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    Berlin, Germany, Europe
  • Interests
    Religion (not just my own), reading, politics, history
  1. In my (Baha'i) opinion, science cannot answer questions about religion, just like religion is not supposed to solve scientific problems. Both science and religion must support each other, like two wings of a bird, because with one wing alone, no bird can fly. Science teaches us *how* the world is, but religion teaches us *why* it is. Science without religion will become empty materialism, but religion without science becomes mere superstition. I don't think the descriptions in the Bible should be confused with science. They're often symbolical and mythological descriptions of what happened. For example, I believe when science proves there was a "big bang" or something, that's how God created the world. Science helps us to understand *how* God did that. But it will never teach us *why* God did it, for which purpose, or what is right and wrong. Science only knows true and false, which is why we need religion. Baha'u'llah (whom Baha'i consider a divine prophet) confirmed Adam was the first man. But he also says, in the next sentence, that there were divine prophets even before Adam. How is that possible? Many Baha'i, including myself, believe that to mean that evolution is true and Adam was a symbolical person, the first person the moment man had crossed the evolutionary line between animal and human.
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