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    New Zealand

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  1. I have a problem with that type of gun because it can fire a lot of rounds and so in the wrong hands it can be used to easily kill a lot of people. This is my opinion and I'm entitled to my opinion on what I would like to happen here in NZ. I'm not giving an opinion on the country that you live in. My comment about car accidents was in reply to a previous poster who I quoted, because they brought up car accidents. All of what I've posted is said in a neutral tone but that's hard to get across when you're only typing. I've said my thoughts on this topic so I'm not going to be posting on this one anymore.
  2. I'm not making a judgement on you. My Dad is a retired farmer and a former duck shooter so I've grown up with him having guns. It is the type of gun that I have a problem with. Yes there are too many road deaths here. The difference is that all those people who died on the road where not deliberately killed by one person. There are also too many people who die in NZ each year by drowning and suicide. We aren't having a day of mourning here. There was 2 minutes of silence at 1.32pm (NZ time).
  3. I live in NZ. I'm happy that the type of weapon used by the murderer is going to be banned and that people who already own them can hand them in to the Police in a buy back scheme. Groups in NZ that typically have guns are farmers, hunters and sports people. People walking around on the street in NZ don't carry guns on them. The Police in NZ don't usually have a gun on them when they are in their uniform either. There maybe a large international media focus on NZ because previously the largest mass shooting in NZ was in 1990 when 13 people were killed. The murderer was an Australian.
  4. I hadn't thought about seeing if they were on YouTube. Thanks for that information.
  5. I love Psalm 23 The Lord is my Shepherd. I went to a traditional girls' high school and we used to sing this song often. I still sing it sometimes at home and some other Christian songs that I remember singing at high school 25 plus years ago. I'm currently reading the book of Psalms (in my first read through of the Bible). I'm up to Psalm 60. I wish I knew what other ones are sung.
  6. I would also only have the child over when your husband is home on the weekend to help. Every second weekend would be good as that way you are helping out but you are also having a weekend where you get your family time too.
  7. Thanks for that information. Yes it's awesome that we have those things recorded in the Bible for us.
  8. About a year ago, I was sleeping in bed on my back. I then felt a sudden lot of pressure on my chest like one of my children had jumped on me and was lying on me, which woke me up. I got scared, I kept my eyes closed and just kept repeating to myself "Jesus is Lord" over and over again. The pressure went away. I haven't had this experience since. You might find it helpful to read some posts in the spiritual warfare section.
  9. Thanks for that information. I don't know if things are much different here in NZ. I thought about online stuff a couple of weeks ago and so I listened to an online sermon from a local church a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately I don't know how biblically sound the Church is.
  10. I don't go to Church because I can't as I explained in my post so unfortunately I can't ask a Pastor and the Church to pray for me. My husband used to be a Jehovah Witness and left this as a teenager so it makes the issue a bit more complicated.
  11. I'm a newer Christian, I became one about two years ago. I don't go to Church because my husband is an unbeliever. He won't let me take my children to Church but he won't look after them so I can go to Church by myself. This site is the only place that I can talk to other Christians in real life on a regular basis as I don't have anyone in real life to do this with. I used to come to this site more often but as a new Christian I found it hard as a lot of information in posts conflicted so I didn't know what to believe. I've had a lot of time away from this site, instead I read the Bible to see what it says and try my best to figure out what that is. When I come back to this site to see what's happening I see more of the same and then I go away again. I have asked questions in the past and got some good answers from some of you who have posted in this thread. I would appreciate it if you all stayed as if you leave who is going to call out the false teaching. In the past I did ask for a forum or something like that for new Christians but nothing happened. I would appreciate it if there was a section for new Christians that was heavily moderated where mature Christians with sound biblical knowledge could answer questions. I would like more moderators, Watchmen etc. and to know who they are. It would also be good to have moderators in different time zones as if I'm on here in the evening (NZ time) USA is asleep. I have seen false teaching at these times.
  12. Hi Darian. I'm from New Zealand so I have no personal experience of witnessing what you are talking about other than seeing things on the news. It must be exhausting for you to deal with these things. Some people are more sensitive to things than others and maybe you are one of them and that's completely fine. (I'm a sensitive person). I would suggest that in addition to praying and talking to God that you share your feelings with others like a family member, close friend, member of your church etc. Don't go through it alone. It might also be good for you to have a break from social media that's negative. If you like reading then books can be a great way to escape into a different world to give yourself a break. I also find Christian music to be uplifting. If you are feeling extreme depression or suicidal thoughts please reach out to someone or an organization that can help (I don't know what groups are available in the country that you live in). Hugs to you.
  13. There are lots of Christian fiction novels in different genres including historical, historical romance, contemporary and mystery etc.. You could search the "Christy awards" to find prize winning Christian books.
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