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Everything posted by OakWood

  1. When I read the book of Isaiah, I marvel at how the KJV translators made every effort to be as accurate as possible. Let is examine two verses to see how this works: Isaiah 22:18 He will surely violently turn and toss thee like a ball into a large country: there shalt thou die, and there the chariots of thy glory shall be the shame of thy lord's house. Now let's compare this with another verse from the same glorious book: Isaiah 40:22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: Now let's pick two words, one from each verse. From Isa 22:18 I shall select the word 'ball' and from Isa 40:22 I shall select the word 'circle'. Now any budding Hebrew scholar will be able to tell me that the Hebrew word for ball (dur) that was used by the prophet Isaiah is different from the word that the prophet used for circle (chug). Isaiah may have been no expert at geometry but he knew the difference between a circle which is a 2-dimensional object and a ball which is a 3-dimensional object. That is why he carefully selected his words when describing one thing as opposed to the other. The KJV translators were also smart enough to notice the difference and they carefully reflected that in their translation. God's word is thus preserved accurately. This just goes to show how faithful to the word of God the KJV translators were. Praise the Lord!! Oh, and while we're on the subject - for those of you who don't know the difference between a flat 2-d circle and a 3-d ball (or sphere), here are some diagrams, bearing in mind that in the second diagram, I am trying to represent a 3-d object in a 2-d diagram. This is a circle (or disc): and this is a ball (or sphere): Praise the Lord!!
  2. In reality, they are in the same frame. Ever since Lucifer rebelled against God, persuading one third of the angels in heaven to join him in his mutiny, there has been supernatural conflict here on earth. The reason that all the ancient religions of the world share similarities is because they all originated from fallen angel worship. The Romans had different gods for different things (each god is a different fallen angel). The Greeks were the same. Jupiter (or sometimes Apollo) is the chief of the gods. The chief god is always Lucifer in disguise as he is the leader of the fallen angels. The Greek equivalent to Jupiter is Zeus. There is also a god of war, and a god (or goddess) of love, and a god of the harvest and so on.... Even the Norse people worshipped the same fallen angels. Their chief god is Odin (or Woden). Thor, like the Roman god Mars is the god of war. Norse culture is geographically far removed from Rome and Greece. It is unlikely that the early Norse had even heard of Rome, so there is no way that their culture could have borrowed any ideas from Rome. Their religion grew independently, yet it shares similarities with Greco-Roman religion because its the same fallen angels behind it, albeit under different guises using different names. the fact that geographically there is no connection is emphasised more when you study the religion of the Aztecs, a civilisation separated by the Atlantic ocean from their Greek and Roman counterparts and probably completely unaware of their existence. The Aztecs had their pantheon of gods too, the chief of whom was Quetzlcoatl (Lucifer in disguise again). It's also interesting that Quetzlocoatl was represented by a serpent (the original liar in the garden of Eden). None of these myths are really myths but have some basis in truth, because at one time all these gods really existed, but of course they were nothing but deceivers, false gods pretending to be gods and fooling people into worshipping them, but they were nothing more than fallen angels in reality. Although today, most of these religions have since died out, not all of them have. The Ancient religion of Hinduism has survived the passage of time, and the gods known as Krishna, Vishnu, Shiva and so on are the same angels as before in yet another one of their many aliases. Satan is a great deceiver and that is why there are so many different religions in the world that all appear to be different but if you scratch the surface they are all the same. When the Roman religion disappeared, it didn't die out completely. It was incorporated into Roman Catholicism. The RCC is a blend of Paganism and Christianity, a false Christianity. Satan hides himself by continuing the great pantheon of gods under the guise of a Christian church. The Roman gods never disappeared they were merely incorporated into the fold, using scripture to hide themselves. Instead of a god of war, a god of the harvest, a god of this, and a god of that; we now have the false saints of Catholicism... , a patron saint of this, and a patron saint of that, all of whom Catholics pray to daily. And what's worse they even pluck characters straight out of the Bible, and turn them into false gods, hence the cult of Mariolatry. Mary worship is just a modern version of the Babylonian goddess worship cunningly disguised as Christian doctrine. When it comes to ghosts and things , it's all part of the same thing. Ghosts are probably manifestations of demons, pretending to be the spirits of dead people, but in reality they are not. Demons are the disembodied souls of the Nephilim who were destroyed during the Great Flood. They are universal on this earth and every culture has its own depictions of them. What is a ghost to a westerner is a banshee to