26 In my 44 years as a christian, ive seen only one 'church' operate this way. And i've been in plenty. Why is that? Isn't this God's word? Maybe it's not a command. Hold it. Wait a minute. 'If anyone thinks he is a prophet or spiritual, let him recognize that the things which I write to you are the Lord's commands. But if anyone does not recognize this, he is not recognized'. 1Cor. 14:37-38 Sounds like if believers don't recognize vs. 26, which most 'churches' do not, then those 'churches' should not be recognized. So i hope someone answers this rather than just delete it. Also many people believe that a religious looking building is the 'church'. If that indeed be the case, how can a church building fit inside a house? A big house it would have to be. But that still raises the question, why would anybody, in their right mind that is, want to put a building inside of a house and then call it a 'church?. Col. 4:15, Romans 16:5, Philemon 1:2, Acts 5:42, 1Cor. 16:19, Acts 20:20, Acts2:2. Just wanna know. Silly me! Edited 1 hour ago by ejected Quote Edit Be free! Be blessed! ejected Senior Member Senior Member 421 722 posts Gender:Male Report post Posted 1 minute ago · Hidden So it is clear from scripture that God forsook the church....as we know it, as we call it. And it is what we call it. A physical building. We even boast in some cases about our fine, well designed 'building'. "Where do you go to church?" proves we esteem some building as the 'church' that we must not forsake. And if a christian is 'not going to church', Hebrews 10:25 is pulled like a gun and the non building attender may get pistol whipped. Mark 13:1-2 As He was going OUT OF the temple, one of His disciples said to Him, "Teacher, behold what wonderful stones and what wonderful BUILDINGS!" And Jesus said to him, "Do you see these great buildings? Not one stone will will be left on another which will not be torn down!" Titus ' Roman army saw to that in 70 a.d. Acts 7:48 Howbeit the most High dwells not in temples made with hands... Psalms 118:22 The Stone that the builders refused is become the Head Stone of the corner. Mark 14:58 We heard Him say 'I will tear down this temple which men have made, and after three days I will build one that is not made by men'. 1Peter 2 :5 you also as living stones are built up as a spiritual house (building). Each stone alive with spiritual gifts and functions. In organised temples today, they are required to 'sit on it'. vs.7 the stone the builders disallowed. Jesus. Not quite good enough, so men start the building programs in third century to restore that which God had destroyed. Let me say this. A place to gather is good. But what has been built has disallowed Christ as Head, and replaced Him with a preeminent man. See: 3John. And has shut down the functionality of the every member participation. In a word, killed the 'lively' stones. Three days later He raised up His own body as the temple. There after, His followers became part of that temple, a dwelling place for God.....the true 'church', ekklesia. So we fellowship with one another, 2 or 3 gathered together, wherever. The prohibitive stones and mortar have been removed. But only for those that get it.
  11. How is it not bothering you? Its being pushed on to school students as young as 6. How is it not bothering you? This is being pushed on students as young as 6.
  12. I agree. God's giving him wisdom and how to navigate the demoniacs of the swamp. He aint doing to aweful bad seeing he's up against enemies within, enemies without. Keep praying for him. Thats his best support.
  13. If they haven't locked up the 50 year old man yet, and they won't, what makes you think they'll lock up a 25 year old who identifies as a 62 year old? Enquiring mind still wants to know!
  14. If a 25 year old identifies as as 62 year old, can he draw Social Security? Enquiring mind wants to know. I mean if a 50 year old fat, ungly man can identify as a 6 year old little girl, and all the libs are giddy with celebrative glee, then why not? I just wrote the SS ofice and asked if anyone has tried yet.
  15. 2Peter 2:1-3 But there were false prophets, too, in those days, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will cleverly tell their lies abot God, ..........and because of them Christ and His way will be scoffed at. These teachers in their greed, will tell you anything to get hold of your money. ........thr Living Bible
  16. James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this. To visit (take care of) the fatherless and widows. In their affliction........ The Livimg Bible: The christian who is pure and without fault, from God the Father's point of view, is the one who takes care of orphans and widows...... It does not mean 'take from the widows' but 'take care of the widows'. Devouring widows houses must mean something. I was in a church building where tithing was sacrosanct. At the end of the meeting there was this poor woman running around looking for her free loaf of bread the church gives away. She had paid her tithes, now she was afraid of missing out on her 99 cent loaf of bread. She depended uppn it obviously. Why does that bother me when it doesn't seem to bother anybody else. I am told that i am misguided. Am I?
  17. My point. The man made tradition of tithing is just that. Made made. could put you under a curse' see: Galatians 3:10. Be free of the cherished traditions of men. Help the poor in your group.
