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choir loft

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Everything posted by choir loft

  1. How old are you? If you're old enough to question your personal motivations then you're old enough to provide your own answers. For those that are confused....here is my two cents. If you were gay, you'd have known it from an early age......mostly....maybe.....kind of.... I don't know what you mean by referring to photos of feminine boys, but if your imagination is being fired up by people who look like girls then you aren't exactly being attracted by boys despite what does or doesn't hang between their legs. There are men who are attractive to other men without coming close to anything gay-ish. For instance, a successful talented professional athlete may attract a great deal of respect and admiration and even kinship from other men. Other less talented men aspire to greatness, but because of their inability they project themselves into the powerful successful character they'd like to be. President John F. Kennedy was such a man. I admit to great personal admiration and affection for him. The same is true and even more so in the military. The prowess and courage under extreme conditions will often lead other men to respect a leader so much they'd be willing to follow that man to the death. I've had the privilege of working with two such men. They are a rare breed....very rare. On the other hand, I served with a man that other men wanted to frag. As events turned out it wasn't necessary, because the man in question actually heard about it, took the hint and behaved himself thereafter. A lot of people including church types, who deserve no respect at all for the label they wear, are eager these days to accuse someone of being gay. My wife and I once attended a church that hosted programs for married couples. One of these activities was a scavenger hunt. Teams of men and teams of women were given items to find or purchase in the community. The team that finished first was declared the winner. I was teamed with another fellow to find inexpensive items. One such item was found in a grocery store. We entered the store together in a hurry to find and buy the item and go to the next thing on the list. When we entered the store the guy with me worried that other patrons of the store would think we were gay because we were grocery shopping together. I have no patience with brain dead nonsense like that and told him so. I wasn't romantically attracted to the guy and after that remark I didn't even like him....and told him so. That was the end of that particular foolishness and any pretense for friendship. Are you gay? Maybe it's between you and God and NOBODY ELSE. Being gay is a SIN because it creates and enables war between the individual and God. One cannot be gay and know God. (1 Corinthians 6:9) Gay society is enamored of as much hubris as flesh and therefore refuses and rejects persuasive remarks to repent of their lifestyle. You have heard or read of their oft-repeated retort that Jesus said they shouldn't be judged (judge not...etc). The conversation in question was a teaching of Christ that the JUSTIFIED man cannot judge a SINNER...is not given authority to do so. Why? Because the SINNER has already judged THEMSELVES unworthy of grace to be saved. (Acts 13:46) The JUSTIFIED man doesn't need to judge a SINNER when the SINNER does the deed to himself/herself. Finally it should be understood that LOVE is nothing more than hormonal secretions and social conditioning. If a young boy is persuaded that he should engage in sexual acts with other boys he may do so. The same is true for girls. One's sexual orientation is a matter of choice and habit, not a birthright. There is such a thing as brotherly love as demonstrated in war and in troubled times. Women are allowed sisterly love apart from sexual encounters all the time. Men aren't. What's wrong with this picture? What's wrong is the social definition of acceptable Biblical love. King David loved Johnathan more than any woman, but didn't SIN. American society today is so screwed up we don't know if we're coming and going. Which is why our country is circling the drain of history. Which is why the judgment of a righteous God is against us. If the reader is convicted of SIN, then the appropriate response is to REPENT. that's me, hollering from the choir loft... (Isaiah 6:9-10)