somebody else, or a brownie, or maybe elves, pixies or leprechauns. They are all the same - thoroughly evil. That's why the Lord tells us to stay away from such things and not become involved with the myths and superstitions of mankind, because although some of these entities may seem harmless, perhaps even benign, they are anything but. They are nothing but liars, deceivers and masters of disguises; appearing as different things to different people according to their culture or beliefs. As for centaurs and other such mythological beasts, they were probably real at one time too. The book of Genesis tells us how animals had become corrupted as well as men. Maybe the fallen angels didn't just come to Earth and take human women as wives, maybe they corrupted animal flesh too. A centaur is half-man half-horse. Maybe at one time such atrocities really existed and myths grew out of the memory of such things.
  3. World War 2 was planned long before it happened - decades before in fact. If you read the works of the nineteenth century Freemason Albert Pike, he made a startling prophecy (although it was not a prophecy, merely a plot that more-or-less came to fruition). He declared that in the future there would be three World Wars, the first was to destroy the power of Tsarist Russia by installing a Marxist, Atheist system there (World War I); the next war was to neutralise the power of Europe especially the Protestant stronghold of Germany (World War 2); and World War 3 (yet to come) would see Muslims and Jews fight and completely destroy each other. The intention of these wars is to establish a New World Order. Pike outlined the scheme in a letter to the Italian politician, Guiseppe Mazzini, dated August 15th 1871. World War One was triggered by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand (a deliberate set-up), and World War 2 rose from the ashes of World War One. Adolf Hitler was a puppet used to bring it about. The reformation of Israel was planned by Freemasons and other secret societies, although by doing so they unwittingly carried out God's plan to give the Jewish people a new state in the Holy land. The United Nations (another satanic organisation disguised as a maintainer of world peace) has deliberately moved from a pro-Israel stance to an anti-Israel stance, thus enabling Arab nations to become a massive threat to the Jews. The empowering of Palestinian Arabs, and the carrying out of suspicious Middle East policies have allowed the growth of Muslim extremists such as al-Qaeda, and more recently ISIS. This is not incompetence, but is a deliberate ploy because many governments of the world have been under the control of Illuminati-controlled banks and other nefarious organisations (such as the Jesuits) for a couple of decades now. It's worth noting that nearly every U.S. president of recent times has been a high-ranking Freemason, or a member of a similar secret society and that also includes the leaders of other countries. Both George H and George W Bush are skull-and-bones members - Bill Clinton is Jesuit coadjutor (as possibly is Donald Trump) - Barack Obama is a Prince Hall Freemason. The former Prime Minister of Britain, Tony Blair is a 33rd degree mason. Former diplomat and politician Henry Kissinger is part of the gang, as are the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, and the Kennedys. Although from time to time, the Kennedys have rebelled against these societies and tried to expose them, and that's why JFK was assassinated and so was Robert Kennedy. JFK's succesor Lyndon B. Johnson was also a 33rd degree mason, and he took the secret of JFK's death to his grave. They deliberately play against each other (but secretly they are on the same side). It's a classic case of Hegelian dialectic in action. Trump deliberately pretends to stand for liberty and freedom, and he appears on the surface to be working against the plans of the New World Order, but he is no different to the rest of them, he's just play-acting. His policies will have some initial success but they will fail in the long run because they are designed to, and they are designed to make conservatives look like paranoid idiots. The Illuminati were hoping for a Hillary victory (even THEY can't completely rig elections - not yet anyway), but Trump was their back-up plan and was used as a litmus test to judge if the American people were still conservative enough to vote for liberty. It turns out that the majority of the American public were, and that's why Trump won. But Trump is just a puppet to give patriotic U.S. citizens the impression that they are still in control of their country, but they are not. Trump promised to investigate Hillary Clinton and bring her to justice, but he hasn't because she is on the same side as he is. The Jesuits infiltrated Freemasonry some time ago, and now both organisations are working together on the same plan for world domination. Both organisations are Luciferian at the very top, but lower ranking masons and Jesuits are not aware of this. We now have a Jesuit pope in the Vatican - the first time in history that there has ever been a Jesuit pope. This is no coincidence. Why do you think that the last pope Benedict XVI resigned? He was ordered to step down! History has already been written for us. Most of what happens has already been planned by wicked men. God sometimes allows these plans to happen because he has his own plan, and the schemes of the wicked set the scene for real prophecy to take place just as the Bible tells us.
