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    South Africa
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    I have so many interests but God and people are at the top of my list...
    Love people, even the heartless ones. Love life, even the trying, dark experiences. Love myself, even though I'm broken sometimes. Love solitude, even though I'm a people's person.
    People, Life, Books, Daily Gratitude, Leadership, Anthropology, Communication Science.

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  1. Hello I've been thinking through this.,, my attention and focus in on Our Father during this time... Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I appreciate it... Much love
  2. I thought I'd give an update on this... Today my partner let me know that he had just finished a video series of Louis Farrakhan - and how he loved this guy. 'twas a random comment but I was curious... Googled and my spirits nose-dived. Esp when I saw some of his vids... So the root cause of his silence may have it's answer right there. Louis Farrakhan is the leader of the Nation of Islam...
  3. Woah I have a situation I'm battling with, and for the past few days I keep hearing "3 days" in my head... I don't know what it means but I get the sense it has to do with fasting... I have been persevering in prayer, but I'm not sure about fasting... I've never fasted in my entire life!
  4. @Rakael, thank you for your thoughts. That's exactly how I feel: I don't want to pressure him at all, and just want to focus on the good in him... I fully understand your sentiments re your mom's way lol. Its how my mom was and it drove me further from God, whilst my Gran (who was born again) never judged or 'preached' to me, she only encouraged. Again, thank you. Stay blessed!
  5. Thank you... I am trusting God and being obedient. He is guiding me step by step. If he is not the one God has chosen for me, then surely I am the one God has chosen to bring some light into his life. I will share my learnings as I go along this journey...
  6. This!! --> Just because he doesn't say anything, doesn't mean he's not thinking. I certainly needed to read this. I definitely think he is pondering... He is a thinker, and definitely the things I say is food for much thought as he sees the change in me. Seriously, not too long ago I was shamelessly bashing God! I even have letters I've written my friend telling him how irritated I was when I felt God was pursuing me... Another thought: there was an occasion where I told him I really needed prayer, and he confidently told me he would pray for me... It may be that my change and my journey has him thinking... Men do the cave thing right? Well yesterday he broke the silence and one of the first things he said was that he seriously loves me. That spoke volumes as he doesn't say things he doesn't feel at the time... I think that I'm on the right path. Discussing this in this forum has helped me unpack my jumbled thoughts regarding this... But the one thing that came to mind is that things are seldom what they seem. Still praising him in his brokenness and letting him know I care is what he needs. I see him as already transformed. God knows his heart. Infact it's a lesson for most. We shouldn't shun or rebuke those who are walking in darkness: we should show them love and understanding, see the good in them, see them as God does. Too many Christians are NOT practicing this. No wonder some people fear a walk with God! The people who helped me find God showed me such compassion and understanding, I can't be any different to others who need God in their lives... Anyway... Done blahing I hope everybody is having a blessed Monday!
  7. Sunflower, This is awesome up here what you said. So many people are so busy trying to change their partners to their ways thinking this is best for that person. Unfortunately, if the change isn't from within, it usually doesn't stick and ultimately backfires. This reminds me of the time my wife, not then, told me it is best that we break up (we were dating). She wasn't happy with the way things were heading so instead of trying to change me, she left me hanging. (Imagine that!) lol Anyhow, I thought long and hard about why she dumped me (about two weeks) and you know what? She was right to do that. Yeah, I know that is hard for me to believe too. In two weeks I called her up and asked her if she still had a spot in her heart for me. She said not much but was willing to at least see me (on trial). Well, guess what? She liked the new me and the rest you know- she's fat (not literally) and happy. Lol My point in case it got lost- I WANTED to change. She didn't strong arm me into doing it. This is why I think you are so right on and in a good place. It doesn't sound like you will Try to change him so unless he wants to change (toward god) you will clearly see the path before you. It will be that obvious. Sorry this took so long to make a point you didn't even ask for. (I'm in a reflective mood.) Your brother in Christ, Spock Thank you for sharing this, makes my heart warm to read how things worked out in your life. I have truly reached a place of selflessness - where I have turned to God and asked him to use me to be a light for others. I went through a rollercoaster of emotions where i tried terribly much to change him, thankfully it didn't last long. I realized that in my quest to change him The Potter was shaping and moulding me. I needed change more than anything... The best thing one can do is step back, pray and allow God to do His work. Think like God, be humble and kind towards those who dwell in darkness. For the record, there's been many moments when he has mentioned God, even when I wasn't on my journey. In fact, when I refuted God's existence, he told me believed God exists. Thus, I have endless hope. I am changing daily, and maybe his silence is mostly reflective. My changing certainly is overwhelming to me - more so for him as he experiences the effects of my transformation. He is a good person and he has a kind heart. I choose to think of his good qualities and to praise and appreciate this part of him. I have faith. I speak life into our situation and I am very sure Our Father will do a great work in him... Again, thank you.
