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  1. wow, it has been a long time since I ahve been on here.... Most the time, if I have a vision, I also get the understanding of it at the same time.... not many times do i have to seek an answer for it. the best thing to di is not to read too much into the visions nd dreams....
  2. what a great opportunity to institute the VERICHIP it is already being used for purchasing at stores in some places....
  3. atheism and agnosticism are one in the same, a different title for the same religion, a religion of self worship, as is Universalism, and the new age movement, all one in the same. they take away from Christ, they denounce Christ as being the one and only way to the Father.... mike
  4. in some cultures, this book (song of Solomon) is not to be read until a person has reached a certain age.... This is about the love from husband to wife, or wife to husband. these are love songs. reading some of the posts, I was reminded of a movie I saw once, and would like to get a copy of it to all teen age youth..... it is called Pamela's Prayer ....... a teen girl that is being raised by her father, and she is finding it very difficult to believe that there is a man out there that has NEVER KISSED A WOMAN.... and her father wants her to remain pure and allow her first kiss to be from her husband on her wedding day....... it also shows some of the things that she has to endure to remain in this state of purity..... watch the movie (can find it on netflix or maybe even Christian book stores) Wen I think of my wife, I think of how beautiful she is and how God intended her to be made. every day, I look at her, I see a very beautiful young lady just for me, she has not aged as I have, she is more beautiful now then she was when we got married..... I fail to let her know how much she means to me on a regular basis, but I keep trying, and I like to let her know how much I appreciate her.... These songs, tend to remind me of my wife. I am glad they are there... several books of the Bible are left out during normal studies and readings, a couple of them are Leviticus, Song of Solomon, Revelation, even parts of Daniel, Isaiah, and the other prophets....... ALL THE BOOKS ARE PROFITABLE FOR GROWTH IN THE LORD...
  5. If you love ME, you will keep MY Commandments.... When a person becomes "Saved" they become a NEW CREATURE/CREATION, and are to put away the things of old, and take on a new life.... Most "Christians" will tell you they are willing to die for Christ, but in all actuality, how many of them are willing to live an UPRIGHT AND BLAMELESS LIFE..... it matters not how many times a person is dunked in water (baptized) the washing in water is an outward sign of an inward action. A plane can not fly with dirty wings, or icy wings, they must be clean, spotless in order for that plane to fly, when I was in the Navy Squadron, a plane wash was a very important job, and had to be scrutinized in the way it was done to ensure the plane was clean...... If our wedding garments are not spotless, how are we to expect to be able to join in the wedding feast of the Lamb? How are we to expect to "FLY" out of here in the Rapture if our "wings" are soiled... if we want, we are able to sin for the rest of our lives, a choice, but then again, IF WE WANT, we can CHOOSE to be SIN FREE, BE OVER COMERS, live above and beyond sin. This can only be if we have Christ, and are guided by the Holy Spirit. This does not mean we will be perfect, but if we slip, we must not allow ourselves to be overcome with the things of this world, the weight of the sin, we must shed it and most of all.... REPENT OF IT.... and go on with live, do no dwell over it, learn from it, and resist the temptation of the enemy. asking forgiveness does not have to be a long drawn out process..... as soon as a person slips, (sins) and they realize it, they need to ask forgiveness and repent, asking for strength to resist it the next time so they will not sin again..... just because we were born into sin, does not mean we have to live in sin.... a person claiming to be a Christian, and living in sin is living a lie...
  6. true science proves the Word of God, God's Word is the base line that is to be used. if something does not line up with the Word of God, it is to be thrown out... Science has never been able to disprove the Bible. the Bible does disprove junk science.....
  7. You know, Mike, I agree that such things are acts of war. BUT....for the life of me I can't remember the incident you're talking about. Was this a long time ago or....what? yes, it was a while back, but here is the thing, even the day it happened, Iraq was suppose to be a friendly.... I said this was not an accident, it was a test, a test to see if they could damage the USA.... Back in 79, I made a statement that the USA should pull every citizen back into the boarders of the USA and cut off the rest of the world, turn to God and develop our own fuel sources digging and researching for alternate types, reinforce our boarders, block any one from entering and keep our own home. stop the giving away our blessings that have been bestowed upon us.... and if there is an attack upon the USA, then go full force and just wipe them out..... I know that is a bit selfish, but if we had done as was said we would do, then we would not be where we are today, every terrorist attack, if the perps had been hunted down at that time and taken care of at the time, they would not have been able to advance to the stage they are now.... for over 8 years, it was said that the people responsible will have to pay..... problem is..... NO ONE HUNTED THEM DOWN AND NO ONE PAID UP... so they were able to increase their numbers and do it again.... the trade center was not bombed once (9-11) but had been bombed a few years before... funny how there has not been a real threat carried out since 9-11... why? cause we are not standing for it..... but.....HOWEVER..... we are beginning to drop our guard again.... people are beginning to whine about our troops, they are whining about having to send more troops about the ones there not coming home... the troops that are over seas are all totally voluntary.... they have had more then enough time to serve their time, and return home..... they have chosen to do this of their own free will and accord ( military service is for a total of 8 years, a combination of Active duty, Active Reserve, and Inactive Reserve) most active duty is for 4 years with 2 years active reserve (6 years of showing up).... that is well past the beginning of the people that were on active duty during 9-11...... the real issue is, the "war/action" did not start at 9-11, it actually started in the early 90's with Desert Storm, and that was never called off... we have been in the theater ever since Desert Storm started..... so, anyone on active duty during that time can be looking at retirement with in the next couple years..... we do not want others controling our lives, or telling us what jobs we can and can not have, who are we to tell the peace keepers, our freedom fighters that they are no longer allowed to do the job they have chosen...... God Bless the Honorable Troops......... I lost companions on the USS Stark..... a friend of mine lost his brother during the Falken Island battle.... I have had several friends loose their lives giving their life so that we all can life free..... during peace time and during conflict...... how easily we forget what the real cost is for our freedom...... mike
