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About Terra7

  • Birthday 01/01/2011

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  1. Terra7

    Psalm 18

    WoW ! I must say to you -Worthy chat servant - I am learning quite a bit here tonight Thank you for all these postings you have helped fill in a lot of gaps for me - I know that God was certainly wanting for me, to be here and read all this and the meanings behind them thank you for the time to write them all -well worth the read -excellent !
  2. Very true ,Jade- according to the world ,I am not successful in fact I have less than I have ever had then I think of those who have way to much and what good it could do for others ,many others.Greed is the God of this world: Harrod new that all to well -then I think of any one who is in hell trying to buy their way out - as they realize the truth they so easily brushed aside all for things of no value -they know it now !
  3. Yes -truly if God is the same yesterday, today and forever -then all he said will be also -Jesus said to the apostles ; you shall do more mighty things ! -The spirit is who, God- the son is who ,God -the father is who ,God . When a person`s spirit is so ready and willing and open to the holy spirit -then even to raise the dead is within the power -after all its Gods power ! When the storm was raging on the sea of Galilee and apostles awoke Jesus to save them -what did he say to them -oh you men of little faith , their spirits were not strong enough yet . Daniel was sought by the king to to explain a dream to him -Daniel`s spirit was so strong in God he but had to, asked of God to show him and God did -God knew Daniel`s love for him . Your heart felt feelings for God and the purity of your desire for Gods pleasure living your life the best you can for him in his name is the key to freeing the Holy spirit much more in your self . Yes I firmly believe in the gifts of the spirit- but in this world today there are just to many distractions that keep more people from knowing and experiencing the awesome power of the Holy spirit .
  4. People want-evidence (hard cold data to prove) here`s what science says today ;The visible universe is only 4% (that is documented) which leaves 96% invisible so, the unseen realm holds more than the visible spectrum of light (not just particles or atoms or neutrino`s ) but even beings that are unseen . Ever watched any of the Ghost shows available today -they are beginning to catch and record images and voices of unseen entities (not saying who or what they are) my point is ;The unseen is greater and we as humans have far less knowledge of that realm then the 4% visible part of this one . Because it is not seen does not mean it does not exist (you cant see air right now around you but, you need it for life to continue) -The moral law was meant to govern the behavior of us living beings ( you or anyone does not have the right to just kill others ) as one part of a moral law -it is a code of guidance to distinguish humans from uncivilized barbaric behavior (those who live without a moral code) . All existence comes from the unseen realm and the laws the govern everything in the known universe comes from the unseen realm (can you see gravity?). Human beings are more special then they can possible imagine We live in both realms at the same time - but we all know a day will come when we leave this one -which begs the question -why were we created -the universe is saying there is meaning for itself - and you should ask the same question of your life .
  5. The moral value of humans has changed greatly in this day and age the spirit within people no longer guide them there is to much competition for other more personal wants and desires . In the past long before , what we take for granted with the ease of today`s living-back then Gods spirit was truly sought after much more earnestly and the true knowledge of him -in today`s world (like going to the super market) there are many varieties of , how you want to believe in God or not at all -morals and integrity are a ,forgotten and discarded ingredient . Is it not hard to imagine mankind left to himself with no true moral guidance (NO) this the world written of so many thousands of years ago and to see what is to come is not difficult either of the truth that was given to people how the days would be -there here -so the Words Spoken by the prophets and by the greatest one of all -Jesus will come to pass to completion . Holiness and honor are the 2 most valued commodities that a holy God wants to see his people aspire too not selfish personal desires - that`s why marriage is of no true value because value starts with seeking the truth of your life and why you are alive -what and who created you and seeking the God who see`s all things in all places and in all people .
  6. I do not believe the question is :is there a belief in God for anyone but, what God himself says is acceptable to him not, what we believe is acceptable for us- Jesus made clear distinctions what is acceptable to his father remember Jesus said: when you see me you see the father . Be in the world and not of it- you,your temple is supposed to be thought of and treated as a Holy object for that`s where God dwells within you and it must be revered and kept without sin, Holy unto God ! what is natural should remain so and the seed of the human race only comes from the the natural order God created -Man and Woman that is what is acceptable to God -the rest is unacceptable - God is a God of purity and Holiness that is God`s order Jesus wraps those who truly love him in his Holy righteousness to cover our sins from the father .Forgiveness of sins means -go and sin no more not continue on as if nothing has changed -the spirit man is now doing battle with the natural man - finding Jesus in your heart and accepting his gift of forgiveness means you join with him in that battle waging war against your own flesh not make compromises with it -your spirit man comes first your attention is on him and you must strengthen him with Gods Holiness . Jesus went 40 days in the desert to purge the flesh and cleanse and strengthen his spirit to walk in the spirit with the father -Jesus chose to do that -it was a choice, not a compromise . Following Jesus is not a casual choice it is an agreement, a Holy one to adhere to His Fathers desires for his acceptance, it is not a debatable life style -you either agree or you do not - you are either for me or against me That is What the Lord himself says ,not me -and I agree with him !