  2. The post is little more than repetitive popular science fiction .... of the sort found on YouTube and episodic tales of space wars. Demons and angels cannot procreate. Neither can they eat. Demons try to do so...try to get men and women confused and obsessed with sex so that they may be allowed to destroy the human, but they cannot have sex. Nowhere does the Bible say this happens. What is the obsession with demons? People who claim to be followers of Christ seem to be more interested in apologizing for SIN and wandering in the paths of demons than in the ways of Christ. Why? Until and unless the church turns its back upon such things it will not grow in knowledge and power of Christ. It will only wallow in its own spiritual deception and filth. Cloning is a human activity, not a spiritual one. Reading any scientific or medical journal will end that particular fantasy. There is no such thing as a space alien. Nobody has EVER proved that aerial appearances and strange creatures walking the earth are from another planet. Indeed, every proof available suggests they are indigenous to planet earth. The Bible says satan and his kingdom fell to earth. That means there are no extraterrestrial visitations.....only earthly creatures that have been here a lot longer than we have. that's me, hollering from the choir loft.... (Isaiah 6:9-10)
  3. Infant baptism is NOT a part of the New Covenant. If some reader thinks it is, then please provide chapter and verse to validate the assertion. The New Covenant is NOT NEW LAW, which is the errant teaching of the post-modern church today. The New Covenant is a fulfillment of the old covenant not a replacement of it. (Matt 5:17) Infant baptism is an ordinance established by the church, which justifies its use by errant references to scripture. According to scripture one must be saved so as to be JUSTIFIED for admission unto everlasting blessedness. Infants are not capable of making decisions on any level other than to cry for their food or mess their pants. Because infants cannot make religious decisions the church has insisted that baptism REPLACES the LAW God has established (Acts 4:12). It does NOT. The meaning of Baptism is clear. It signifies to God and man that an individual is appealing unto God for a clear conscience because he or she has REPENTED of personal SIN and wickedness. However, the church subverts the LAW of Moses in an empty attempt to solve the problem of infant death. The LAW solves the problem without any form of child wetness being involved. According to the LAW, which has NOT been abolished (Matt 5:17), one is NOT guilty of SIN unless one breaks the LAW. Will the reader please inform us which LAW a newborn baby can break? Can it murder someone? Can it steal or lie about something? Can it dishonor its parents or covet its neighbor's wife? Which LAW can a baby break? If you can tell me which LAW a baby can break I'll let you know if its excluded from Abraham's bosom. God DOES require baptism as an outward demonstration of REPENTANCE. That's what John's baptism was all about. Unfortunately the church has usurped the ordinance of Holy Baptism to mean that church membership saves, not Jesus. Church membership is thus certified by baptism either of an adult or a child. This is not what scripture tells us. Baptism does NOT save and neither does church membership. Baptism demonstrates repentance....which IS a prerequisite for the gift of saving grace, by the LAW. The problem here is that the church establishes laws and traditions in direct violation of God's LAW.....the SAME thing Jewish pharisees did prior to Jesus' arrival the first time. When He returns He'll find the church doing the same thing Jews once did....and still do, btw. Thus the prophecy of LAWlessness in the End Times has been fulfilled. It's not street violence, although that too is an issue, but the outward deliberate denial of God's Holy LAW - which has NOT been abolished. (Matt 5:17) Hope this clears up a mess of wetness. that's me, hollering from the choir loft... (Isaiah 6:9-10)
  4. The theme of the book of Job has nothing to do with Job's affliction by satanic forces. It doesn't have anything to do with 'patience' either. The theme of the book of Job is to teach us that personal affliction IS NONE OF OUR BUSINESS. Read Job again. Nowhere in that book is ANY explanation offered as to why God sanctioned affliction upon Job and his family. It certainly tells us what entity inspired Job's affliction and it describes permissions granted by God to the opposer to do it, but it says NOTHING about why. I submit that the reason for Job's affliction and also that no reason for it is given is simply ... God reserves the rationale for His judgments to Himself. It's His business, not ours. One observes this policy by reading between the lines, not by arguing that the devil has some sort of general permission to raise hell with the sons of man. “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” (Romans 9:15) God is sovereign, not the devil. that's me, hollering from the choir loft... (Isaiah 6:9-10)