  4. Correct. Our spirits are stronger (they didn't have spirits in those days), because spirits are distilled products. But our wines and ales are the same as they have always been. Spirits will make a person drunk quicker and require smaller amounts to do so because they are 'stronger', but wines and beers are significantly strong enough to make a person drunk if you drink more of them, and you still don't have to drink a lot. Wine is fermented grape juice. Fermented grape juice that has been distilled is called 'brandy'. Brandy didn't exist in ancient times but wine did. Brandy may be around four to five times stronger than wine and that's why you only need tiny amounts served in little tiny containers to get you drunk, but wine will make you drunk if served in larger glasses. Even a pint of wine will make most people tipsy, whereas a pint of brandy will probably knock most people out. My argument is not whether drinking alcohol is wrong or not. It may be or it may not be.... but we should always check what scripture says and use scripture to justify the argument - not false science. My argument is against people who use false information to justify complete abstinence from alcohol. Wine in Biblical times was not free from alcohol, nor was it low in alcohol. Likewise, today's wine is not significantly stronger than it used to be, nor do modern winemakers deliberately make the wine stronger than it was. Wine has always been wine!
  5. The nephilim and giants were living flesh, so yes they could be drowned by water. Being half-human, half-angel they had fleshly bodies, but were of a strange species that God had not intended to exist, because it was forbidden for the angels to have intimate contact with humans. Demons are the disembodied souls of nephilim after their bodies had been killed.
  6. The Bible is to be taken literally except where it tells us otherwise. So of course there are metaphors and parables but it is clear which are, and which aren't. For example there is nothing in the Bible to suggest that the flood was a metaphor, but anything other than a literal flood. I never said that being educated or intellectual makes one incapable of understanding scripture so I have not contradicted myself. The whole point of the eunuch story is to highlight how intellectualism can sometimes blind people to the obvious, and to show that one does not need to be highly educated to understand scripture when in fact sometimes a child has better understanding than an adult does. However, a good education should make one understand the Bible better, but unfortunately with intellectualism can sometimes come pride, and a tendency to try and make the simple complicated. We've all heard of people who can't see the wood for the trees. I have twice highlighted the word 'sometimes' in case you accuse me of claiming that such matters are always the case!
  7. If people can't understand scripture by reading it... then what hope is there for any of us? God is not just interested in saving only intellectuals and scholars. but he is concerned about saving everybody. Anybody who can read can also understand scripture... but only if they read what it says without pre-conceptions and without the pride of assumption. If God says the grass is green, then the grass is green. If God says the sky is blue, then the sky is blue. If God tells us there was a flood, then there was a flood. We do not need clerics and sages to translate it for us, because if we do that then we are vulnerable to the interpretations of false teachers who claim to be smarter than we are. The highly educated eunuch could not understand the book of Isaiah because he did not read it with the humility that God expects us to have when we read scripture. His education led him to have pre-conceived ideas about things. He had learned the doctrines of Men and he complicated everything that he heard without appreciating the simplicity of the message. He believed that he already knew the answers before he read them... but he didn't. God does not lie to us, nor does he speak in riddles. If God says that the Earth was created in six days, then it was literally created in six days. It's not a puzzle or a metaphor; it's a message that anybody can understand. Some people over-complicate things and believe that 'six days' is a metaphor, or an parable, or a secret code for 'six billion years'. But it is not. The fools that believe such things have listened to the doctrines of liars who claim that the Earth is billions of years old. They are trying to compromise and find a middle ground between the theories of Evolutionists and Darwinists, and the word of God!
