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  1. I agree with Ozzy! Judas said: "To answer your first part, you can not be held accountable to something you are unknowing of. With that said no one should be partaking In Anything to excess." Just a thought, that kind of thinking doesnt go down well in a court of law. "Well judge I didnt know I wasnt allowed to do that" ... the judge will not (or should not if he is at all just) let the criminal off on account of ignorance. All that aside, abortion is murder and I absolutely do NOT support a womans "right" to murder. Even if its rape....why punish the child for his or her fathers sins? There is always adoption. If anyone hasnt seen it yet, I highly recommend 180 movie by ray comfort. Www.180movie.com or watch it on youtube. Its a half hour doco on abortion its interesting, correct and very well done. Makes some excellent analogies, and he interviews pro-choicers and shares the gospel.
  2. Hi all, This is a question to anyone who sews and may be able to help me out. I am about to commit to a fairly conservative Baptist fellowship and in doing so Its my conviction to step up in a few areas, one including the way I dress. I am fairly modest already but my pastor and his wife are even more so and I am choosing to submit myself to their example. The catch is, I am still quite young (29) and do like to look nice (which my hubby also likes) and I never see anything modest and affordable in the shops and everything I find In the thrift stores are frumpy and far too old for me. I can sew... so I want to make my own dresses. I would like a pattern which is just below the knee or longer, has short sleeves since summer is coming (but must have some kind of sleeve to keep shoulders covered), no cleavage or back exposure. Can be fitted at the top but not "skin tight". Im thinking a 40's or 50s dress. I love full skirts or aline. I just cant wear fitted down the bottom as I have quite womanly curves and do not want to be a stumbling block. Do any of you know of a pattern? Either in your own collection and you can tell me the brand and number, or one I can buy online? Ive been looking and not found anything. I need about a size 10 if that's important. Thanks in advance (PS im not interested in the opinions of liberals in which all this is "legalistic" or whatever. Its my choice, my conviction, and my body and I choose to glorify God with my appearance and am happy to do so, so please save the "God looks at the heart" speech. Im aware of that. Thank you.)
  3. Im not sure exactly what I just read so I do hope this answers your question: We are all God's creation for sure. What makes us equal? We are all born fallen and sinful. We all deserve hell. We are all under the same judgement. The difference is regeneration. And since salvation is a work of GOD, we cannot be judgey judges and looky downers, because the only difference between us and the lost is what God has done. Not that any man should boast. I see things for what they are. I am no better than those who arent saved. I have just been rescued by God and therefore now have the ability to be something other than wicked! I do not know which unsaved people will or will not be regenerated in there lifetimes therefore it isnt my business to go about guessing, judging and so on. Its my job to preach the gospel to every creature, and God does the rest. I dont have their passwords. I have Gods orders. He has their passwords. The lost, to me, are simply Potential regenerates. I dont know who is who. I only know I once was among them and now im not and its nothing I can give myself credit for. Saved by grace through faith. Which is given by God. Repentance is also from God so go figure! I suppose im trying to say.... yes I do discriminate, in the simplest of terms, since the bible does, but I dont judge or think im better than anyone else. Ephesians 2:8-10 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:Not of works, lest any man should boast.For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." + i second fresnojoes scripture also :-)
  4. Forgot to answer your question sevenseas! My hubby sees the situation for what it is. He never speaks of her unless I do. He and I have discussed the situatuon in detail a number of times. Our conclusion was to back off and pray. Which im not doubting was right. But as a daughter I want to make sure im still honouring best I can. Hubby is very supportive and has alot of wisdom and I do listen to him and cherish and respect his opinion and wisdom.
  5. Wow this has taken off since I last popped in! Okay, firstly, Sevenseas: thanks again for your response. Yes ive tried contacting a number of professional organizations (depression hotlines, suicide hotlines, AA, our state mental health department, a doctor, rehab centers etc) and they all said the same thing. They wont help her unless she wants to be helped. Sadly, in my state in Australia it is against the law to admit someone into rehab, or any other facility, against their will. The only time you can, is if they become a danger to society. Apparently a danger to themselves isnt good enough! Ive been through that ringer to no avail :-( I dont like to sound as though im turning down all of your suggestions, ive just tried all these things without any progress. But thank you for your words. Next, Other One: I think that if someones view/stance/suggestion can be backed scripturally, there should be no problem sharing it "open forum" because scripture with proper exergesis is perfectly acceptable here. Scripture offends some ears but that doesnt matter. On the other hand, mere opinions/experiences/beliefs without sound doctrine/scripture involved is certainly unacceptable in my opinion and to be ignored. Therefore I was trying to give you the opportunity to scripturally validate your post. I hope I didnt come across rude, I just like biblical answers :-) I must add to this that you should know, I am a cessationist, so we may not agree on the topic at hand, but im always willing to hear the word in its proper context, I am not closed to truth if truth is whats on offer.