  5. You are making a multitude of assumptions that aren't asserted by scripture. Angels did not 'ordain/authorize' the LAW or any part of it. They are said to have 'administered it', which isn't the same thing. Your statement that angels were created "long before man" is unsubstantiated by scripture. In fact, there's no statement in Holy Writ at all regarding their creation. This point is often made by people who insist upon asserting LDS literature. I cannot give a reason why Cherubs are mentioned in the Bible because it says nothing about their point of origin or purpose. Angels exist on approximately 9 levels of authority. Specifications for each may be found in scripture, not comic books. Mostly they are employed as messengers or directly involved in prosecuting the will of God among men for purposes of punishment or judgment. Nothing is said about their duty in Eden other than to act as a type of gatekeeper to prevent man from reentry. Nothing is said about angels in Ezekiel either. The manifestation in Ezekiel is of God's shekinah glory which isn't an angelic appearance - or a UFO as assumed by many. The general purpose of angels in Revelation is stated as administers of churches, messengers or God's instrument of judgment as previously stated. The LAW of Moses, which was placed in the ark, is meant for all nations. Which part of the LAW do you believe can be broken by church types? Is it now ok to lie, cheat, steal and murder? Is it ok to murder one's neighbor, steal his goods, rape his wife and burn his house to the ground while remaining sinless? This IS the attitude of the post-modern church and that's why God has abandoned it. Incidentally I didn't "put words in the mouth of another." Your claim I did so is erroneous. Church types today love to defend SIN and lay waste to the ordinances of God - claiming that they do not apply to them because they are members of some humanistic politically correct religion. The LAW remains because Jesus said it did. (Matt 5:17) The covenant with Moses was made for ALL nations, not just Hebrews. If it only applied to Hebrews, then NO NON-JEW could ever be saved. You know not the LAW. APART FROM THE LAW, NO ONE CAN BE SAVED. Most church types know not the LAW. Neither do they respect it or apply it in their own lives. Therefore God has abandoned the institutional church. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  6. Where do you get the interpretation that Lucifer was created as a mediator between angels and God? Not quite. Not even close. In fact, the imagery is intended to suggest two angels (Gabriel & Lucifer) were mediators between God and man inasmuch as they were characterized as guarding the Mercy Seat, which in turn guarded the Ark. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE MERCY SEAT REPRESENTED? The Ark of the Covenant was an open topped box. Inside the box was kept the tablets of the LAW which God gave to Israel by the hand of Moses (*). It follows also that the same LAW applies to non-Jews as well. The purpose of the LAW is to convict of SIN. The purpose of the LAW is to warn us all that the wrath of God is revealed unto us.....unto all SINNERS....meaning everybody....meaning we are all in a lot of trouble with God. Let's go back a few years to a popular Hollywood movie RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK. In one of the final scenes, the ark is opened. That which was revealed inside broke out and destroyed everyone in the vicinity. It destroyed everyone EXCEPT Indiana Jones and Marion Ravenwood. Do you remember what Jones told Marion just before the lid was removed from the ark? He told her to NOT look at it. In the minds of Hollywood writers one wouldn't be destroyed by the LAW if one didn't look at it. Unfortunately God's LAW cannot be easily swept away by simply not looking. That's why there's a lid on the box...on the ark. As the Ark itself symbolizes God's LAW and His wrath poured out upon SINNERS, so too does the lid of the ark symbolize God's Mercy ... so as to confine His wrath. The lid of the ark is therefore also called THE MERCY SEAT. It is God's mercy that restrains Him from putting an end to every living man and woman on planet earth. Thus we see that although the LAW of God defines SIN and its consequences (death) it is also promising mercy to those who approach God and seek Him. In other words, there is hope for the SINNER who REPENTS......by the LAW. Lucifer became enamored of its own importance in the scheme of things...so the story goes....and attempted to usurp the throne of God for itself. Thus abandoning mercy for itself it fell from grace where it will ultimately suffer death according to the LAW. Hope this helps. that's me, hollering from the choir loft... (Isaiah 6:9-10) (*) "by the hand of Moses" is a phrase used during every Jewish worship service prior to the procession of the Torah scroll among the assembled congregation. The phrase is meant to remind the faithful how the LAW of God was passed to us. As Torah is moved among the congregation each person kisses it. Kissing the Torah scroll is a way of demonstrating a personal love of God's LAW. (Something the church hates.) The Torah scroll consists of the first 5 books of the Bible written by hand on animal skin....symbolizing God's LAW written on flesh....on the flesh of a lamb. This is what Jesus, the lamb of God, meant when He said He was THE WAY and the TRUTH that leads to LIFE.
