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  1. Awesome comments all. I've always been slow to put a limit of what God could do and I don't believe in evolution but if God made us male and female in His image on this planet for fellowship, it seems reasonable that He would make human life on other planets if He so chose. Not wookies or yodas or green or grey aliens but humans just like us. C.S. Lewis explores this theory in his space trilogy works but he takes the position that the creatures God made on Mars and Venus were non-human. I think that is possible but it seems more likely they would be human.
  2. Does the Hebrew translation of Genesis 1:1 leave the door open that God created life on other planets? From my Hebrew classes I always wondered about the plural designation of ”Na Shamayim” the word for Heavens. God created the Heavens and the Earth. This could have just as easily been written in the singular form – “Heaven” but the “im” at the end of the Hebrew word makes it plural.
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