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Everything posted by ejected

  1. https://www.soundclick.com/html5/v4/player.cfm?songID=5055061 Please don't 'cast this song outta the synagogue'. My brothers and sisters need encouraging. thanks. God bless.
  2. To bad the 'church' doesn't allow for this. A crying shame.
  3. How is it then brothers? When you come together, everyone of you has a psalm, has a doctrine, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying. What do you think this verse means? Thanks.
  4. Wolves have mutton on their menues. Robbing sheep, lying to sheep, devouring sheep, you name it.
  5. I could take off on this but hard questions and observations are not tolerated.
  6. I should have added this. Hit a slick spot on the highway and your reaction isn't demonic fear. But i believe that when you are up against a trial, and you are holding to God's promises and fear becomes an overwelming thing to disuade you from holding to God's word, it is a demon.
  7. Boy did i need that shot in the arm. Thanks for sharing. Fear is a demon. God did not give us the spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind.
  8. Immortality is in Jesus. Those that accept Jesus obtain immortality. Those born from above spend eternity with Yeshua. Those that reject Yeshua perish in the lake of fire.
  9. Agreed! If only. Hope springs eternal.
  10. Which would be part of lining up with the word.
  11. Thanks. I mentioned the 501c3 that theoretically silences the pulpit from castgating pro abortion cadidates. That's the thinking. Would that tax free money be blood money. I got deleted.
  12. I submit that if we lined up with the word, revival would be a given.
  13. Believers whose lives dont line up with the word, quench the Spirit in their lives. Teachers who 'lord it over', 1Peter 5, the flock for prestige and cash, quench the Spirit. The logos, written word, ink anf paper, is all they have. The rhema, spiritually alive word of God is absent, quenched. No anointing, no presence of God and His blessing. This is why so much foolishness, error, and heresy is able to fill the void. Fleshly minds controlling the agenda, the dogma. Traditions of men quickly taking hold for 'gain' sake. Corrupting (peddling) the word of God for self interests and profit. Now we have new age, sodomy, islam, popery worship, one world religion push, being infused into many 'salvation' preaching denoms. Not just the avarice and ego components any longer. What was that about the 'love of mammon' leads to what? All manner of evil. Lo and behold! Here we are! The best disinfectant? A Holy Spirit inspired REFORM-ation! Revival is chaos at best without reform. Otherwise the 'church' ends up going right back into 'business as usual.' Dont pray for revival. Pray for reformation. All revivals, so called, always peter out leaving the folks empty and impotent. Goosebumps are NOT enough. We need to start doing things God's way!
  14. Dead letter church. Ink on paper. Logos. Written. Rhema. Jesus is the 'alive' Word of God. Man's liturgy, traditions, methods, quench the Holy Spirit. Rhema gone leaving only the written word without life. Plain and simple.
  15. The erosion of truth has been set in stone for 1700 years now. Even Paul said that wolves would RISE UP (the cleric system) after the last shovel full of dirt was thrown on his face. I think its time to try the biblical guidelines for our gatherings. See: 1Cor 12 and 14, Ephecians 4, and Romans 12. Also 1Peter 5 to see that a plurality of elder shepherds are in view, the single salaried executive pastor paradigm is no where in scripture. And Acts 20 where all the shepherds/elders in a given body are to work jobs, not lord it over His heritage, 1Peter 5, and not to serve for financial gain. All this mess is because of the traditions of men, Mark 7, that nullifoes God's word, and placing the folks under man made law, mainly tithing, which incurs a curse, Galatians 3:10. So lets try things according to God's instructions for a change. If it dont work out after a couple of months, go back to man's designs. Im just saying.
  16. Galatians 3:10 Under the/a law will put a curse on you. Salvation secure but well being in jeopardy. Get free of man's traditions and stay free. Listen to Him on your giving. Not man. Flee those that are covetous. 1Cor 5;11 but now i have written to you not to keep company if any man is called a brother, be a fornicator or covetous.....
  17. I think organized religion is purgatory. If you can survive that and still make heaven, that would be quite the accomplishment!
  18. Run what church? We are the church. The believers met in homes. That cuts the overhead down to nothing. Then they used their money for missions and the poor. Would to God Christians would wake up out of their silly sleep.
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