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the enquirer

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the enquirer last won the day on March 28 2015

the enquirer had the most liked content!


24 Neutral
  1. Hi all, thank you all who have posted advice and suggestions here.
  2. Hi, Steve. I have, wondered about Salvation in my own life, and consider my faith to be quite weak. I often sin, but I do believe in Jesus. You will get your faith back. Ask God to forgive your sins and strengthen your faith. All of us are on a journey of Faith and none of us is without sin.
  3. Thank you Ezra for your advice. I am currently reading John but don't really know how to Study. I also have difficulty having set times as I am on strong medication and find myself falling asleep in the morning and evening. But you are right I need to discipline myself and find some time of the day to do both.
  4. i am sorry I don't know where to post this. I consider myself a Christian although only recently returned to the fold as I had backslidden. Anyway as a Christian shouldn't I understand the bible.? The Parables and Letters plus Prophesy often puzzle me.
  5. Yes. I quite often feel this way, when my faith seems weak, and I have doubts. Then God will answer a prayer. This is often indirectly for example in the kindness of another person. Also, I experience an uplift. by viewing God's Creation, and thank him, and know that he is worthy of praise.
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