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Everything posted by Spock

  1. why the 2nd coming in 2032 or 2033? Hosea 5:15 (ESV) I will return again to my place, until they acknowledge their guilt and seek my face, and in their distress earnestly seek me. Hosea 6:1-3 (ESV) 1 “Come, let us return to the LORD; for he has torn us, that he may heal us; he has struck us down, and he will bind us up. 2 After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will raise us up, that we may live before him. 3 Let us know; let us press on to know the LORD; his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth.” Me: the above passage is my #1 go to passage from the Holy Bible to show 2032 or 2033…. Daniel 9:24-27 I use to support a crucifixion year for 32 AD 32 AD + 2000 years (2 days)=2032 AD -S
  2. First off, I don’t believe 10% is the standard….2 Cor 9 is my standard… 2 Corinthians 9:7 (ESV) Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. Our Pastor of our previous church wanted to know why we don’t give 10% to the church because to be a deacon or elder that has to be a given. Guess what? We shortly left that church. Now, as for who you should give to….my wife and I give to where our hearts are screaming for us to give to….we are sure God is ruling our hearts and minds, so our desires we are sure are His…. World Vision is a Christian based organization that helps communities who are struggling and in need for the basics necessary in life….can’t go wrong with that…..people in need +God based. As for Israel, we give to “One for Israel”….but their primary purpose is sharing Jesus to Jews. But they also help in other ways…especially during this present war. And we give to the Joshua fund. Here is a link….see for yourself….https://www.joshuafund.com/about/our-story?gclid=CjwKCAiA29auBhBxEiwAnKcSqqH_3uXqbyk36WtgBSRe2mXM-9u4pxqlSLGqsXE0sye7b3rSuA7d4BoCDLUQAvD_BwE I hope this helps. -S
  3. I believe God has a 7000 year (7 days) timetable for man before he ushers in the new heavens and new earth. Of course, the last 1000 years (1 day) is the Millennial reign of Christ. The first 6000 years (6 days) before the Sabbath Day of rest will be determined from the Fall of man to the return of Christ…the 2nd coming, not the rapture. Assuming the 2nd coming is 2032, then subtract 6000 years to determine an approximate date of the fall of man….note, this is not the creation date. I don’t believe time began at creation week…I think it began at the fall. 6000-2032=3968 +1 (add a year going from AD to BC)=3969 BC James Ussher’s book, held in high esteem by many, shows creation to be around 4004 BC. Thus, the fall of man would be around 35 years after creation. Of course these numbers are approximates, so don’t hold me to them exactly as written. 4004-3969=35 Sidenote…I originally used 33 years when I thought the 2nd coming might be 2030. I don’t think that now. Now, I’m leaning toward 2032 or 2033. Cheers……S
  4. lol, this made me laugh….thanks for that. Ask your friend what does he prefer - eternal life vs eternal torment? Just curious….I know I went off topic a bit….sorry….that was my first thought that popped into my head. as for a bunch of rules….ask him what rules of the 10 commandments doesn’t he like? then ask him if he is opposed to some new rules Jesus gave his disciples, such as……John 13:34 (ESV) A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. Let me know which ones of the above 11 he doesn’t like…..thanks…s
  5. Honestly, I am a huge skeptic when someone says “this voice” told me such and such. I always filter those words through the Bible. If it is not supported by Scripture, I disregard “the voice.” After all, whose voice could that be coming from? I’d say Satan and his minions, being the prince and the power of the air, probably have their voice in the wind big time. oh, and just to be clear, I don’t believe God gave you that message. So, you can deduct who is left for yourself. Tata -S
  6. Greetings 80, I’m a bit confused on what you wrote…it sounds like you are saying you met someone who is everything you want only that person came too early…you’re not ready. Do I have this right? if that is right, my first thought is this….would you rather have the perfect one “early”, “late”, or “never”? I’ll wait to see your answer first before I go on. -S
  7. Marilyn, I’m thinking the 10 toes won’t be formed until sometime after the rapture, perhaps even sometime after the covenant is confirmed pursuant to Daniel 9:27. I don’t really know what life on this world will be like at that time, but the way the world looks now, it’s already pretty scary and very evil. Who knows what it will be after the rapture when the man of sin arises now that the restrainer has been removed. Take away “the restrainer” and all hell can break loose here on Planet Earth and especially on Joe Biden’s/Barack Obama’s America (a little political commentary I just threw in there for free). 😇 -S
  8. I’m thinking Satan deceived Eve around 33 years after Adam and Eve were created….so yeah, I’m sure he was in the Garden sometime in that 33 year period. Ezekiel 28:14-15 (ESV) 14 You were an anointed guardian cherub. I placed you; you were on the holy mountain of God; in the midst of the stones of fire you walked. 15 You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created, till unrighteousness was found in you. me: Satan was an anointed cherub…he was blameless UNTIL pride grabbed hold of him….I’m thinking this occurred somewhere between creation week to about 33 years later…. what I believe to be the approximate time of the fall of man.
