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About Taker

  • Birthday 07/30/1994

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    Music, jokes, dancing (I specialize in the ironic), card games and board games.

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  1. When Noah was placing pairs of animals onto the ark it would seem logical that he would use baby animals rather than adult animals as they would take up less space and require less food.
  2. God gave us free-will. We can choose good or evil. To rid the world of all evil and all sin would be to brain wash all humanity. We would worship God not because we want to but because we have to. God desperately wants us to choose him but he will not force this choice on us.
  3. Don't valleys typically have rivers running through them? Water has a tenancy to collect in valleys due to gravity. I'm not saying water erosion couldn't cause massive changes over millions of years I'm just saying that if a valley already exists wouldn't it be logical for rain-water to collect there and form a river?
  4. Greetings, fellow Worthymen. I recently got into an online debate with a very well informed atheist. He claimed that there was no scientific evidence to back up a global flood. He claimed that if a global flood happened roughly 4000 years ago it would be very easy to confirm with today's science. I wasn't sure how to respond as I'm not really a scientist nor have I looked into weather or not there is physical evidence of an ancient global flood. I did point out to him that fossilized-seashells have been found atop mount Everest. His response was similar to this, "This point is of no surprise to me. Everest grows at roughly an inch each year. This is due to tectonic plates pushing one-another which is how most mountains are formed. It is very possible that hundreds of millions of years ago Everest's peak was below sea level." So the question that I would like to have answered is this: Is there scientific evidence of a global flood that happened roughly 4000 years ago?
  5. This is an interesting question. Read Exodus chapter 2. In my Bible (New Living Translation) the last verse reads as follows: "25 He looked down on the people of Israel and knew it was time to act." The following chapter starts with the story of Moses and the burning bush where God persuades Moses to do his will and lead the Israelites out of slavery. God needs us, many miracles of the Bible are performed through men. If God were to always fix problems on his own, then faithful people wouldn't be necessary.
  6. I watched the video and it seemed vague. It seems to me that these women are being paid dirt in exchange for making millions of dollars worth of clothing. The companies that hire these workers want more and more of them but also pay less and less to their employees. This is great for the companies (extremely high profit margin) but terrible for the workers. It sounds to me like the answer to this problem is this: The women need to stand up for themselves and stop working all-together until they get a fair wage and decent treatment. From the look of the beginning of this video, it would seem that these women have started to do this and are being beaten for it (although I can't be sure,). To me, it seems that this video is trying to tug at your heart-strings and make you donate to a faceless charity without researching this issue more for yourself. I don't support the NY Times at all, I've critiqued one article that was published by the NY Times for my college composition class before. In my humble opinion, the NY Times is guilty of publishing biased material while masquerading as a credible source in order to influence the American populace. Anyway, if these women boy-cot their jobs, eventually the corporations that sell their products will be forced to listen to their cries. Matthew 10:28 Do not fear those who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul, instead; fear the one who can harm the body and soul in hell.
  7. There are two ways to deal with those who are suicidal: 1. Embrace them; show them love and compassion. Often times, all they need is a real friend who will listen to them without judging them. 2. Ignore them; some people like to go around saying "I'll kill myself" in the hopes of getting attention. Some of them mean to do it while others are depressed and want attention. Sooner or later, a human being needs to find the will to live within themselves. Otherwise, they will continue to be suicidal and will never embrace life.
  8. Christianity is also very popular in South Korea. I hear that there are many churches in which people do nothing but pray all day. Some of these Christians treat praying like a full-time job.
  9. The new pope said, "all religions are true in the hearts and the minds of those who practice them." (that quote might not be word for word). This guy is basically saying that all religion is imaginary. If you say that all religions are true then what do we make of religions that contradict one another?
  10. So, God is neither man nor woman. He is God!
  11. Matthew 24:7-8 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains. Matthew chapter 24 talks about what will happen before the end of the world. I would say that God uses weather to remind us of how huge he is. Whenever I am outside and see a lighting-bolt and hear thunder, it reminds me that God is much bigger than I am. If God wanted to strike me down he could. If God wanted me to have a plentiful harvest, he could shower my fields with rain. I also believe that God sometimes uses extreme weather to punish the wicked.
  12. My brother (who has seen the film) read a review on the film that pointed out how it was an anti-christian film. The main theme was that the closer Noah got to God the more of a psychotic killer he became. I'm glad that I have never seen the film.
  13. As Christians, why don't we just stop moping about the Easter bunny and enjoy a proper celebration? Why don't we just tell the story of Jesus' resurrection, have a feast, rejoice and be glad for we KNOW what Easter is really all about?
  14. I imagine that the purpose of that song is to show just how ugly the fact that Jesus was replaced by a bunny really is.
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