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ayin jade

Worthy Ministers
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Everything posted by ayin jade

  1. Read his policies/platform. He wants democrat things. He is only running as independent because he knows people are not happy with democrats
  2. A must read article. ‘We hid in our safe room when Hamas killers came knocking pretending to be Israeli soldiers’ https://www.yahoo.com/news/knocked-door-pretending-israeli-soldiers-181502310.html
  3. To begin, I do not do philosophy. Its boring to me. But my atheist brother loves philosophy. Anyone know any good Christian philosophers? He will likely be interested enough to read one.
  4. I wrote up a bible study a few yrs ago and posted it here on biblical types in the bible. Jesus specifically mentioned 2 in the gospels.
  5. The bible tells us to be content in all circumstances. Sometimes it is not easy but we need to. It does give us a right perspective.
  6. I dont recall criticism when a map was presented at the un in a conference that showed a larger palestine and no israel.
  7. Fyi. Dollar store bibles, easy and cheap enough to hand out, are made in china.
  8. Some are homeless by choice Some because of mental illness Some because of poverty There is no "one size fits all" answer
  9. A truly regenerated person, born again by the Holy Spirit will want to change, will want to live a life pleasing to the Lord. Will a Christian be able to live a sinless life? I know I cant. It is why He needed to come be our sacrifice. But I, and other Christians, are not content to live a life of sin.
  10. I buried my father last week. The only thing we knew was what clothes he wanted to be buried in and where he wanted to be buried. No cremation. The funeral home was helpful and did not try and con us into expensive stuff. My personal view is that i want a green burial...always wanted one even before they existed. Embalming is disgusting to me. As for burial versus cremation? I do not think it does matters to the Lord. The God who created the universe is quite capable of resurrecting bodies from ashes, dust, seafloor, digested in shark stomachs, blown up, fried in volcanoes etc.
  11. 20 years is very long time to be developing a new drug. The patent expires after 7 years. New drugs are patented immediately before any testing is done.
  12. Since you asked, I feel the push for medicinal marijuana to be deceptive. Soros backed the initiative in my state. There is a pill form already, legal by the fda, called marinol. It is prescription only, for pain, without the thc high. No one wants it, yet somehow they all want medicinal marijuana. In my opinion, its a sham designed to legalize recreational drugs. As has happened in many states.
  13. There was a time when I could have beat you. But I moved to northern arizona so you "win". Remembers going outside at 120 degrees one summer.
  14. Value is determined by the worth people place on it, not by printed money. Ancient civilizations placed values on various things from salt and spices to certain stones, to silver and gold.
  15. Every member should read their posts before replying and ask themselves if it is written in a humble gentle Christlike manner. There are far too many for whom that is a "no"
  16. The bible tells us to avoid fables and myths. That author promotes ancient alien stories. Quite frankly garbage stuff.
  17. Yes because several different animals use tools. Earliest humans were not stupid.
  18. This doesnt sit well. An ai cannot be led by the Holy Spirit in translating the bible
  19. My husband also believes that whats past is past and its time to move forward.
  20. Reparations are a bad idea. Giving the land back to the native americans wont work either. My native american husband, born and raised on the reservation, and I have had many conversations on this topic. The reservation system needs to be overhauled, but not by giving the land back. All that would happen is the land would be bought out cheaply by outsiders to pillage for minerals etc and the natives left with nothing.
  21. I believe there are. Some tribes in the amazon have been declared off limits to outsiders and have no contact with western civilization. There is also an island in the pacific that has a tribe that despises outsiders and immediately kill anyone who comes on to their island. In the past year or so, someone attempted to be a missionary there, against the laws of the nation governing that island, and was immediately killed by the natives. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncontacted_peoples
  22. Romans 1 20 For the unseen things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being realized by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, for them to be without excuse.
  23. You can also use dark reader. It is not part of worthy but darkens all web sites you go to. It has been wonderful for my eyes.
  24. I went to biblegateway and looked up 1 John 5:7 in kjv nasb esv niv and each one had the same verse and same wording. Perhaps you mean another verse?
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