  9. Greetings again FG, I agree with much you said here, but when you said the angels were created “way before Adam”, I wonder if it is possible God created them BEFORE the 6 days of creation? And I wonder if this verse applies as to when He made the Angels? Exodus 20:11 (ESV) For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. Thinking out loud with you….let me know your thoughts.- S
  10. I use the 445 BC decreee by Artaxerxes…..to rebuild Jerusalem. See Neh 2:1-8. Daniel 9:26-27 (ESV) 26 And after the sixty-two weeks, an anointed one shall be cut off and shall have nothing. And the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end shall come with a flood, and to the end there shall be war. Desolations are decreed. 27 And he shall make a strong covenant with many for one week, and for half of the week he shall put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall come one who makes desolate, until the decreed end is poured out on the desolator.” AFTER the 69 weeks, Messiah would be cut off….and he was crucified AFTER he first came into Jerusalem riding a donkey being held out as the Anointed One, the Messiah….just as Daniel predicted. It’s perfect…..
  11. My bet is going on Satan falling sometime before Adam’s fall…I’m thinking Adam was about 33 years old when he fell. But not in the 6 days of creation when everything was GOOOOOOOOOD!
  12. I’m in this camp of thinking Satan’s fall definitely occurred sometime before Adam and Eve fell. But I haven’t gone so far as saying the fall had to be before Adam and Eve were created. Something rubs me wrong on that….God said everything was “good” each of the first 6 days. I find it hard to accept somewhere in those “good” days, something bad happened.
  13. I respect your point FG, but I don’t “feel it.” I’ve studied and pondered the gap theory with an open mind. Honestly…..but now, my mind is closed on the subject. I find the theory wanting. Sorry…but this may make you feel better…..while I’m not…..my wife is …..and a huge one (supporter) at that. I can’t turn her off, or change the channel….I’m in for life! 😂
  14. In response to the OP’s timeline on his 1st post, I can give you two things I clearly believe are certain: 1. A gap between week 69 and 70…(the church age) 2. The rapture is not post trib…..(pre or mid, but no to postie) okay, what’s next?
  15. It may not say Rome but the inference is pretty strong because what kingdom followed Greece? And you can’t say “Islam” because these are only kingdoms that subjugated Israel while they were in their land. Israel was out of the land around 135 AD…long before the Turks/Islam came into town. Thus, they don’t count. So what other kingdom after Greece ruled Israel while the Jews were back in their land? Can’t say GB either because when Israel became a nation in 48, they had left the house. So, if the bet is between Rome and the Turks, put my $2 down on Rome. 🤗 but I still and always will 💖 you Marilyn….its in my born again blood….
  16. Greetings Clive, I’m looking into this but do want to tell you that I’ve also put a circle around 2023 and 2024 for the rapture/resurrection. If I knew for sure Jesus was crucified in 30AD, I would feel even better, but I’m still undecided between 30, 32, and 33 AD. Hosea 6:1-2 supports the two days (2000 years) from the crucifixion date. So if 30 AD is it, then 30 + 2000 = 2030, the 2nd coming of Christ. If 32 AD, then 32 + 2000 = 2032, the 2nd coming. If 33 AD, then 33 +2000= 2033, the 2nd coming of Christ. The rapture can be “at least” 7 years before those dates: 2030-7=2023 2032-7=2025 2033-7=2026 Notice I said “at least” 7 years…..I’m not convinced the rapture can’t be let’s say 1-3 years before the covenant confirmation (peace treaty). Anyhow, I think you and I re seeing the same things. Thanks for sharing. I will look deeper. cheers, spock
  17. Greetings missmuffet, I don’t think he did date set because he didn’t specify a given date…like September 24th. He gave you a ballpark estimate inside of one year. I don’t see anything wrong with that at all. After all, Jesus did say no man will know the day or hour…..he didn’t say no man can know the year, did he? The Lord encourages us to watch and be ready and of course encourages us to seek wisdom. What is the worst case scenario here? That he is wrong, right? No big deal….the brother then has to move on and keep studying. In the meantime, we all can grow a bit just by looking at his research and test it for ourselves….if I can be honest with you, I love to do that. I do feel it helps me sort out what I believe and what I don’t believe is right. Anyhow, that is how I see it. It’s okay if you don’t agree with me. Cheers, Spock