  6. Other one: I would like you to elaborate within a biblical context on your last comment please. Im not being funny im interested to know.
  7. Thanks everyone I appreciate your input <3 Other one: The reasons for her behavior are various, and its quite clear to everyone but her. Part of it is alcohol, but we do believe she has developed a severe personality disorder in the last 5 yrs. She has had cat-scans, full on health checks etc so its not physical. But she wont go get diagnosed for mental ilness, too proud. Also refuses rehab, wont admit shes alcoholic. She also has always had a roaring temper, long before life got her down. I think she had PND after having my sisters and never recovered. She has beem through alot emotionally, but far less than what she put us through and we arent crazy messes... I have been through the "why is she like this?" Phase... the angry phase. The forgiveness part, The "bawl my eyes out in sadness and hopelessness cry out to God please help her!!" Phase, the numb - no feeling phase. Im now in kind of a birds eye view phase. Which brings me to Sevenseas questions: has that answered them? I think ive been through all the emotions. The pain, anger, sadness, anxiety, empty feeling etc etc until I hit the forgiveness part. I realise I can't change her... cant help her because she doesnt want help. I dont think I have any un-delved into emotions left!! But its like this.... (kwikphilly this may be a response to your post)... its at the point now, where she is so far gone, that I am waiting for the phone call of someone telling me she is dead. She is very very weak and unhealthy because of the drinking and not taking care of herself. Her living conditions dont help either. I dont know, if I get that call... if I have done enough or am doing the right thing. Ive sympathised, listened, loved on, forgiven (and told her Ive forgiven), given money (before I knew she was spending it on alcohol), ive prayed. Ive also told her how much it hurts when she goes mad, ive rebuked her a number of times when the occasion called for it. Ive told her im here if she wants to put her life back together ill be waiting with open arms but I can't see her while shes like she is. Ive shared the gospel with her more than once, and answered all her loaded questions about God, ive done all I know to do.... So im trying to figure out if ive missed something biblical here. Before its too late. I want to know that ive done all I can do. I feel like I have. Ive prayed and hoped. I can't dwell on it too much because I have a husband and children whom need and deserve my attention and my efforts. But it does get to me sometimes and im left wondering. ..... have I done enough? Have I honoured her?
  8. Thanks for both your responses. Sevenseas: I get what you are saying. I do cut off conversations the way you described and have offered many times to help set up and even pay for counselling, rehab and the like. Which makes her angrier. Its come to the point where I have nothing left to offer but my forgiveness each and every time she does us wrong... Maybe my question should be... how do we honour abusive parents from a distance? I forgive continually. I dont gossip about her, I call her on her birthday and mothers day. But is that enough? I know one must honour their parents no matter what, I also relate to what Bopeep has said in that I dont think its God's will to put up with ongoing abuse... Im guessing the answer is to keep praying, and forgive when new stuff happens on the rare occasion that we do see her...
  9. I understand it is biblical to honour ones parents. How does one do so when a parent is verbally, physically and or mentally abusive, extremely ungodly, unpredictable, unloving, uncaring and full of bitterness and hate? As a parent now myself I feel it is sadly necessary to keep myself and my children away from their grandmother as she is a terrible influence and occasionally it isnt even safe to be around her due to alcoholism. All of her children have tried everything under the sun to help and encourage her but it on gets worse every year. Even phone calls are painstakingly longwinded and simply an hour and a half of listening to negativity, gossip, bitterness, swearing, paranoia and anger. How do you honour this kind of parent?
  10. Homosexuality is a sin...therefore just like all other sins, (other than blaspheming the Holy Spirit) it can be forgiven. Just like any other unregenerate person, he would need to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and come to genuine repentance. So yes indeed there is hope for this man :-)
  11. its not an end in itself, its a beginning to a new kind of walk with God! We are blessed to BE a blessing. How can you help others financially if you arent financially ahead? how can you help someone with ther emotional problems if your own relationships are in a mess? How can you tend to the sick when your own body does not function in blessed healing? we need to prosper so that we can have others prosper. and we need to know Jesus and His word and promises in order to prosper. i think half the problem is as soon as ppl hear "prosperity" they put up a negative wall and dont LISTEN to whats being said properly. instead, in their minds they are conjuring up opposing scriptures and ideas so that they dont have to face their weaknesses and the ineffectivness of their own walk with God. If someone else isnt benifeting from your salvation, your walk with God is stagnant. we are light of the world. we need to shine. and Prospering is all a part of that. some ppl just need to face that Gods will is in God's word, and that poverty is not humility, and that sickness is not a life lesson. God has His word for that. The things that past churches has poisoned its people with is literally obsurd when you think about it practically and according to the word. God is all about growth, expansion, blessing in every single area. His kingdom come.... on earth as it is in heaven? how is it in heaven? just think about that...then you cant deny that God wants us living well. for our sake, and for the sake of others!