  8. as far as I am concerned, and probably many others, acts such as these are an act of war. have we forgotten so easily what we have had done to us? are we even more dense then the Israelite's coming out of Egypt that we forget where were just a short while ago? how many remember the USS STARK? and the missiles it took from a supposedly "FRIENDLY" country (IRAQ)..... This was a deliberate act of war, when the USS STARK was trying to hail it on its own known frequencies, and it continued to come inbound, never replying to the STARK... then, this pilot fired two missiles into the Stark, yes, the pilot was shot down. why did the pilot not respond? anytime some one comes from another group of people and is not acting on their own, committing murder (at the very least) against another nation, when there are civilians involved THAT IS MURDER AND IS TO BE TREATED AS SUCH AND THOSE INVOLVED NEED TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE... mike
  9. aauuuhhh yeah, right.... Hezollah is not radical..... sure, I believe that, just as I believe bears do not live in woods, and chickens have lips..... just more propaganda to try and warp other peoples minds to try and get them to accept them as being normal.....
  10. I have a Lady, she is my wife, I love her beyond explanation or description, I also have "Lady Friends" I love them dearly. some I have known for 30 + years, I would do anything I could for them (One of them I am thinking of I use to dance with her back in 1977, we loved dancing with each other. In fact, she loves me so much that for a while, she only danced with me, but this is really only a brother sister love... by the way, I also changed her diapers during our dance sessions ( I am 50 and she is now 33 I have kept in touch with her her entire life. I have remained friends and love her, her sister and her brother dearly..... never dated, have played, sang, partied (birthday parties) and laughed and cried with each other, and even used the girls to baby sit my boys when they were little) Love and sex are not the same.... so, as for me being in love with that boy and those girls, Absolutely, but there are different types of love..... I am in love with my mother, my dad, my brothers and sisters.... nothing will ever change that... it is a love that grows daily... just like the Love that God has for us, it NEVER ENDS... He Is In Love With You, and wants the best for you.... mike
  11. and they are working on the one world religion as we speak...... just as they are working on the one world government..... the anti christ is the leader of the one world religion, the beast is the leader of the one world government, part of the false/anti-trinity.... mike
  12. Thank Goodness that there are still some schools and school districts that even have TEACHER PRAYER MEETINGS.... and there are many that still participate in the MEET AT THE POLE.... mike
  13. been done before..... false statements from the prisoners..... like axxman said, they would not be in this situation had they not done their jobs right. if they had done them wrong, there would be no allegations, only one more grave from a prisoner that tried to escape..... as it is, they were doing what was right, and brought him in alive, and only used what force what was needed to bring him in.... not even excessive force. who knows, the guy might have just triped over a rock.... There was once a marine, that some how or another, fell down a ladder that went from one deck to another on a ship. really funny though, the thefts that had been going on all of a sudden stopped.. Physical contact during WAR... duhhh, no more hand to hand? can not shoot the enemy, might wound them instead of killing them. it is no longer politically correct to use required force to detain an enemy soldier...... get the pansies out of office and out of the courts...... GET THE BLASTED NEWS MEDIA OUT OF THE FIELD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. During Desert Storm, the News Media was giving away our troop movement and positions over world wide TV..... " I can't tell you where we are, but if you look behind me, you can see these buildings and.........." LET OUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS DO THEIR JOBS........
  14. Adam only lived to 930 years, where does 963 come from? As for science discovering Adam and Eve, I'm a sceptic, but the information about the "Eve Gene" is fascinating. sorry bout that, going off of memory for his age, still, when did his days start? from the day he had life breathed into him, or from the day of exile.... as for the story, that is just what it is, a story, a riddle.....
  15. a lot of speculation..... I believe that we were not suppose to work, God was serving us, as a wonderful host. God was taking care of us. I have wondered if we are actually on the "7th" day of creation..... but then again, it is just speculation.... Adam was 963 years old. but does that time begin from the day he was brought to life? or from the day he was expelled from Eden? being he was already full grown when created, and while he was in Eden, he did not age...... just questions that will remain unanswered until later ( and that may not be that far down the line) it is fun to have these conversations, but there is not anything that actually says one way or other....... (not that I have found in the Word) story time....... a couple years ago, a few scientist found two bodies mummified in close to the Euphrates River. upon close examination they have determined them to be Adam and Eve. now, just how did they come to the conclusion that these two bodies were Adam and Eve?? Carbon dating? naaa, not accurate enough.... could it be that they were not born, they would not have an appendix? or a "Belly Button" mike
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