  7. Nowhere does scripture EXPLICITLY state or imply that the devil is part of the redemptive process.....of saving people from SIN. If the house of satan is divided against itself it cannot stand. (Jesus) Everywhere in the context of the Bible is stated the intention and work of the Ruach ha-Kodesh, Holy Spirit, to convict of SIN by the LAW of Moses and to glorify the Son of Man - Jesus Christ. The devil has no part in it whatsoever. It is a sad reflection of the post-modern church that its adherents devote more attention to the machinations of the devil (the opposer, the usurper, the thief, the murderer and the LIAR) than they do to the gentle ministrations of God's own spirit. Therein lies the core of deceit illogic and betrayal of the gospel of Christ in our churches today. Church types know not (or very little) of their own religion. It's a stain and a joke upon everyone who maintains membership and a clear evidence of its debauchery to everyone outside of it. Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “’Come out of her, my people,’ so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; (Revelation 18:4) If the purpose and work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of men and women is to destroy the works of satan, how then does the devil play a role in its own destruction? The answer, according to Jesus, is that it doesn't.....for the devil cannot and will not participate in the destruction of its own kingdom - by reason of the redemption of mankind. To claim that the devil is part of the redemptive process is to place undeserved attention upon something that's blatantly untrue. Attempts to do so GLORIFY SATAN. It's better to leave the post-modern church than to yield to its political correctness, its heresy, its hypocrisy, its hubris, its Gay Agenda, its humanism and its almost total rejection of Jesus Christ and His Holy Word (*). that's me, hollering from the choir loft... (Isaiah 6:9-10) (*) Several major denominations have already done so. Specifically they are; the Episcopal church, the Presbyterian church, the Roman Catholic church and the Methodist church. Non-denominational churches are guilty of misrepresenting and manipulating their members for purposes of ministerial aggrandizement. Few, very few, congregations are led by shepherds that are interested in spiritual edification (education and/or encouragement). Statistics, as well as statements and votes approved during national conventions, prove these assertions to be true.
  8. Good...as far as you went...but a bit short on claiming satan as an instrument of grace. The Bible does not glorify the devil as you have done here. It is called 'the opposer' for a reason, a 'murderer and thief' for a reason. What place does murder thievery and lies have in the act of Grace unto salvation? None whatsoever. It is THE LAW that convicts of SIN. (Romans 7) The devil is not a part of the redemptive process at all. The LAW is that aspect of grace given unto man that he may understand what SIN actually is and REPENT of it in his life. Therefore apart from the LAW no one can be saved. Let the reader bear in mind that the image of God was LOST in Genesis chapter 3. Never again is it referenced in scripture as a possession of mankind until Colossians 1:15 when we are told its identity - JESUS CHRIST. Those that have the image of God in Christ have immortality. Those that don't DIE. Move forward to Genesis 5. Between verse 2 & 3 the image of God was LOST to Adam's race. In verse 3 we read that Adam had a son IN HIS IMAGE....in Adam's image. Therefore the SIN that killed Adam was passed on to Adam's son....the image of Adam....the son that would also die....as has every son and daughter born since that time. It is interesting to note that almost everyone believes, erroneously, that all men and women have the image of God as part of their birthright...their construction. This is absolutely incorrect. For if men and women DID have the Image of God none would die. Oddly, most who believe mankind possesses the image of God cannot define their claims...cannot name it...because to do so is to name Jesus Christ as the sole source of immortality. We all know that all men and women die. We ought to know also that ONLY GOD IS IMMORTAL (1 Tim 1:17). Therefore we arrive at the core of the blessed gospel of Jesus Christ - that God has chosen to impart of His immortality to those who surrender to Him by REPENTING of their SINs and wickedness. Everyone else dies....just like any cockroach or sick dog. Surely the fate of human beings is like that of the animals; the same fate awaits them both: As one dies, so dies the other. All have the same breath; humans have no advantage over animals. Everything is meaningless. (Ecclesiastes 3:19) that's me, hollering from the choir loft...... (Isaiah 6:9-10)
  9. Actually there is much that can be 'done about it'. What is coming upon us, indeed I believe it is near at hand, is the result of 'the full measure' of wickedness and sin. Isaiah speaks of God's intentions to punish Israel for their sins. Your iniquities and the iniquities of your fathers together,” Says the LORD, “Who have burned incense on the mountains And blasphemed Me on the hills; Therefore I will measure their former work into their bosom. (Isaiah 65:7 kjv) Two issues come to mind when examining the above passage. First is the 'measure' of SIN that will be hurled against the wicked nation. Second is the 'amount' or 'former work' that will be thrust upon them The world today hasn't simply wandered away from the Lord of Hosts, we have turned our backs upon Him and gone running in the opposite direction - doing whatever we pleased and seizing any filthy thing we choose to put our hands on. While the above did indeed address the sins of the ancient nation, they