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Everything posted by ejected

  1. A great study. Unique soil samples of the Grand Canyon can be found on the coast of San Diego. A quick wash out canyon by the flood.
  2. ejected


    “Look, I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing in the place of honor at God’s right hand!” Then they put their hands over their ears and began shouting. They rushed at him and dragged him out of the city and began to stone him. (Acts 7:56-58 NLT) You and I, on the broadest basis of the Christian life, are here... to represent a check; and because we are here for that, we shall be called "trouble makers." In a very real sense we shall be trouble makers. The trouble will focus itself upon us, and we shall have to suffer for it. The very fact that you are jealous for the Lord will bring you into conflict with that trend that there is in this world, in man.... When there is the purest testimony, the fullest expression of what is of God, the heavenly over against the earthly, the spiritual over against the carnal or the natural, the enemy gives a turn to things, a twist to things, and lays the responsibility at the door of a spiritual and a heavenly ministry. He says: "You are the cause of all the trouble – you are the troubler!" But no. The trouble lies deeper than that, and in another realm. The truth is, there is something here that, in its very nature, must create trouble, must be a source of trouble, so long as God's known will, His revealed mind, is being violated; while the full expression of God's purpose is being withstood. To bring in something that stands for that, there is going to be trouble. It is a costly thing to have seen God's full purpose and thought concerning His people. It is always a costly thing. The Lord Jesus set a very vivid example and object lesson of this truth right in the foreground, in the incident of the man born blind (John 9). There is no doubt that the Lord intended that man to represent Israel and Israel's condition at the time. He gave that man sight – and what happened to the man? "They cast him out," that is all; they cast him out, they excommunicated him (v. 34). That is an object lesson, an instance of this very thing. If eyes have been opened; if, in any sense – not officially – you have become a 'seer' – one who sees: it is going to cost you a lot, it will involve you in a lot of trouble. This matter of 'seeing' does that. It was Elijah the Seer, over against the blindness of Israel. It is a costly thing to be a spiritual man or a spiritual woman in this universe. It is a costly thing, yes, very costly, to hold to a heavenly and spiritual position. It is a costly thing to hold for Christ's full place; it involves you in trouble. It is a costly thing to have light – if it is true light, God-given light. It is a costly thing to have Life. But remember, it is here, in this, that the power is resident. By T. Austin-Sparks from: Jealousy for God
  3. This morning in all the 'born again' churches in America folks gathered together and took turns sharing their gifts and functions, everything decently and in order..new testament style, Praise be to God, Jesus back in charge.....aaaa.....well.....not so much! Why is that?
  4. Has anyone mentioned their pro LGBQT stance? Homo marriage stance? Full support. Started out with false notion about water baptism. And now. Lo and behold. Deceptions have away of begetting other deceptions.
  5. I looked up the hebrew for destroy and destruction and came up with annihilation. 'its a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God' speaks of the horror of judgement, but to torture someone forever seems strange. An individuals sins of a short life time doesn't compare well with all of mankind's sins Jesus suffered a few hours for. The pilot that was burnd alive in a cage took a few moments to bring death. We were all horrified. But God is going to extend that burning for all eternity, no letting up and He is not horrified? So if we are horrified about torture, does that make us unholy? Should we be just fine knowing grandma is screaming in flames of fire? Jude 1:7 Sodom and Gomorrah......suffered the punishment of ETERNAL FIRE. Those cities suffered the results of fire and brimstone.....destroyed eternally. The fires are not still burning but the cities are still gone.....forever. Im sure their smoke is still rising as a testimony. In Christ only is eternal life. Those that have not Christ, have not eternal life.
  6. Giving thanks continually after all the praying is in. Even if your world is turnd upside down. In everything give thanks for this is God's will concerning you. And thank Him for His promises to deliver. All His promises are yes and certain.
  7. When i first got saved i called up these 'church of christ' guys that had a tv show. I debated them. I asked this guy the question 'are you sure you are saved? How do you know?' He answered ' i've done it all, thats how i know'. I said ' thats the problem. You've done it all '. End of conversation.
  8. Yes, i heard this. Probably have to pay with their lives. Ive been praying for the muslim world for a long time.. I know others are. Thank God its working.
  9. Im teaching what Jesus taught. No envy in that but rather freedom. Freedom from religion. Set the captives free. For freedom He set us free. Gal. 5:1 Besides. There is no way i could be envious of maggots. I pulled the lid on our garbage can a few times and found hundreds of maggots wiggling away. Made me sick to my stomach. Now about the titled high seat sitters.....need i expound. Jesus words need to be taken seriously. He is Whom we have to do. Hebrews 4:13 Please re-consider. God bless.
