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  1. I would be grateful for your interpretations and discernment about a prophecy I've been reflecting on. It's in an online recording called "The Divine Parallax." It's 20 minutes long, but sprinkled throughout is a clear sense that God is warning us of a nuclear holocaust right around the corner if we don't do something about it. <<<Removed YouTube Link Per ToS>>> I've listened to this a couple of times with a deep spirit of discernment, and I believe I am hearing the voice of God in this prophecy. As Jesus said, "My sheep will know my voice." There's only one thing: the person channeling in the Spirit is using a lot of profane language. This was a bit of a turnoff at first until I reflected on what was actually being said. There's a lot of spiritual warfare going on here, so I wonder if that's the reason for the language. I believe in spiritual warfare, and I also believe in the real possibility that God still uses sinners like He used the wicked Balaam Son of Peor as a bringer of prophecy in the Book of Numbers. I also see the scripture that a "House divided against itself cannot stand," and can clearly hear Satan being ordered to vacate before God's voice can be discerned in the prophecy. Any distortions I see are a result of language alone, and how do you translate the presence of God? Divine imminance intact, God can use anybody. With whatever wisdom and insight God gives you, please interpret with me what this is. What is the meaning of this recording called "The Divine Parallax." What is going on here? I don't think there's Satanic deception going on while he's being pummeled, but what is this? At the very least, we're seeing a very close and personal image of spiritual warfare. It even goes as far as to claim that this is the approaching time of Armageddon.... A section of prophecy from the YouTube description: "Remember this fallen state and do not repeat it. You have the power to nuke the world; now, go be responsible. I don't want nuclear payloads armed at anybody. If there is one nuclear payload left on this Earth, I annihilate Earth. This is God's direct command to the powers that be. I, God, will send a comet and obliterate the Earth if you do not comply. God has the power to send a comet to obliterate the Earth in 2016. Now you have a choice, humanity. You either rot in your *profanity* and let this keep going-- And this is your choice. This is- This is ultimately humanity's choice. You either stew in your own destruction, or you fix this. This is Armageddon. It's real. Either we, the spiritual people of this world, take by force, down, the evil powers of this world . . ." Note: Please forgive that I am new here and do not know how you manage videos. Since I do not know how to embed a video, I have not posted to the General Video section, and since this is about prophecy it seemed more approriate here. It was previously posted to a conspiracy website... (Yes, I read conspiracy websites. Shame on me.)
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