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  1. Father Time is the mental weaponization of the passing of years and decades. What do you think a man, now age 70 , locked down on doing evil, will look like in 35 years? Father Time aka General Time will, in 35 years, (or sooner) turn that evil man into a sack of rotting flesh and bones and DEAD or AS GOOD AS DEAD. JAG []
  2. Race Hatemongers Will Be No More. By JAG October 2023 America, 21st century, has many wicked mouths who love to stir up racial hate and keep hate alive as a tool to advance their evil political agenda. Ignore them as if they do not exist. Do not throw your pearls to pigs. (Who said that?) Do not give what is sacred to dogs. (Who said that?) And know that Father Time who is a fierce warrior-battlefield-general, will eventually eradicate them off the planet (aging). And know that Christianity eventually eradicates all racial hate out of the Universe -- -- and here is the Bible verse: "You [Lord Jesus] are worthy to open the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God." Revelation 5:9-10 " . . .FROM EVERY TRIBE AND LANGUAGE AND PEOPLE AND NATION . . . " " . . .AND YOU HAVE MADE THEM TO BE A KINGDOM . . ." [with the Lord Jesus as the King.] Here ↑ is where the racists racial-hatemongers are defeated. JAG [] Thoughts?
  3. Bojangles. Friday October 20, 2023. $24.21 At the pay window: "The lady in the car just ahead of you has paid for your food." That same thing happened to me previously I think about 4 - 5 months ago at the same Bojangles. That's about $50.00 to me from I guess total strangers. Ah, there are moments of human kindness everywhere throughout America each and every day. Ultimately in the end it is Love and Kindness and Compassion that wins the War For The World. YES of course . . . . . . . it was LOVE that fought and won World War 2 that saved God's people from the horrors of German Nazism and Italian Fascism and Japanese Imperialism -- HOWEVER . . . WAR cannot fix the world. WAR only has the power to stop evil. To STOP evil from STOPPING the proclamation of the gospel. The gospel is what fixes the world: The power of the: * Cross (defeated Sin so we can now be saved from Sin) * Resurrection (defeated Death so now we can be saved from Death and never die) * Ascension (the power of "I go to My Father") * Exaltation (the power of NOW being seated at the right hand of God Almighty who is a Warrior "The LORD is a Warrior" Exodus 15:3) THAT ↑ is what fixes the world. Yes indeed. It is LOVE that ultimately wins The War For The World. "Now these three remain: Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is Love." 1 Cor. 13:13 JAG Thoughts? []
  4. Thanks for your comments. My view: it is clear to me that you have solved \this problem by assuming that Jesus is going to save many of them, you just leave it up in the air so you don't have to intellectually deal with it. Meanwhile our brothers and sisters are preaching all over the web THAT JESUS SENDS THEM TO AN ETERNAL HELL. See my new post just above on this issue. Best JAG []
  5. Supplement to the article: What about those in non-Christian lands in say 1600 A.D. who died having never heard a single world of the gospel message? Is God good and just to abandon such persons to Gehenna? And does He actually do that? It is important to find a reasonable solution to the problems raised by these three questions because the notion that God consigns to Gehenna for all eternity all people (past, present, and future) who lived and died without ever hearing the gospel, characterizes God as unreasonable, mean-spirited and cruel (which He most certainly is not). Many who hold the view that God does do exactly that, have not paused to seriously consider what they so readily believe about the character of God. Akua Adisa was born in 1600 A.D. in Africa and he lived to an old age and died without ever hearing a single word of the gospel. Are you going to proclaim that God will consign Akua to sternal Hell and at the same time tell everybody that "God is love?" Remember, on the traditional view of Hell, when Akua has suffered in agony in Hell for 999 trillion (to the power of 500) years, he is no nearer to the end than when he first entered Hell. It is not possible to reconcile such as this with 1 John 4:8 "God is love." Thought Experiment: How long is an Eternity of agony in Hell? Let us say a sparrow is magically assigned the task of cutting the Earth in half and the sparrow is to fly by the Earth every 100 years and brush one of its wings against the ground surface of the Earth. How many years would it take the sparrow to cut the Earth in half? For argument's sake let us say it took in years 999 trillion to the power of 999 trillion. So? So Akua Adisa, after being in agony in Hell for as long as it took that sparrow to cut the Earth in half, would be no closer to the end of his agony than when he first entered Hell. Such as this is not possible to reconcile with 1 John 4:8 "God is love" or with the general character of God as presented in the Bible. We need a solution to this problem and a good start in finding one is God's Middle Knowledge as presented in this article. JAG []