  8. I know about winemaking and brewing but if you think I am wrong - look it up. We'll see who is right. Fermentation is fermentation. Ask anybody who knows about the subject and they will confirm that you don't know what you are talking about. And don't infer that I am dumb. The man who resorts to insults has lost the argument, even veiled ones! Facts are facts, and are not subject to change just because of your opinion of a particular person. Perhaps if you actually read up on the subject you will discover that you clearly know nothing about the biochemistry or the history of brewing and viticulture, as your previous answers clearly demonstrate. Maybe it's time to educate yourself. And even if you were right about modern alcoholic drinks being stronger today than they were 2,00 years ago (which you are not), the point is still irrelevant. 9% of alcohol is more than strong enough to easily get a person drunk; any stronger drink would just mean that you need to drink less of it. Regardless of it requires one pint to get you drunk or one-tenth of a pint to get you drunk, the wine in Ancient Hebrew times was still very intoxicating - whether today's wine is even stronger or not! This is not a flat Earth topic and FE is irrelevant to the thread and the subject of Flat Earth should not be introduced to it, but if that's the only way you can debate a subject by diverting the reader's attention to another one then perhaps you should politely bow out of the discussion and leave the thread to those who are capable of giving constructive answers.
  9. Fermentation processes are exactly the same today as they were then. Yeast turns the available sugar into alcohol. There is no more or less sugar in grapes today than there was yesterday. It is a natural process that hasn't changed. In fact the finestr wines are still fermented using the same processes that have occurred for millennia. However, bottling processes, preservative processes and production processes are different. These have no affect on the alcohol content. Average grape juice grown on moderate soil will still produce 9% alcohol by volume by natural processes which is still twice as strong as an average beer. Beer is more than strong enough to get a person drunk! It is not possible to produce a wine with more than about 16% alcohol because the excess alcohol kills the yeast. The only way to produce an alcoholic drink more than 16% is either by distillation or fortification, or other artificial means. To artificially add alcohol (ethanol) is expensive and unnecessary. Most wines today range from 9% to 15% alcohol by volume - more than enough to get a person drunk and completely within the range of natural fermentation. More alcohol means more duty tax to pay so manufacturers have nothing to gain by artificially increasing alcohol content other than pushing up the price. When it comes to winemaking and brewing, you have simply no idea what you are talking about! And you are suggesting that some Christians who occasionally drink alcohol are alcoholics. Shame on you!
  10. And you believe Eusebius, a Roman Cathlolic historian? And who were these so-called early disciples? True Christians or Gnostics. The point is:- whatever was the original brainchild that invented a Sunday sabbath we may never know... but the RCC established it and made it official.
  11. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/889365/Pope-Francis-Jesus-Lords-Prayer-Bible-God-Catholic-scripture-religion-christianity
  12. The apostles gave no instruction to change the day of the Sabbath. Please point out in scripture where they did. I'm not concerned about what charlatans may have proposed to be a good idea if their ideas conflict with scripture, and even if the RCC did not create Sunday worship - they promoted it, encouraged it, and at times persecuted those who deviated from it. Changing the day of the Sabbath was never an instruction from God.