  8. Ladies, Kwik & Desi... Thank for sharing your thoughts. Truth & guidance are appreciate on my journey. Continue to shine your light for others and stand firm on His Word. Have a blessed week... It's 21:34 in my world. Off to sleep soon...
  9. Thank you for your kindness in taking the time to respond. Do know that by Gods job I was merely referring to the work of God within him. The changes that come with a softening of a heart and the change that happens when one is transformed... You know how women try so hard to change their partners instead of focusing on their own change? I didn't mean anything harsh by it. His change is between God and him. I have faith. Enjoy your Sunday! Mine is sweltering hot, beautiful blue skies and filled with kids laughter... Have a blessed day
  10. Yes, I do have a relationship with Christ. No, he is not a Christian and thankfully Our Father has taught me not to judge him because of this... I started my journey two years after our relationship started, and yes, it is serious. Ultimately my focus is on changing me, and as I do it has really improved our relationship. I have a good memory of what is was like to dwell in darkness - and I shunned anything relating to God - although I would pray/talk to Him in secret... It's amazing how God softened my heart, and drew me close. This is in thanks in part to my best friend/sister who's a godly woman. She never gave up on me, so I'm not keen on giving up on my partner. Before my journey with God I had two questions, the first He answered pretty quickly, same day. It was not a coincidence, it was His response. The second question was whether my partner was part of His plan for me. I really needed the answer to that, because I wanted nothing to come in the way of me and God. Instead of giving me a sign via my dream, or some other way (I have had visions, etc since very young) He provided me with an answer that, like his answer to my first question, definitely was not a coincidence. It was way supernatural - and the things surrounding it made me realise just how powerful God is, and how I needed to trust Him with everything. That said... It's a hard journey and I often question God about his response and why it's so hard being in this situation - with a man that doesn't seem to like him very much. I realized that at the beginning of my journey my guy was a bit jealous of my newfound love - I was talking Christianese every day. Then I toned down when God advised me to be more compassionate. That it was His job to change my partner and not mine. I am very spiritual - and I talk with God all the time. I get the sense that God is working in my partner - and really, I need to understand that darkness doesn't like light very much. I need to remember. I really didn't like that part of my best friend very much, it irritated me to no end. But at the same time, God was pursuing me, relentlessly, till I had to break down and admit I needed him in my life. So I guess I answered my own question. Got clarity whilst listening to "Mighty To Save": "Everyone needs compassion, Love that's never failing; Let mercy fall on me. Everyone needs forgiveness, The kindness of a Saviour; The Hope of nations. Saviour, He can move the mountains, My God is Mighty to save, He is Mighty to save..." Whether my partner and I last, is of no consequence. I just want to be obedient to God, and follow His guidance. He will make it clear when I need to let go. What matters to me is that he comes to know Our Father, and if I am part of the reason he gets some of God's light, then this is my assignment for now.
  11. I started a relationship with God last year and it's been life-changing, an interesting journey... My friend/partner always goes silent when I mention God. He believes in God, but isn't a church-goer... I have never tried to change him - I understand that is God's job, His work... But I do feel compelled to share my journey, my thoughts on God and my experiences... But each time I do I get the silent treatment - as if he hates God or me or something I am trying to understand... Yesterday I sent him a voice note where I read 1 Corinthians 13 in honour of Valentines Day and boom! Today I'm getting the silent treatment. My walk with God is exciting and filled with many Moments I want to share, I just can't understand why he doesn't like me mentioning God.., should I stop talking about God or mentioning anything God related? God comes first in my life, so this pains me... Your thoughts would be appreciated....
  12. I have always felt God, and he has always been graceful - even when I turned my back on him and publicly denied his existence. I did everything I could to fill my being, but nothing could fill that emptiness... Finally I made the decision to allow God to control my life, his pursuit of me was relentless!!! I really felt Him pursuing me till one day I stopped running. I know He exists because He has never failed me. He listens and he responds - through nature, through people... All my atheists' views have been smashed to pieces. Ask Him whether He exists or not... He'll respond
  13. I started a relationship with God last year and it's been life-changing, an interesting journey... My close friend (a guy) always goes silent when I mention God. He believes in God, but isn't a church-goer... I have never tried to change him - I understand that is God's job, His work... But I do feel compelled to share my journey, my thoughts on God and my experiences... But each time I do I get the silent treatment - as if he hates God or me or something I am trying to understand... Yesterday I sent him a voice note where I read 1 Corinthians 13 in honour of Valentines Day and boom! Today I'm getting the silent treatment. My walk with God is exciting and filled with many Moments I want to share, I just can't understand why he doesn't like me mentioning God.., should I stop talking about God or mentioning anything God related? God comes first in my life, so this pains me... Your thoughts would be appreciated....
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