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Everything posted by Preacher's_Son

  1. Should You Pray ? Why ? Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you (James 4:8) It is said that God knows knows what we want, need before we open our mouths to ask. He sees our hearts and knows our thoughts (Matthew 6:8). Why then do you need to pray ? Good question!! Here we will understand the values of Prayer, why you should cultivate a praying habit; - Prayer draws us close to God: God is interested in our innermost thoughts, because he wants us draw close to him. (Psalm 139:23,24; James 4:8). So Jesus encouraged his followers to pray even though the Father knows our needs. (Matthew 6:6-8) - Prayer reveals our true needs God does not necessarily need be reminded of your needs, only you need to show how truly you want something. We are likely gonna relent in praying about a trivial need. A constant prayer exposes a constant need. Worshippers today may have to persevere in prayer until they perceive God's response to their petitions.__Romans 12:12 - Prayer helps build confidence in God How many times have you prayed, thereafter your mind feel at rest, all worries gone. That is the power of prayer giving you assurance in God's faithfulness and clearing worries about your problems. -1 John 5:14 So next time you find yourself in doubt or worried, kindly pray.
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