apply to us as well. Have we not forsaken God's gracious LAW? Aren't our once grand cities now crumbling into ruins because we have lived only for the moment? Even our churches are far from God. They have embraced the Gay Authority and now claim church membership alone is sufficient to save. Whatever happened to the blood shed by Christ upon the cross? Many churches now deny its efficacy - its necessity. Many churches now deny the Bible is the Word of God. In other words, we are in active rebellion against God. How much more will it take to fill the 'measure' of wickedness so as to inspire God to justice? I think its probably a good guess that the 'measure' is nearly full. The level of wickedness is nearly at the top of the 'measure'. What we CAN do is REPENT of our sins. What we CAN do is warn others to do the same. Will God wink at SIN in the midst of His people today? HE will not. We must repent.....all of us....while there is still time. that's me, hollering from the choir loft... (Isaiah 6:9-10)
  10. There are many who are hoping and watching for another great global revival prior to the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. Let the reader understand that the hope is being fulfilled even as we read and write here. But it won't happen in the post-modern church. Every statistic worth its numbers tells us the church is dying at an unprecedented rate...even faster than was predicted as recently as the year 2010. Opportunistic preachers lie to their congregations so as to raise money to support their godless lifestyle. It's everywhere. Nearly every American 'evangelist' is doing it....as they fly from private venue to private venue in their private jets. It's not just the church either. There is also alarming news that all but one Jewish discipline is dying too. The ONLY religious groups that are actually increasing in size are Islam and evangelical Judaism. I imagine the reader here has informed himself/herself of the rise in interest in Islam since 911. It's an uncomfortable fact that cannot be denied. Whispers have been heard, even among isolated congregations, that the church is everywhere dying....on a global scale. The church age ended in 1968. It ended shortly after the IDF liberated Jerusalem and the temple mount. A new age is upon us whether we acknowledge it or not, whether we believe it or not. NUMBERS DON'T LIE. Evangelical Jews are also known as MESSANIC JEWS. I am one of them. I am here to testify that Y'shuah (Jesus' Hebrew name - which means 'salvation') IS the ha-Mashiach (messiah - latinized to Christ - meaning the 'annointed One of God'). The reader would do well to explore the significance of this global trend. The church is today riddled with SINs and hypocrisy. The 'her' referenced in Revelation is the church. Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “’Come out of her, my people,’ so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; (Revelation 18:4) Choose wisely, pilgrim. The future of you and your family is at stake here....nothing less. that's me, hollering from the choir loft..... (Isaiah 6:9-10)
  11. The identity of the antiChrist was revealed five hundred years ago by the fathers of the protestant reformation. That person is the Pope, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church. Consider that the prophet Daniel said of him: "He will speak against the Most High and oppress his holy people and try to change the set times and the laws." (Daniel 7:25) According to the Vatican itself the Pope IS this man, IS the man who speaks against the Most High, IS the man who changes set times and laws and IS the man that oppresses God's holy people. Read this: "The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in heaven and earth." (Barclay Cap. XXVII, p. 218. Cities Petrus Bertrandus, Pius V.) Blaspheme means 'claiming to be God'. If there is any greater example of a claim to be God by one who isn't, I haven't heard or read of it anywhere else. Pope Pius XII was in authority from 1939 to 1958. It was this pope that made a concordant with Nazi Germany...that turned a blind eye to the Holocaust death of six million innocent Jews as well as another six million political prisoners. It was murder on an industrial scale and the RCC endorsed it! It was this pope that enabled the escape of hundreds of Nazi war criminals from justice following the surrender of Germany to the Allies in 1945 (*). We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday.” (Rev. Peter Geiermann C.SS.R., The Convert’s Catechism of Catholic Doctrine, p. 50) THE REASON the post-modern church, protestant as well as catholic, worships God on Sunday is because of the dictates of the Pope, not the will of God, not the LAW OF GOD (4th commandment), to please man instead of God. Has God not said the last day of the week is appropriate for worship of Him? Yet hypocritical followers of Christ, who worship on Sunday, claim to be better than God. Catholics believe Jesus ... empowered the church to ...[forgive SINs .... to absolve of SIN]" (provethebible.net) To this end special prayers are uttered by RCC priests and/or sold to living members with the intention of raising dead relatives and friends out of hell toward heaven. These prayers are written on 'prayer cards' available from the local parish or from distributors onLine. Prayer Cards bought from the local parish are somewhat more expensive than the bulk variety available from eBay or Amazon orders. How bad does it have to get before somebody 'gets it'? that's me, hollering from the choir loft.... (Isaiah 6:9-10) (*) Allen Dulles, an American officer of the OSS (precursor to the CIA) organized and assisted the escape of Nazi war criminals with the protection and cooperation of the government of the United States and the Roman Catholic church.