  7. I am and always have been a person of truth and integrity - in my honest and even hopeful opinion there is no coming back from where America is heading,and this has been desired by the elite of the world those who serve Lucifer . America did have a chance in the past to avoid this but there were not enough people of faith in the midst of Govt to prevent all that is from unfolding . People of faith are to divided on to many issues which has made the whole body of believers, ineffective to stem the tide of corruption which has taken full control today. Countless warnings were given over the course of 250 yrs to hold this system in check and those warning went unheeded so as our land of freedom is dying ever faster from within I am resigned to reality that end is approaching and are ,way past the point of no return . Obama is the ultimate demonstration of tyranny and no part of congress or the justice dept or the supreme court are willing to demand his reign of terror be opposed and he flagrantly insults with such voracity in under cutting all the rights given to this country by the founding fathers - I am astounded that congress as a whole is giving this fraudulent illegal person( who I still do not consider to be president )the power to dis-mantel our republic of democracy . I make this prediction before the election is held those who have brought Obama to power and Obama himself have one more trick up their sleeve it will be a false emergency to suspend the election indefinitely which will give the anti Christ Obama the last card to play (as instructed by Lucifer) to suspend all civil rights and declare marshal law upon the citizens . Then I would hope that real people of all ethnic backgrounds who call themselves ;Americans will finally say in one voice :enough and fight once again to save freedom or watch it die forever - The people can win if they want it bad enough to do so ,I would gladly die to fight for it- it is a God given right to all men, in all nations to be free -without freedom this life has no meaning and never will !
  8. My sentiments exactly -Virtue -integrity -honor and humbleness are qualities that are almost gone from people - in this realm of measured time there is a threshing of the spirit realm under way -which is showing itself in peoples unrestrained words and attitudes because they ,believe they know the root cause of a given situation . I always think in 3 dimensions because they are all connected -a fabric sown together - and the unseen is greater and in more control than the seen - God says :come, lets reason this out together . Remember ,the fallen one is pressed for time so he is about his business to corrupt on a grand scale today and the pressure on people is mounting rapidly .
  9. The Hebrews before the birth of Christ were praying for the savior the Messiah for the most part they wanted an end to Roman control of their land and to be free (would you agree?) . When he came and was becoming known and healing the sick and gaining the following of his chosen apostles fulfilling his destiny to the point of many proclaiming him as King then his presence was becoming a threat to Rome and the Religious leaders . The people wanted Jesus to eliminate the oppressors from the land and set them free -did he - He came for a greater reason which many did not understand . Does God answer prayers of unbelievers -Yes - The story of Daniel is a perfect example ,the king wanted a dream interpreted so Daniel fulfilled the kings desire but in the end Gods point for the was to show the King who was Greater not man but The Holy one God is - David and Goliath - Abraham - people tend to forget that, all people belong to God - and he will use anything or anyone for his ultimate purpose . God does not answer all of my prayers but I still believe he cares for me even unto my death -I believe !
  10. Yes -it has become that she has turned her face from God many yrs ago - consider the beginning of this country and the hopes for those who came here -to worship God in honesty and dignity a land in which to do that, and govern themselves according the biblical principles . Today you can see very easily the contrast -so how does God deal with evil and those commit it so willfully- he changes the course of history and brings destruction even unto the whole world . Humans will not apply themselves to correction so it must be done for them as a parent must correct their child -the problem always is as generations multiply they move further away from Gods will and forget to soon and no longer regard the past with reverence . This is where America stands today remember this is the future we are living in it -its not dream anymore from the past its reality in time now - and God has given all the human race time to learn he has been silent and let the human race have their way (are they making it better ?) or just a faster way to die for everyone and casting off Gods holy sacrifice -Jesus !
  11. I have not seen this written in Scripture anywhere. I know Peter asked about how many times should he forgive, but I do not recall any mention of him having had his coat stolen. I also recall where Jesus said, "if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well." (Matt. 5:40) Note, I'm not saying you were not applying the Scripture properly, nor am I not claiming the Lord didn't speak to you. Actually, I commend you highly for having the grace to let go this way rather than to take revenge. And you are correct in that the Body of Christ does not do enough to encourage love like this. And I, too, wish it were done more. Blessings and grace to you! Matthew 5:40 - sorry I have watched the movie: The Greatest Story ever Told -a little to much its a scene in that movie please forgive -Terra
  12. No, I will give it another try here Thank you for wanting me to stay Because I do forgive and its nice the other way too!
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