  6. Question: How is God good or just to abandon to Hell those who have never even heard the gospel? JAG Writes: Consider the following: First, we Bible believing Christians start with the true proclamation that God always does that which is right. This means that the God who always does what is right, world-wide and history-wide, is never going to abandon one of His elect to Gehenna, but will find a way to save them and give them the gift of eternal life as per John 3:16's "shall not perish but have eternal life." Second, we Bible believing Christians MUST stay within the confines of doctrinal orthodoxy and so we hold solid and fast to John 14:6 that correctly teaches: no man can come to the Father except through believing in the Lord Jesus as his Savior. Third, none of the above prevents us from considering the following: Eternal Now. With regard to God's knowledge there is no past. present and future. God sees everything in the Eternal NOW. God's Omniscience demands this position. God now knows all that can be known, God does not learn new information and new truths. So? So the Eternal NOW knowledge is God's reality. And God's reality IS REALITY. What YOU (we) can see is very limited and what YOU (we) can see IS NOT REALITY. God has Middle Knowledge -- what that means is that God sees and knows fully what every human being would choose to do under all possible sets of different circumstances. Let us take for an example a man named Akua Adisa, born in Africa in the year 1600 A.D. Akua lived and died never knowing a single word of the gospel message. God's Middle Knowledge knows precisely what Akua Adisa will choose to do in all possible sets of circumstances -- -- for example if Akua Adisa had been born in, say, South Carolina in the year 1990 A.D. and had traveled to hear Franklin Graham preach the gospel. How is this ↓ conclusion NOT compelling? If the Sovereign God knows that Akua Adisa would have accepted the Lord Jesus as his Savior if he had been born in the year 1990 A.D. in South Carolina when he heard Franklin Graham preach the gospel then in God's reality Akua Adisa has accepted the Lord Jesus as his Savior and has therefore fulfilled the requirements of John 14:6 no man can come to the Father except through faith in the Lord Jesus. Are we not compelled to reach this conclusion? Thoughts? __________________________ PS God's Omniscience demands we hold that God has what the philosophers call Middle Knowledge. JAG []
  7. You're welcome. God bless. JAG [] `
  8. The Gospel In A Nutshell: "2 Cor. 5:21 He made Him who knew no sin, to be sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. Let me unpack those 15 Greek words: He God made Jesus sin. What do you mean He made Jesus sin? Only in one sense: He treated Him as if He had committed every sin ever committed by every person who would believe though in fact Jesus committed none of them. Hanging on The Cross he was Holy, Harmless, and Undefiled. Hanging on The Cross He was the Spotless Lamb, He was never a split second a sinner. He was Holy God on The Cross, but God is treating Him -I'll put it more practically, as if He had lived my life. God punished Jesus for my sin, turns right around and treats me as if I had lived His life. That's the great doctrine of Substitution and on that doctrine turned the whole reformation of the Christian Church, that is the heart of the gospel and what you get is complete forgiveness covered by the righteousness of Jesus Christ. When God looks at The Cross He sees you and when He looks at you He sees Christ." __John MacArthur ______________ If you would like to see the video of the above text, go to YouTube and type into the search engine "John MacArthur shares the gospel in 1 minute Amazing video." The video is about 1 minute in length. The text above is a word for word reproduction of the video. JAG [] Thoughts? `
  9. Yeah the grammar police have had a good time with the title of my OP on the squirrel wide web. JAG []
  10. My view: If a Christian gets caught up in committing willful sins, he has got a big problem. How to deal with that? Pray to the Lord and BEG for His help daily to strengthen the will --- and tyhen read the Bible more devotionally. Best JAG []
  11. What about the sins we do commit, being imperfect, as we live the Christian life? 1 John 1:9 "if we confess our sins He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." Yes indeed! By His Grace and Mercy I Ain't Guilty Of Nothing . . . Zero. []
  12. I Ain't Guilty Of Nothing . . . Zero. What about the sins we do commit, being imperfect, as we live the Christian life? 1 John 1:9 "if we confess our sins He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." Yes indeed! By His Grace and Mercy I Ain't Guilty Of Nothing . . . Zero. []
