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  1. thank you for your input people. FresnoJoe ? Sorry I have no idea what you are saying?
  2. Lady C (and others) yes we have had some transparency issues both ways. We have been taking after you commented on joining and combining FB accounts. What are the pros and cons of doing this?. Do you or anyone see this a potential problem? is this a breakdown in individuality? Will post on another forum as a general question if nobody sees this...
  3. I thank you all for your candor. Many of your points are well-taken and good food for thought. I appreciate the responses. I do trust my wife and I guess my bar for tolerance is pretty low. I was disappointed that my wife felt she couldn’t tell me the truth from the get go and most of the information she offered was free and willing in the sense of a conversation. BFP I am not sure what I am forcing and in fact my wife is a friend with many members of the opposite sex. The conversation came up between us and I thought I would ask on this forum if my feeling were valid. I can assure you (although don’t feel the need to) that there’s no control here. In fact my wife asked if I'd felt better that she delete him and I said no. That by doing so that this was in a sense control and control is not love… Lady C good advice I think. My only real beef was this guy drives by our house and continues to find excuses to contact my wife…not excessively but still tries. I was bummed out that my wife wasn’t a little more forth coming on the info. P.S. If your husband or wife was driving past a high schools sweet hearts house is this not some cause for thought??? I guess that’s his wife’s problem and not mine.
  4. I will try and be quick. Spoke to my wife in the past about how I feel about her being a FB friend with people she may have been intimate with in the past. (Not Sex). She deleted those men and told me it was out of being nosey. I did express it made me feel insecure and I hated the fact that those people could have contact with my wife. FYI I don’t FB any ex’s. I see the past as that… I asked her at the time if there was anyone else any old boyfriends, intimate partners etc… she said no. A couple of weeks ago she joined a group relating to her class reunion. It came there might be a picture of the guy she went to prom with…I said did anything happen between you two. She said they kissed but he was more like a brother. She felt she had to kiss him bla, bla, bla. In our discussion I find out he lives in our town, he has driven past our house to see where she lives and he has attempted to start conversations with my wife on FB. She talks back I guess why not they are friends.. I also found out that my wife has been a friend with him for about a year or so. I asked her why the interest and her reply was they were good friends.. I asked why not reach out before if you were such good friends…no real response to that question. When I asked her why she didn’t tell me that he was in the picture or as FB friend she said she forgot and she didn’t think that what she did was intimacy.. I have to be honest; my wife seems to use this excuse a lot…. I forgot.....Am I being ridiculous for feeling jealous? Am I over reacting? I haven’t asked her to do anything about it but thought I would ask all of you..? Ideas. Please tell me if you think I am being ridiculous. Or is this something I should get over? Please advise.
  5. I am afraid one day he will really hurt himself.
  6. goodnight, I am going to sleep on it....
  7. I am so sorry. this is the worst. My heart goes out to you.
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