  13. How do you know that Jesus never drank unfermented wine? By the way it was virtually impossible to store unfermented grape juice in those days, because if you store grape juice for any length of time it ferments, because yeast spores occur naturally on the skin of a grape and being a living, breeding organism is almost impossible to remove without modern filtration techniques or modern chemicals. In fact I will tell you that is easier to ferment something, than it is to prevent it from fermenting. I've found old bottles of fruit juice in my fridge that I had forgotten about and that have already fermented. When you removed the lid you could clearly smell the alcohol inside. Even apples that have dropped on the floor of an orchard have been found to contain alcohol after just a couple of days because yeast spores get just about everywhere. In fact you buy a carton or bottle of non-alcoholic grape juice you will find it contains artificial yeast-killing preservatives to prevent fermentation from happening! Such modern preservatives had not been invented in Biblical times. Jesus gave his wedding guests 'old wine' as well as new. What exactly is meant by the term 'old wine' if not referring to wine (ie grape juice) that is old, and therefore fermented? Many teetotal Christians pervert the words of scripture to justify the reason that even a small amount of alcohol consumption is a sin, yet what they don't realise is that the word 'wine' means 'wine'. It does not mean unfermented grape juice! If it did then the Bible would refer to it as grape juice, and not as wine!
  14. But regardless of such matters, it is an established fact that the Roman Catholic Papacy changed the sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, and this was during a time when the Jewish people were observant of such dates and knew exactly when the sabbath was.... so they had no excuse. Regardless of whether or not we should follow the 'law', or whether the sabbath is still sacred or not, the RCC still changed the day. Why would they do this? Why bother to change a day if the day is no longer important? And if they thought it was important to keep the sabbath then why not stick to God's ordained day rather than choosing a day of their own? These are simple but honest questions and they deserve answers like most simple and honest questions do. But, I suspect... as always; truthful answers will not be forthcoming.
  15. I sometimes think that we shouldn't be posting such blasphemies as these. I was going to post the same article but felt uncomfortable about it. However, news is news and it is important that we document what we are up against. That way, no Christian can say that they didn't know. I expect there to be more.... a whole lot more. We are living in the End Times and Satan is running riot on steroids at the moment as he knows his time is short!
  16. Just when you thought that the World couldn't get more sick and twisted: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/4839905/womb-transplant-men-can-have-babies/
  17. All roads lead to Rome..... and that definitely includes the roads that also branch off towards Hell.... Just saying..... Ignore me.
  18. You've asked a good question and a very relevant one. I'm not going to chastise you for it. It's a question that everyone should ask. I will try to break down my answer into three points: 1/ When it comes to critical thinking, God has given us a brain. We can think logically. 2+2=4 and we know that. So why should we blindly worship a God whom we cannot tell if he exists or not? Well, the truth is, most Christians don't (although some may do). Many born-again Christians were not raised in the Church, some have come from Atheism or other beliefs such as Buddhism or Hinduism or Islam. The word 'faith' is a very misunderstood one. Many people think that the word faith means 'blind belief' but it doesn't. 'Faith' means trust, and real trust means believing in the tried and tested. Believe it or not, many Christians have doubted God until he displayed his love, and his verifiable honesty. I trust God because I have tested his existence and I know it to be real. 2/ History verifies the validity of the Bible. Historical prophecies have been fulfilled to the letter. This is true. Some may say that the Bible contradicts itself, but it doesn't. You have to read it to understand that... but many people don't bother to, instead they cherry-pick a few verses to their liking. Yes, there are a number of apparent contradictions in the Bible but they can be explained satisfactorily which is really another topic for discussion (and a very complicated but interesting one). 3/ If you are really unsure, then let God do all the work. If God really exists then it is his duty to reveal himself. Sit down, relax and pray. "How do I know that you are real?" Many have done this, but never got an answer because their pride gave them 'pre-assumptions.' They wanted to believe in a god made in their own image, a god that satisfied their own fantasies, desires and imaginations, and sadly they often got one, a false one! Be humble, like a small child.... knowing nothing but asking questions out of sheer curiosity. You have nothing to lose. If you are genuinely humble, God will answer you... not necessarily straight away; it may take days or weeks, but he will answer you eventually. Trust me. And even when God does answer you... keep on testing until you are sure that it is really God who speaks. There's nothing wrong with healthy skepticism. ________________ And finally, for all the Christians who believe that God should not be tested because of what they read in scripture... well, it doesn't mean that. God is not a performing monkey and you shouldn't test his powers or expect him to perform miracles at your request. However, you can test whether he really is the true God or not; based on truth, logic and humble conviction. Once you have found him and he passes the test then you need never doubt him again. Remember that there are a lot of false gods out there so the litmus test will reveal the true God, the only god who gave his only begotten son to die for our own sins.