  13. You, as a Christian, are in very good condition . . .. Legally. Very comforting thoughts here below: God "plays", so to speak, by His own rules. Rules that both unleash and limit His wrath. God would be totally justified in unleashing His wrath upon everybody because all we humans (before we were saved) are dead spiritually and therefore totally corrupt and deserve immediate DEATH -- BUT God has rules established by His nature. And He deals with us humans based on His rules. And one of His rules is that sin must be punished with DEATH. Another rule He has is that once sin has been punished with DEATH, that is ENOUGH, which means that He will NOT collect or require the payment AGAIN. So? So the good news is that Jesus has already paid it all. Jesus' DEATH on the Cross was a LEGAL event (as well aa a love event.) The Cross and The Resurrection has LEGAL ramifications before The Highest Court In The Universe. Now the Honor and the Integrity and the Holiness of The Judge Of All Mankind has been fully satisfied. God deals with humanity now in a LEGAL way. Saith the Holy Bible: "all are justified freely by His Grace through the redemption that came by Jesus Christ. God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement through the shedding of His blood -- to be received by faith. He did this to demonstrate His righteousness . . . SO AS TO BE JUST AND THE ONE WHO JUSTIFIES THOSE WHO HAVE FAITH IN JESUS" See Romans 3:21-28 So? So now "therefore being justified through faith [in Jesus] we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.' Romans 5:1 ". . . WE HAVE . . . PEACE WITH GOD . . ." The Sovereign God, by His own rules, has LEGALLY justified all of us who believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. ♪ ♪ ♪ Jesus paid it all All to Him I owe Sin left a crimson stain He washed it white as snow ♪ ♪ ♪ Legally I am now NOT GUILTY before The Judge Of All Mankind sitting in The Highest Court In The Universe. "He [God] forgave us all our sins, having cancelled the charge of our LEGAL indebtedness, which stood against us, and condemned us, he has taken it away, nailing it to The Cross." Colossians 2:13-14 NIV I Ain't Guilty Of Nothing . . . Zero. Thoughts? []
  14. (The bold text was not intentional. I tried to get rid of the bold text but could not.) The women marrying themselves movement is growing. They even have a name for it: Sologamy. https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/28/us/sologamy-self-marriage-women-cec/index.html JAG Writes: The sexual revolution that started in the 60's has not yet hit bottom-Sodom. But it will. Just give it time. It'll get there. Conservatives who warned about the slippery slope in the 60's were mocked and vilified -- but they were proven correct about the slippery slope -- once you eliminate the traditional definition of marriage and redefine it, then you are on the slippery slope and there are no longer any principled reasons against: polyamory polygamy 3 males and 1 female getting married (group marriage is coming for certain) 2 females and 2 males bestiality (humans having sex with animals and humans marrying their dogs) No? Well google "Legality of bestiality in Europe" and read what you pull up. For example, "Yes, In Finland you Can Have Sex With your Pet." So? So they have to start somewhere. And legalizing sex with your pet is Step #1 leading to the legalization of legally marrying your dog. And adding bestiality to the list of protected sexual orientation identity groups ("born this way, we didn't choose it") And how long do you think it'll be before a significant size identity group demands the right to go totally nude anywhere anytime they want to do that? They've already taken step #1 -- merely google : "where can you go nude in America" Once a nation arrives at the immoral place America now is, there are no taboos allowed anymore. One by one, the taboos you once thought were UNTHINKABLE will become celebrated as good morality and moral progress. JAG [] Thoughts?
  15. Huge enormous Asteroids hitting the Earth (some big ones have hit the earth in the past.) Nukes (many are now in the hands of potentially dangerous lunatics) The San Andreas fault that the experts say has the potential to do major worldwide catastrophic damage. Viruses (there are viruses out there lurking that could kill 2 billion people under the right set of conditions and in just a few months too -- ot MORE than 2 billion Comets (huge comments hitting the earth and destroying thr planet. Nuclear war (they have already dropped two -- Nagasaki and Hiroshima -- so it lurks out there as a real possibility just as does the dangers of AI Economics -- the lunatics that run the 2st century could create a worldwide economic depression that would end up killing half the Earth's population Super volcanic eruptions -- the potential is there to destroy the Earth. My conclusion: I do not fear any of that up there because I know the Sovereign God is in total control of this world a nd that all things will unfold: "according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will." Ephesians 1:11 "Have faith in God."__The Lord Jesus Unbelievers have no such hope. JAG Thoughts? []
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