  10. In Matt. 23:6 it tells us that certain ones love the chief seat in the synagogue. Who is it talking about? In verse 9 it say to call no man faheror pater which means ' an honorific title'. What would be an example of a title of honor? And in verse 12 it says why these things are not allowed. Pride/arrogance/ego. 'And whoever exalts himself will be humbled'. Upper seat with a religious title of honor. What's Jesus tslking about here? It gets worse. The hebrew word for self exaltation is ramam, or full of magots. Am i missing something here?
  11. Someone said that preachers cant depend on God for a miracle yet the widow woman who had nothing is suppose to. How does that work?
  12. You are right as rain. I don't deal with the little things, only a big one. First century ecclesia that turned their world upside down in contrast to todays 'church' that has been turned upside down by the world.
  13. Overseers/elders are not to lord it over His heritage. Folks are to submit to their teachings, be persuaded by them. We are to submit one to another as as far as the Holy Spirit dwells in each of us. Elders are not our lords and masters. God is our Lord and Master.
  14. That verse doesnt prove the monologue sermon. Preaching is testifying/witnessing. Teaching is done in the believers meeting.
  15. I'll answer it. See: 1Cor. 12 and 14, Ephesians 4, and Romans 12. Elders teach the newbies unto maturity then cut them loose to use their own gifts and functions. Rather than just warming a pew for the rest of their lives. Thats all we're saying. Its a body with many parts with many gifts all used to edify the whole.
  16. Whats goong on hear is a misunderstanding. Teaching is part of this deal. But so is an every member participation meeting. No one is saying there is no place for teaching.
  17. Give us one example of a monologue sermon.
  18. Monologue and dialogue. Apples and oranges. Paul taught in the context of a dialogue. Folks could ask questions, debate. Like the modern sunday school. Thats closer to the mark. Monologue sermons were derived from the Grecians who spewed their philosophical rhetoric. Athens was noted for this.
  19. I use the word of God to correct. I get accused of bashing when i do. Also the 'how do you like them apples' line seems like a smart alek.....but its possible this person has had enough of everyone bashing anyone that actually uses scripture to describe what the NT assembly looked like. Im just saying. God bless. Lets keep it civil. Smile.
  20. Now if i had used that tone id be warned. How does that work? What about the NT gathering? Everyone shared as they matured. Also this. A sermon is a monologue. Only Jesus did this. No sermons there on forward. And this. How do you know the one man at the top isnt making mistakes or straying from holy writ?
  21. I am 44 years over due. Smile. I know this is a hard message but i still believe the bible directives are eternal and would serve the ecclesia best. King David loved God with all his heart and had his own idea about hauling the ark. I'll leave it there. God bless one and all. Be free. In His hands.
  22. The pastors are suppose to work secular jobs. But i'm not talking about them. Im talking about the traveling preachers. God has provided for my ministry. No begging, no charging. I worked a job for years as the word tells us to do. I had to stop as an evangelist because of jealous 'pastors' but i continued other ministries on my own dime and distributing our film without charge, my recorded songs without charge. As far as other ventures like teen challenge, sure it takes money. But i say that begging is not the best way. Trusting God is. Trying to think of the guy in Enland, i believe, that started an orphanage in the 1800's. Never solicited, begged, tooted a horn. Trusted God for the needs. God always provided. One guy approached him when he had about 12 children waiting on God for supper. They had nothing. This guy asked 'could you use some money?' The brother said 'we're doing fine'. He would not accept an offering that way. Only if they gave it without question. Before the day was out, food came through the door. I guess i'm asking....does anybody ever operate in faith anymore?
  23. So let me help you. When a man charges for his ministry, the great temptation is to leave out or twist scripture so as not to offend. The less offensive the message, the greater probability of receiving bigger offerings above and beyond the initial honorarium. Back in the day rabbis did not charge for their teaching for this very reason. Besides we are commanded to 'rightly divide the wird of truth.' Paul said 'we don't corrupt (twist) the word of God as some do'. There are precious few who are willing to spot light apostasy and heresy anymore.. they know their ministry will be soundly rejected. The cost is to high for most. And about methods being between a man and God is ludicrous. There is only one method. God's method. And it is not up for debate. Hope this clarfies things. God bless. Be encouraged. Be free.
  24. Are traveling preachers free to charge or are they charged to serve for free? Is an offering suppose to be the preacher's idea or the idea of the giver? What is the connotation of the word serve? My humble opinion is that it means to help without negotiating for something in return. Like feeding the homeless on the street. Jesus did that but didnt submit a tab after they ate. Come to think of it, where can we find Jesus taking up an offering for an honorarium? He obviously accepted secret donations, for Judas carried the money poke. But you hear nothing about fund raising, offering plates, or church auctions, or chicken dinners to raise cash. Why is that? Taxes were due at one point. Jesus didn't turn to the crowds for a 'love offering'. Why do you suppose? He looked to the Father for the need. Does that sound a little 'fishy' to you? A bit of humor to break the tension that i feel building. Smile!
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