  18. Shoo fly shoo. One fly in your glass of milk? Goodbye milk. Ecclesiastes 10:1 Dead flies make a perfumer's oil stink, so a little foolishness is weightier than wisdom and honor. (A bit of falsehood negates a truth). Paul said ' we are not like those that corrupt (peddle for profit) the word of God..' 2Timothy 4:3-4....itching ears....turn from truth to fables... Romans 16:17-20. Watch out for those that create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that u have been taught.... 2Peter 3:16. Some things the unstable twist to their own destruction... 2Cor. 11:14-15. Servants of satan appear as ministers of righteousness... 1Tim. 4:1. ...some departing from faith following teachings of demons.... Galatians 1:6-9. If anyone comes to u with another gospel, another jesus, another spirit.....let him be accursed. 2Timothy 2:15 do your best.....rightly handle the word of truth... Acts 17:11 examine the scriptures to see if these things be so. 2 Timothy 3:16. All scripture profitable for TEACHING, REPROOF, CORRECTION, and for TRAINING IN RIGHTEOUSNESS. A fly in the buttermilk? Answer. Keep the lid on the crock. Make sure of your surrender, that it is total, then study with the help of the Holy Spirit. Seek and you shall find....truth. When u hear someone espousing from the word and u get a RED LIGHT, gut ache, reject it, run. This, only if you have surrendered to Jesus 100 percent. You will hear His voice and not another's. My sheep hear My voice. John 10:27-28
  19. ejected

    Two Kings?

    501c3 Allegance to the state. Pastor cannot endorse a candidate that is anti abortion. If he does, he'll lose bis tax exempt status. A lot of money lost.
  20. Again we have thousands of denominations competing. Operate in the flesh instead of in the Spirit and thats what you get. The word is not unclear in this matter.
  21. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying unto the ekklesia. Revelation 2:7, 2:11, 2:29, 3:13, and 3:22 Jesus is implying that there are those in the ekklesia (church) that do not have ears to hear the Spirit. This is cause for alarm. This is serious. This is life and death. And if the ones who are without ears are in charge......well what could possibly go wrong? This makes my heart sick. Seek God on this crucial matter. To him that overcomes, Jesus will give to eat of the tree of life. Rev. 2:7
  22. 1Peter 4:7-8 be thoughtful of prayer. Most important continue to show deep love. I want to apologize for not seeming to have a whole lot of love when i make my case for the body function according to scripture. Its for love that i shine the light of truth on this subject. May not appear so. I admit that i get a little stressed when my words seem to fall to the ground. News flash: im not 'perfected' in unconditional love. But i am sincerely striving for it. Thanks for listening.
  23. WE´ve LOST CHRISTIANITY by Andrew Strom Despite the thousands in our megachurches today, soaking up the warm entertainment offered to them every week, I want to put it to you that we have lost Christianity. Despite the Christian books now found in every Walmart, and the "crossover" of Christian artists into the mainstream, and our Christian mega-stores and CD´s and DVD´s and Study-Bibles, I want to put it to you that we have lost Christianity. Despite our lavish Cathedrals in the suburbs (`Charismatic or not) with their pastel hues and comfortable pews, their projector screens and $30,000 sound systems, I want to put it to you that we have utterly lost Christianity. We left it behind somewhere when we shifted our churches from the inner city into the "comfortable" suburbs. We left it behind when we stopped welcoming the bums off the street into our meetings and started welcoming only the "respectable" people. We left it behind when we stopped preaching "take up your cross" and turned the gospel into a success formula - `Seven Steps to your Best Life Now.´ Somewhere in our comfortable suburban streetscape with its manicured lawns we lost the real thing. Somehow in our concern for "property values" and a better `dental plan´ we left it behind. But that is not the worst part of it. The worst part is that we don´t know how to get it back again. Or perhaps we don´t really WANT to get it back again. The cost simply doesn´t bear thinking about, does it? And so, as we drive around in our nice shiny cars with our groovy plastic toys, and attend "church" as we know it twice a week for 2 hours;- As we live a life that is about as unlike Jesus as you can get, a life of comfort and coddling undreamt of by billions around the world;- a lifestyle in the top 10% of the earth today (-in debt up to our eyeballs all the while) - the fact is that we don´t really CARE that we have lost original Christianity, do we? We are too busy, man. Don´t bother us with that kind of talk. It will all be OK, the preacher tells us. We will all make it to heaven in the end. We are all "decent" people here. We have "prayed the little prayer". We have `given our heart to the Lord´. But wait - what is this? "Not every one who says unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? and in your name have cast out demons? and in your name done many wonderful works? And then will I say unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity." -Mt 7:21-23.
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