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About Pamelasv

  • Birthday 06/21/1969

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    Learning how to sew. Painting. A talent I never use, but Lord willing, I will paint things with scripture on them. Bird feeding.

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  1. I don't see how that is changing anything according to the Word, since that is in the bible.
  2. Intersesting. I believe that.
  3. I wonder if one preached to the monetary poor that they would have a bigger inheritance than any on earth, they would be more receptive to it.
  4. This has always been a verse that brings questions it seems. I guess I asked it that way to see if anybody had any strong convicted beliefs on it. Seems like nobody really does. It is a tough question. But if you do have convicted beliefs on it, go ahead and share, but not like you have to teach.
  5. I believe that, but I don't believe they all embrace it. Look other countries where they lived for years without being jihads. Saudi Arabia is strict with regard to women, hence their religion, and in recent years been allowing the women to have their own businesses. And something else I don't recall. But why would some even WANT to come to America. I agree whole heartedly that muslims in America need to be observed with caution, but it would be against our constitution to not allow them to come here. So what can we do? I confess I am only a little educated on this subject, but I do have a knack for the obvious. Now I am ready for a big blast against my post, and my uneducated foolishness or wishful thinking. But seriously, they don't all embrace it. Don't even read their own Koran.
  6. Seems to be now that Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are winning in recent state elections? Neither who are christians. Donald Trump with congress may get thing done, but when you look at Kings in the bible, didn't God save the nation with the God fearing Kings? Actually, I am not 100% postive with them ahead in recent elections, but I have been hearing that on the radio which is turned down a little too low. But that doesn't change the rest of my post.
  7. 'In everything therefore, treat others as you want them to treat you, for this is the law and the prophets.' I asking for your responses in here as to explain how you want people to treat you. I wonder if everybody is at least a little different in their expectations of how they want others to treat them. Would you be so kind as to explain how YOU like to be treated? As for myself, I want others to overlook my faults or perceived (or actual) offenses, and love me anyway. (I know this is a forums, but I'm mainly talking about real life). I want to be treated with respect, just as important as the next person. Actually, it seems like respect is a biggy. And I of course have not treated others up to God's standards either as we are all sinners. Yes, we are all created by God, each one fearfully and wonderfully made, so I want to strive to love and respect others more. But you can't show 'love' in the sameway to everyone, so loving them would repecting them. It has many descriptions. I only started because I really am curious as to what others want, not because I am expecting from others in here. Now after all that, I am going to held to higher standards when I post in here.
  8. Pamelasv


    How would you 'teach' this to people if you were up at the pulpit teaching? Now I ask it this way for a reason. 'Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to. For everyone who asks recieves, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.'
  9. Since everything is I heard this, I heard that, who says even that is not possible?
  10. That link doesn't work anymore. I have heard they have the old testament, and believe in the God the father (not stated that way), but believe Jesus was on earth, but not as a savior. So people are essentially saying is they believe Islam believes there is that one almighty God. I always believed this too, but then you hear more reports and they are different. I really should talk to a muslim in person someday and ask myself. That actually is a scary thought to me to do that.
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