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  1. Sending you prayers! Life can be so extremely hard, never give up on God and what he will do for you
  2. Thank you for sharing!! This is such an uplifting song and really set me up in a positive mood this morning
  3. That's an interesting question. I guess we all have things in our life that take up lots of our time, but the question is how much is too much? I talk to God about everything and so therefore I feel he is Centre of my life I'm sure you talk to God more than you talk to your car's
  4. I've took a few to the table with my meal and only ended up using one, when the staff cleared the table they threw away the other packets even though they hadn't been used. They waste so much food, someone else could have used them or in that case I wished I'd taken them home
  5. It is healthy to grieve and cry for a loved one who has died.It is vital for a person's recovery. I wholeheartedly agree with you!!!
  6. We mourn because although they are in heaven with God now, we are left behind and miss them terribly. It doesn't mean we don't celebrate the life they had but I also think grieving is a way of honouring who they were and how much they meant to us. I don't think it's a shame to grieve
  7. I'm sorry your feeling like this Do you belong to a church? Do you have a vicar you could speak to?
  8. personally i don't think you need to go to church to be a christian. could you maybe go to a housegroup near you or something? would that be ok?
  9. i went through the same thing. no matter where i went i couldn't hear God's voice or feel him. in the end i realised it was too noisey in my own head with the chaotic thoughts etc, i needed to calm down, take time out and just be still....he's still there, he's always there-you just have to open the door or keep the door open!!!
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