  12. Where is it written that satan was cast out of heaven PRIOR TO creation of earth? Chapter and verse, please. According to Holy Writ, satan WAS imprisoned.....in the lake of fire. We call it Earth. The Bible calls it the 1st heaven. Same thing. Time is the school in which we learn, TIME is the fire in which we burn. (Calmly We Walk Through This April Day - Delmore Schwartz) Without Satan's interference? Please remember that Jesus called it a liar, thief and murderer from the beginning. Satan didn't interfere, it stole that which had not been given to it. Reference is here made to Genesis 3. You may remember it as the story of the garden temptation of Eve and Adam. According to scripture, God is Lord of heaven and earth BUT satan has authority over earth. Then the devil led Him up to a high place and showed Him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. “I will give You authority over all these kingdoms and all their glory,” he said. “For it has been relinquished to me, and I can give it to anyone I wish. (Luke 4:5-6) Who gave satan authority over all the earth? It wasn't God. God had evicted the devil from heaven, stripped it of power and thrown it down to earth. The answer here is that Eve and Adam gave authority to the devil.....as well as every generation of man that was born upon the earth after them. Please read Genesis 3. The real question here OUGHT TO BE .... why did the Lord set the forbidden fruit in the garden...and then command Eve and Adam NOT to eat of it? Those who have walked with God for any length of time ought to be able to answer this question easily. Those who haven't been properly instructed in the ways of God may have a problem with the question. Either way my question lies at the heart of the gospel message. It lies at the heart of satan's authority and the reason Christ had to die on the tree. that's me, hollering from the choir loft..... (Isaiah 6:9-10)
  13. Might I remind you that since 1952 a National Day of prayer is required by law to be held on the 1st Thursday of each May? Most Americans do not respect that day! Many don't even know about it until it's gone by. Churches sometimes remind their congregations about it, but don't really take it as seriously as their oft-repeated pitches for tithes and offerings. What's been the fruit of nearly 72 years of national prayer? - Several major wars, none of which we won. - Economic descent into debt far beyond anything in recorded history. - Political ineptitude to the point that neither party actually WORKS for America. - Decline of our churches to less than 40% of regular attendance in 1948. - Rise in crime, drug use & moral debauchery beyond anything in history - Sexual sin equal to that of the Kingdom of Sodom - even in our schools and churches. + God granted wisdom to American leaders, who used it to betray the nation. + God granted inspiration in the greatest revival in American history only to have it suppressed by religious leaders. + God has sent speakers of truth who were vilified censored and falsely accused into silence. YOU may suggest anything you like, but God no longer listens to prayers for America. (John 9:31) We have crossed the Rubicon. The scales of justice are weighted against us and judgment is already upon us......from sea to polluted sea. ONE THING remains and that is to REPENT of our sins and wickedness as individuals. God WILL hear such prayers. God WILL forgive those who utter them. But America will not turn again unto God until we are reduced to wreck ruin and poverty.....a process that is already well begun...well along. There is nowhere to run...except to God in personal prayer BY REPENTANCE. America only has its hubris to worship...and worship it we do. America doesn't worship God on Sunday any more .... Sunday belongs to the NFL. If God could reduce Nebuchadnezzar to a drooling brain-dead fool, He can do the same thing for America. Indeed He has already allowed the process to begin. May God have mercy upon those who turn to Him and REPENT. Few do. that's me, hollering from the choir loft....(Isaiah 6:9-10)
  14. The gospel HAS already been preached to the whole world. Fake preachers who beg for money to perpetuate their bogus ministries don't admit to that fact. What we are NOW waiting for is the 'full measure of sin' spoken of by the prophet Isaiah. That measure is nearly complete. The whole universe is waiting and watching for the End is coming very soon....much sooner than most expect it will come. And when the Messiah arrives, as He has promised He would, very many people will not be happy about it...not happy at all. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...(Isaiah 6:9-10)
  15. The Tribulation has already happened. It was called the Holocaust and it was accompanied by the most destructive war in human history. Those that hold to the popular interpretation of tribulation have no concept of history, of the seasons Jesus advised us to watch for, or for humanity..... Because those who hope for a future Tribulation are hoping for ANOTHER mass murder of Jews and humanity in general. They have been persuaded of a lie and cannot let go of it. I lost almost 150 members of my family in the Holocaust. DO NOT tell me that a decent Christian ought to hope for another one. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...(Isaiah 6:9-10)