  18. Nice rebuttal…..you could be right….or maybe not. 😎✌️
  19. Spock


    I will do a simple one as I see it….. 1. Jesus ascends to heaven around 32 AD- Takes the scroll, 4 horsemen + 5 released (Rev 5); Church being formed for nearly 2000 years 2. Seal 6 released simultaneous with rapture (Rev 6:17)(1 Thess 4) 3. undetermined gap of time interval (up to 3 or so years)…10 toes being formed Daniel 2 and 7); Gog/Magog (Ez 38) 4. covenant confirmed with the many (Daniel 9:27) 5. 3.5 years of pretty much peace, sacrifices resumed in rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem, then cut off (Daniel 9:27) 6. abomination of desolation (Matt 24:15) 7. 3.5 years of Great Trib (Matt 24:16 on); Jewish remnant flee to Petra (Rev 12); trumpets and bowls released 8. 2nd coming of Christ (Rev 19; Matt 24:29-31) 9. 75 days to clean up and Sheep and Goats Judgment (Matt 25:31-45) 10. 1000 Millennial rule 11. Satan released from abyss, 2nd Gog massacre around Jerusalem (Rev 20:7-10) 12. Great white throne judgment (Rev 20:11) 13. The rest is obvious….. shalom, spock
  20. simply stated…only TRUE BELIEVERS are raptured. Unfortunately, there are many people who go to a church, or wear a cross around their neck, and even say they are a Christian because they are members of a Christian Church…..but alas, these are not the criteria that renders one a TRUE BELIEVER. You must believe and only God can make that call because only He knows the heart of man. In the 10 virgins parable, the 5 foolish were just that….foolish….they didn’t have the oil which often is symbolic of the Holy Spirit. Nevertheless, there will be believers after the rapture, so I guess you could say, they may have a chance to repent and believe during this time. cheers, S
  21. My two cents to this thread…..that’s about all its worth! cheers, spock out
  22. I agree with your simple sentiment here. I couldn’t care less what other people think or believe, especially regarding the rapture. Believe what you want to believe. Soon enough we shall all find out the truth. why would I care if someone thinks we are going to go through the entire great tribulation? How does their belief affect my life? It doesn’t. Do I want them to believe as I do? Nope. I don’t believe my faith can be transferred to anyone…it is mine. Lastly, not everyone can have great wisdom. You have to seek and pray for that. Not many are qualified to receive such blessing. cheers, spock out
  23. I apologize Diaste....I probably got confused keeping up with what everyone thinks. Me bad... spock
  24. I will admit without reservation that I HOPE YOU ARE RIGHT, and that the 6th seal precedes the mysterious covenant confirmation. I know one dear brother attempted to pinpoint the covenant and actually thought it was the Iran Nuclear Pact signed IN 2016 or 2017, I think...by the 5+1 nations and Iran. The latter promising they won’t build WMD while the six nations remove the bank freezes and shower Iran with a boatload of money. As for me, I still am looking for the covenant being confirmed and wonder if Trump’s deal of the century and these subsequent treaties between Israel and these Arab nations are playing into this coming covenant. But the bigger wonder I have is....WILL I EVEN SEE IT HAPPEN? If I do see it, then maybe the rapture and 6th seal is right at the abomination. Stay tuned.... like I said iamlamad, I hope you are right...we shall see, won’t we? You are a great brother in Christ, a great Ambassador for Christ, and someone I truly am honored to call my friend. spock
  25. I agree again with you, the raptured church is rev 7:9-17... I agree, that occurs immediately after the 6th seal. i agree, rev 12:6 very well could be immediately after the abomination so far, we agree on a lot..... I think where we might disagree is the timing of the 6th seal. you have 6th seal just before Daniel 70th week begins, just before the covenant being confirmed i have said, “I’m not sure where the 6th seal is released....I think it may be where you say, but I have reached out on this thread looking for people to give me evidence from the word that the rapture HAS TO PRECEDE the covenant being confirmed. So far, I’ve not seen the evidence I need to make me say, “ahhhhhh, yes, that is my missing link.....” So, for now, I will continue to see two possibilities for the 6th seal rapture.....right around the abomination or maybe you are right....right before covenant being confirmed. Do you have any better evidence to convince me the 6th seal rapture has to be before covenant confirmation? If so, I’m all ears and eyes. spock
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