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Everything posted by Jean74

  1. Praying for you two! As hope that the Lord will lead and guide you all. Let Him take the way for you all. Welcome to the forums BTW. Feel free to post! Do not be shy!
  2. Hope you enjoy it on here. Welcome to the forums. Feel free to post. God bless! Do not be shy at all.
  3. I worry when I am not close to Christ. And when that happens and think that when I do things on my own. Nothing works. Only when I do things in the will and way of God, He says do not worry about i It is His cause and concern not ours.
  4. John 3:17:But God did not send His Son Into the world to condemn it but to save the world through Him!
  5. I had a few unsaved friends back when I was a kid. And hope now as adults you can only wish they are saved in Christ. As keep praying for them and their salvation. It should never be taken lightly about someone not saved.
  6. Yeah as when you could die from a plane crash or a car crash and accept Christ in a split second. Knowing that you would not live the next minute. As really it is about believing Christ as Savior and Lord and the Messiah!
  7. It is about forgiveness and repentance. When you accept God through the one and only Begotten Son Jesus Christ and believe He died for your sins and to give us eternal life and rose from the grave the third day and is coming back again to get us all.
  8. It is about Christian unity indeed!
  9. Many gods people think that was the only way to heaven. But it is the God of all God through Jesus Christ that will get you there. One and only way. Look no further than John 3:16!
  10. Rusty Angel glad you got a father and a real mother that loved you and cared for you. And took you to church and led you to Christ. As that is what a person needs. And also to pass it on.
  11. It is hard to be nice to cruel people. But it is a must. As Jesus did that and faced harsh people more than any of humankind combined. As He did so by killing them with kindness. As that is what we should do as Christians and as God's people.
  12. The blood of Jesus paid it all on the Cross. Once and for all!
  13. Jean74


    I would rather volunteer than work. Work is just that. As with that of volunteer it is worthwhile and you get something in return more than when you work IMHO!
  14. I have no qualms against tattoos unless they are devilish or Satanic, or way too much. Or just really over the top. You know what I mean!
  15. Praying you will lean on God. As when you do, all else falls into place. Maybe talk to a pastor and Christian friends. Good luck.
  16. It can be pulled off by one person. Like the OKC person. But really it was a couple of people that got convicted. Two men born from America. Never let one person fool you. As they are capable of misery sadly. No matter what terror group.
  17. Really do not like Cremation. Always been against it. As really do not know why people do that. A lot of people say they want to save money. But really when you bury, you can say your peace if you know what I mean. But know that as believers, the Christians are in their new bodies. And are in heaven in eternity.
  18. Just trust and obey and there is no other way. To be happy with and in Jesus. You can't get that from the world!
  19. Remember Jesus is faithful and just to us. When we go to Him. He will never let us down though we may feel like it. But that is not Him!
  20. Know that God is in control no matter what. he is inside of you if you accepted Christ as Savior and Lord and repent. He does live!
  21. God never at all leaves nor forsakes us. As the Lord is right there inside of us. Even if we do not feel it. Just lean on the Lord for guidance and support.
  22. Praying for you all. As you all lean on the Lord. For His grace and mercy!
  23. If we are believers in Christ and believe in Him through God, we will not need to mourn but celebrate our homecoming and loving arms to God. Welcoming to our eternal home forever.
  24. God created the human body, not evolution. Will leave it at that!
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