  16. The prediction is based upon nothing but toxic smoke and mirrors....the fruit of manipulation by those who preach a message of the Opposer, not Christ. There is no evidence of such a revival happening again - EVER. The church is dead - everywhere. Even as we read and write the statistics bear this out. The Jewish state is under threat and will be defended by its King to the death of all those who seek its destruction. Be careful you are not among them. Ever single church throughout the world is focused upon hedonistic tendencies - or so apathetic they focus on nothing at all. Unwilling and totally unable to part from its wickedness the church has betrayed the gospel of Christ. Most today don't even know what the gospel really is. It's been forgotten. No one can even define any longer. What the gospel is NOT is a flagrant manipulation of nonsensical people who give their money to lying preachers who have one hand on the Bible and the other hand in someone else's pocket (sometimes their pants). Come out of her, my people,’ so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; (Rev 18:4) that's me, hollering from the choir loft..... (Isaiah 6:9-10)
  17. 1968 Google it. 1968 That year was a paradigm shift in the fortunes of nearly every nation on this planet. A NY Times reporter wrote that 1968 was "one G..D... thing after another." It was THAT bad! The year before, Israel's IDF liberated the city of Jerusalem and the temple mount. Some very odd things began to happen after that event. Apart from some very disturbing political events, the Jesus movement began. It was the LAST national revival in America, the LAST revival in a nation that had experienced a spiritual revival in each generation since it was founded. It was the LAST time the name of Jesus would be respected in America. It was also the FIRST time the kingdom of satan would be honored by our media in the summer release of the movie Rosemary's Baby. Two spiritual trends began to work in the world in 1968. The church began to wither and die, although it wouldn't be noticed by statistics for several decades. In that same year and at the same time the Messianic Jewish movement began to gain traction - also not recognized as a movement for several decades. The political fortunes of the United States began to unravel - the tide of American power and influence would begin to erode - never to return to its former glory. The Great Awakening, proudly proclaimed by the American church, never materialized. It was a contrast between divine hope vs. human expediency. The Jesus movement provided the foundation for personal faith for countless millions, but it did nothing for the organized church because the church didn't want it. The Great Awakening never materialized because American religious leaders really don't want it. They certainly want donation$, which are inspired by empty claims for revival, but without real accompanying action such hopes require. What is literally being DONE and DIRECTED by our religious leaders? Nothing of substance. There are lots of empty promises and lots of manipulation leading to donation$, but nothing producing increased numbers has materialized. Numbers tell the truth our leaders refuse to reveal. According to PEW and Gallup polls, among others, regular church attendance has fallen to less than 40% of 1948 levels. Even the Vatican has admitted there's a problem. What are our leaders DOING about it? They call for more donation$, which are squandered on pointless unprofitable projects and 'ministries'. Prior to 2020 and the COVID plague, the average congregation in America was in debt more than THREE MILLION dollars. Many churches closed their doors that year because they simply couldn't pay their bills....couldn't make good on their promises to pay. Today the lies about Awakening continue, but the only reality we see is preachers who tell their congregations to be 'content'....and then wonder why their congregations are so apathetic. Does anybody know what's going on? Does anybody really care or do we just keep lying to ourselves...pretending that everything is ok when its not? Those within the church do not acknowledge the church is dying. They sit apathetically and do nothing. Those outside know the church is dying. They do nothing because they don't care. 1968 was the year of spiritual change. What are we changing to and where does the change lead us? Does anybody care or do we just keep denying it and arguing about it? that's me, hollering from the choir loft... Isaiah 6:9-11
  18. Dividing the soul from the body is called DEATH. And NO, I personally am against that situation. Anybody who is for it is smoking something toxic. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  19. It is time SECESSION is seriously considered - again. The government of these United States is NOT interested in defense of our country. Anybody who still believes this is dreaming. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  20. Friday’s news (02/01/2024) chronicled President Biden’s “dignified transfer” of three US troops who were recently killed in Jordan. The story was carried by all the major news media in America complete with tearful videos of grieving relatives of the dead. Nothing was said of the 2,402 soldiers who died during the Afghanistan campaign or the 4,492 servicemen killed during the Iraq war. No president was in attendance when their shipping crates arrived on American soil. No president called each family personally and none made such an UNDIGNIFIED spectacle of their arrival. I use the word UNDIGNIFIED because the whole event this past week was done for public manipulation - for show. Is it a coincidence the primaries are to be held this coming week? Are we to expect Biden’s show of sympathy for three soldiers who died needlessly was done purely out of the goodness of his heart? Are we to believe that the bombing of drone sites is the end of American military activity in the area? Great wars begin in small steps. When our leaders loudly proclaim they aren’t interested in expanding their bombing campaigns even as they order another volley of missile launches we can be sure they are LYING. When the dead are paraded before news cameras like cheap movie props, we can be sure the political campaign in America is in full operation. No one seems to want to ask WHY American troops are stationed UNINVITED in sovereign countries. Our recent dead are the consequences of decisions at the highest levels of our government to promote war, not peace. If Mr. Biden is really interested in a peaceful American presence in the middle east he’ll order our troops home. Why do our people need to die in a war that will not profit us? Yet so many of our countrymen call for war. Do we not understand that war brings an end to much of that which we hold dear - including our own brothers and sisters, our sons and daughters? Is the bloodshed worth it? I don’t think so. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  21. According to Islamic myth, Mohammad [pbuh] was ASSAULTED in a cave by a spirit that called itself Gabriel. According to the story, Mo was seized by the throat and choked until he agreed to memorize the lines given to him. (Mohammad [pbuh] was illiterate and never learned how to write his own language.) As things went along, the religion became more and more successful. Mohammad [pbuh] eventually learned to like the effort of creating his own scripture. Evidence for this change of attitude may be seen in the wording of Qur'an. There are two distinct styles in evidence. His wife began to complain that he'd created a religion he could change at will according to his own wishes. Eventually she poisoned his dinner and killed him, but not before she tested her mix. Following a particularly heavy supper Mohammad [pbuh] said he was taken in a dream to the temple heights of Jerusalem. The spot now hosts a building called THE DOME OF THE ROCK that commemorates Mohammad's ascension into heaven from the spot....the same spot he NEVER actually visited. Mrs. Mo later concocted a supper that did the old man in...permanently. So much for Islamic legend. Mo was the victim of a spiritual lie...and admitted it. While satan does need God's permission to afflict a person, that permission isn't as simple as most dogma suggests. Even Christians can be tormented unto an early death ... as we are warned in scripture. As to movement of the tempter among the 3 heavens, the actual placement of the tempter is problematic. For instance, one CAN NOT claim as Jesus did, that satan was thrown down from heaven....and then surmise that Old Scratch continues to enjoy dropping in at the old house from time to time. Either satan is in or it's out. Which is it? Revelation 2:12-13 tells us the throne of satan is in Pergamum, Turkey. That's a long Uber ride from the 3rd heaven. A lot of itinerant preachers suggest its Vegas, Washington DC, Los Angeles or New York City. Hey, if it gets them a bonus for their speeches why not? One isn't led by satan so much as one is either tempted or owned. Big difference. that's me, hollering from the choir loft..
  22. Satan's host lost AUTHORITY when they were evicted from heaven. Once they arrived on earth it didn't take long for them to get some of it back. When Jesus was tempted the devil claimed it could give Jesus authority over all the kingdoms of the earth if Our Lord bowed down and worshipped it. Where did satan get its authority? Obviously it didn't get its authority from God or Christ. Where, then? Consider Genesis 3. Eve was the first sinner. She granted her God-given authority to the tempter. Later that day she seduced her husband Adam into following her into SIN as well. (Women have been doing a lot of that since then.) When the Lord met them at the end of the day the encounter wasn't a happy one. The devil thus inherits the authority humans give to it ... and by Jesus' time that meant most of the inhabited world. This explains how Jesus can be Lord of the earth, but not have its authority. The 2nd coming will partially rectify the situation. Unfortunately most of the world will not be happy about it...oh no, not happy at all. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  23. True. They are being held in spiritual imprisonment. Exactly what that imprisonment implies isn't stated ... exactly. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  24. The kingdom of satan is never friendly towards humanity. Odd thing, though, is that a lot of humans continue to be fascinated by them. SIN has its attractions to be sure. that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
  25. As you come to Him, the living stone, rejected by men but chosen and precious in God’s sight, (1 Peter 2:4) This passage has nothing to do with giants, demons or eternal torment. The actual passage you're thinking of suggests these spiritual creatures are being held in a sort of spiritual prison or restraint far from any activity on earth. (I don't know which passage you meant to insert here. Plz try again.) Punishment for them is yet to come. I suspect that punishment may be a swim in the Lake of Fire. that's me, hollering from the choir loft....
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