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About whitetiger

  • Birthday 07/27/1971

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    Linux, OTR

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  1. Lets hope mandates are the next step, but I think politicians are to cowardly. More likely it will be local like my college is mandating vaccines which is good
  2. I sure hope the become required for all. The SCOTUS have ruled that vaccine mandates are okay much earlier than any of us alive so vaccine mandates have precedent
  3. I am sorry I will disagree. I am more than happy to make my font bigger and that has never been rude. Maybe I'm a dinosaur but I come from when the Internet started and I do know what is considered rude. Go with God
  4. Yep. We sat by to much and allowed evil and now we are paying the price. Christians have let society down by not standing against evil
  5. Exactly! In my Church most of the Bishops and Priest are former military and retired police officers including my Priest
  6. I did that because of a debate here in the forums. I am neither Catholic nor Protestant as a Charismatic Episcopalian, so someone said I should come up with some of my beliefs and hence my sig line
  7. That is actually a question for another thread so as to not get this thread off topic
  8. They say the coup is the good guys and the turkey Pres is trying to make Turkey an authoritarian Islamic nation.
  9. From my perspective one can not be a good Dem and a Christian. Den values are completely and diametrically opposed to Christianity, period and good day sir!
  10. Sure... Sadly, The shadow doesn't know on this one.
  11. I am Charismatic Episcopal Church. We are a 3 streams church http://www.iccec.org/
  12. It could be very hard if not impossible. With the love of abortion and hatred of America that the modern democratic party holds
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