  12. there is also something the Lord gave us called common sense, and that combined with the guiding of the Holy Spirit, your going to make right choices. I mean showering is obviously viable. there are instances in the bible where people went to bathe and wash if you really need to see that to do it. Not only that but we are representatives of Christ on the earth and need to present ourselves that way. (i know you are being hypothetical haha but im just giving an example) Pretty much every single little thing you could imagine is in the bible. If you look hard enough for it. so most things are covered. as far as living day to day goes, the more you know the word, and the more you know God and the leading of the Holy Spirit within you, the better prepared you are going to be for those every day decisions. God prompts me all the time. Dont drive this way to work today, go the other way instead. and in my obedience i avoid a crash or being late to work because of terrible traffic. Or not going somewhere when you have that check in your spirit, or saying something to that person when you know God really is telling you to..... etc etc. God can give you wisdom on the most simple things, even doing your food shopping can be a much more profitable time if your in tune with the Spirit of God. and you dont need to be some super-spirit-freak who is all heeby-jeeby-oooh Jesus! lol... its not about acting all spiritual and oh i cant even pee without Gods okay on it. Its about being in tune with Him. Being in consistant communion with Him. then you will find yourself making the right choices more and more. but like i said, the more you know of the word, the more you can live in Gods will for you. know that bible like you know nothing else. Spend time in His prescence and you will not even HAVE to ask this question. its the only way to live my friend!
  13. it is not sinful for the believer to leave if the unbeliever commits adultery or forces him or her to live in ungodly ways. thats scriptural. on the other hand if they just couldnt be bothered persevering in prayer then yeh, it was the wrong thing to do. no they are not obligated. if someone has been forced to divorce, then they are automatically free from the responsibility of that other person. the ties are broken and it is time to move on. they may remarry, infact, the word encourages women to remarry if they have been left and divorced or if there partner dies. look up divorce in the bible.. youll get the answers very clearly for yourself, plus peace of mind that your getting the truth, and not just some peoples opinions.
  14. Hi There! I agree... we have no other choice. You cant very well call yourself a Christian if you arent living for Him... it goes hand in hand. I for one know if i were to let God slip into second place my life would be a mess. It has happened once before and i can tell you right now im not keen on it happening again. The less you put in, the less you get out, and you become a stagnant, watered down, wishy washy believer who is blown to and fro with every little thing that comes their way. It is a powerless Christianity. The only way we can live in the Blessings that God promises for us and our families is to live out His word. and the only way we can live out His word is if we know what it says and why it says it. Time with God, time in His word, time in His house, its the only way to grow closer to Him and to grow in His promises of a blessed life. its not a matter of having to do it because someone told you that you should. If you dont want to, you dont know Him. the more we get to know who Jesus is, the character of God and what He has waiting for us in His prescence, the hungrier we will be for Him. We will loose more and more the desire to sin against Him. When you love and know Him, its not about having to put Him first by force, its a matter of NEEDING Him by DESIRE and HUNGER.... we see our past, our lives before Him, and our lives now with Him and for Him, and the difference is non comparable. If you can compare it, you havent lived for God yet. My prayer is that everyone experiences the true walking-with-God experience. theres nothing like it!
  15. Hi there! the first thing a person has to do is make the solid decision to tithe no matter what. when money comes in, 10% of it is going to God, no matter what. It sounds like you have made that decision, and because you have, God can honour you with it. The reason He asks for that portion is not because He needs it.... i mean, His footpaths are what we wear around our fingers and necks... GOLD. In heaven He walks on what we call valuable and precious. The reason He wants you to tithe is because there is great blessing in obedience. So every time you do get the chance to tithe, thank the Lord that He has promised that through obedience comes blessing, and ask Him to prosper your business. He WILL do it :-) after all, it blesses you AND others. we are blessed to BE a blessing! For the weeks that you do not earn an income, tithe in other ways. You can tithe with your time, skills and prayer life. Help out someone in church, give a youth group a hand with setting up and packing down... drive someone who doesnt have a car to church that week, maybe volunteer at your local Christian bookstore to do some stock or something like that. Help an elderly person in your church with some gardening. thats definately tithing your time. Tithe to God whatever you have. He will accept it, and love it. no matter how small you think it is, with the right heart attitude, its big to Jesus :-)
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