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Everything posted by hmbld

  1. hmbld


    Right, it was a little long, but after getting past the first few minutes I was captured in it, well spoken and informative!
  2. oldie but goodie! (grrrr, its so old it reminds me how old i've become, grrrr)
  3. Lord Jesus, i can't stop, You are all these things and so much more, Lord, i desire the world to see You as you are, if i desire this, how much more You must desire this, Lord move us to do our duties, to give You the opportunity to call those hearts that as of yet do not know You, not that we may take credit, but that we may celebrate in Your glory, for the credit and Glory are all Yours, show us how to rise up to do what You have called us to do, in Your name, Jesus, again, my words fail me, but my heart continues to cry out to You, . . . . . .
  4. I KNOW HIM! i started this one unsure i would like it, it drew me in, i started seeing just a small part of how great our Savior is, and got lost in His endlessness. I can't get Him out of my mind, yet i have not the words as this video has. Oh, how i want that fire inside, where i can't hold the words in, where i have to talk of Him all day, to tell of His Love, mercy, grace, where i am so in love with our Lord that i don't see this world anymore, i could see how this video could be endless, talking of His greatness, O Lord, revive Your people, set us on fire for You, draw us into Your arms, draw us near, teach us Your ways, that we might be pleasing in Your sight, move our hearts into alignment with Yours, O Great God, how amazing You are, thank you Jesus, let us praise your name with every breath, Father, fill us with Your Holy Spirit, let us seek You out as Your word directs us, Lord, with joy we give all we have for You to mold us, to lead us, O Lord, wake up this dying world, let them look up and see You, Jesus, that they might receive life from You, for we can do nothing for ourselves, You, Jesus, paid the price for us on that cross, that we may become sons of God, and spend eternity rejoicing in You. I long to be home with you, Jesus, my heart cries out, it aches to be with You, though my words fail me, my heart goes on . . . . . .
  5. Father God, Holy is Your name, God, we come to You with our requests for healing, and relief Lord, fill our brother Jeff with Your hope and peace, we look to You for all our needs, with thankful hearts for all You have provided. Lord, we ask this in Jesus name, Amen. Continuing in prayer, may God bless you brother.
  6. First, hello and welcome! Why did God create us in the first place? i humbly submit the answer of for His pleasure, for relationship with us. Starting with Adam, God is in charge, He is the one who provides everything for us. When Adam ate the apple and hid, it was God who came, sought adam out, clothed him, God provides all. When Abraham was to sacrifice his son, and his son asked him where is the lamb for the sacrifice? Abraham responded, God will provide. And God did provide, a ram caught it the thicket, to be sacrificed. And later, God provided His son, Jesus, to die for our sin. We can never do anything for ourselves, we can not earn our salvation. God provides. Did you or I choose God? That would be prideful, thinking we can do something, God choose us. As of yet, i can not understand God's ways, but i accept that His ways are perfect. As for our relationship with Him, i may not have words to clearly express what i want to say, but i will try. God is love, i don't think we really know what love is, we think we do, but for the most part we know love as loving ourselves. i have three short sentences that, to me, all mean the exactly the same thing, and i pray the words make sense to you. Come unto Me. Look me in the eyes. For I love you.
  7. Praying, Jerry. As i am in similiar situation, i am reminded that christians all around me kept saying things like, don't give up hope. and i struggled with that, as how do i keep hoping when she will not even talk to me? took a while, but i believe God is working in her heart, and i keep praying. and if I believe that Jesus is Lord, then i need to trust Him. One step. i don't look past that one next step. And in that step, i try to look to our Lord. Let all things bring us closer to our Lord, Jesus. I pray He hold you close, and draw you nearer every day.
  8. for me, this will be the best christmas yet. Let us keep our eyes on our Hope.
  9. Awake my soul and sing!
  10. no words . . . tears, of healing.
  11. awwww. (tears in eyes) tis the season.
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