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  1. I'm a high school science teacher, and I always point out to my students that what we think is true today in science could be turned on its head by a discovery tomorrow. The general public often views science as absolute truth, and you are correct that people give their "best" explanations of Scripture, but we also give our "best" current explanations of science, knowing full well that the truth may lie deeper than we realize.
  2. Did anyone else come across this notion that was a surprise to me this year? Apparently the old Sunday School versions of the route of the Exodus are in question. There seems to be a suggestion based on both the topography of the Sinai peninsula and its surrounding water, the nations that the Israelites encountered on their journey, and the fact that Paul puts Sinai in Arabia that the crossing of the Red Sea actually took place when the Israelites went from the southeast corner of the Sinai peninsula, across the mouth of the current Gulf of Aqaba, and Moses actually received the law on a mountain that is east of the Sinai peninsula (in Arabia). Is that the current paradigm and I'm just behind the times, or did I come across some wacko stuff? Thanks.
  3. You could imply that "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want" is a cause-and-effect, in which case the contrapositive would also be true, but even so, many translations cite Psalm 23 as "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be in need." We certainly all as humans "want" certain things, but with God's presence in the believer's life through the Holy Spirit, that is all that we truly need. I understand it may not feel like we have everything that we need when we are in financial difficulty or depression or other issues, and that also doesn't mean we sit back and don't take advantage of the tangible earthbound aids that God provides through other believers, but if we can stand above the fray and look at things from God's perspective and rest in His arms as the Good Shepherd, our terrestrial problems get minimized as we experience His comfort.
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