  19. Kind of spot on... I agree more or less. The Holy Spirit convicts. You can deny the existence of the Father and the Son (due to ignorance) and therefore blaspheme them... but once you've seen and touched the Holy Spirit, then you've been fully convicted and have been given solid proof, and have no excuse. I must point out though, that I think blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is almost impossible in this day and age (notice that I use the word 'almost'). Jesus no longer walks in the flesh as he did nearly two thousand years ago. The Spirit was with him when he did. The pharisees had a grandstand view of the Spirit, up close and personal, yet they were so wicked that they rejected it - preferring the Spirit of Satan to the Spirit of God, even to the point of confusing the Holy Spirit and failing to understand it, believing it to be evil. You also have to remember that Satan was on steroids at the time. This was a key point in history, and Lucifer knew it. He was desperate and working on overtime. He knew that the game was almost up so he tried his best to work his lies and deceptions. There was no way that he was going to let this 'messiah' tamper with his plans. But of course, he never saw the knockout punch that was to come... when Jesus died on the cross then subsequently rose again.
  20. They're all in it together. Trump is 'controlled opposition'. It's all theatre and fireworks..... pretending to be enemies, pretending to be friends. They're just following the script. Bill Clinton is Jesuit trained. Donald Trump is Jesuit trained. Hillary is a puppet of the Jesuit Illuminati. Okay, so maybe I'm wearing my tin-foil hat..... but ALL IS NOT AS IT SEEMS! Even the very elect can be deceived... but fortunately not where it really counts. We are only being deceived temporarily.. there's nothing to really fear.
  21. But he is dressed in white (as many people suspect)!
  22. It looks like God never let him go. He had to wander his own path first. That's what free will is all about. Notice that even when he was a 'New Ager' he still understood that there was something special about Jesus. This is the first step to wisdom. He was wrong about so many things, but eventually he found the truth. As long as you sincerely search (without pride and without selfish assumption) you will eventually find God.
  23. Even if they think they have successfully devised a means of transferring a soul from one place to another - they won't have. How would one know if a soul has been transferred? Let's say, for example you have a friend who dies, but you are told that trans-humanists can transfer his soul into another body. He appears to be resurrected in the new body and you talk to him. It sounds like him, and he remembers you and talks to you as if he were that person. You're really pleased to see your friend again whom you thought was dead, but now he appears to have been given a second chance at life. Demons are very good at mimicry. They are probably very good impersonators of you or I, or anybody else for that matter!
  24. The difference is - are they following their scriptures when they do it? When a Christian attacks someone he is going against the teachings of his belief. When a Muslim attacks a non-Muslim he is doing exactly as his sordid little book tells him to!
  25. Age can bring wisdom but it can also bring stagnation. The longer you are accustomed to a doctrine, the longer you are set in your ways. Old dogs can't be taught new tricks. Old dogs are therefore more likely to toe the line!!! In the case of the present Pope, Francis I, it's simple; He's a Jesuit, and his great age reveals that he has had time to rise to the highest ranks of Jesuitism. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing and he was deliberately chosen to be the first ever Jesuit Pope. Why do you think the last Pope (Benedict) resigned? Popes don't resign (very rarely). They hold the office until their death....... Benedict didn't resign of his own accord. He didn't jump. He was pushed!
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