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Melissa7 last won the day on April 15 2018

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  1. I agree with jade. Either Hinn is sincere and will change his ways, or he won't. Only time will reveal if his repentance is real. Let's not forget that God can change the hardest heart for His Glory -- take Saul/Paul for example. Should people be cautious about watching and believing what Benny Hinn teaches after this? Absolutely. But the only One who knows Hinn's heart, let alone judge him, is the Lord God. And we know that He will be true in His judgment. As for us mere mortals here on the forums, I offer up the words of Jesus as written in the Book of John 8:7 as a reminder... “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone [at her].”
  2. I think I've seen this somewhere before. It's a great little message on a very important topic. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed watching it
  3. The OP certainly puts things into perspective, doesn't it? Our time here on earth is nothing compared to eternity. What a relief Heaven will be!
  4. I would tell myself to stop being disobedient towards my parents, stop being a selfish fool, and stop making impulsive, bad decisions. On the other hand, had I obeyed my parents, I would probably still be with the RCC, which is the religion I was baptized into and raised in. I would never had known there was any other way to God unless He had placed someone in my path to tell me about the Gospel.
  5. I am truly sorry, but I don't understand the meaning and purpose of this post?
  6. I didn't post it to provoke deep-thinking. It's just a little graphic that's been saved on my pc for a long time that I thought was suitable. For me, it makes me think of current society and where it's headed. America is becoming completely tolerant of ungodly things, such as gay marriage being legal, LGBT 'rights', transgender-ism becoming normal, abortion isn't killing babies but is a reproductive choice, mass shootings happen all the time with no change in gun laws or any other plan implemented to stop this type of violence. Murders and other atrocities happen in large numbers on a daily basis. Talking about God in public is frowned upon, if not outright forbidden in many places; yet calling on 'Allah' is a-okay in a so-called 'Christian' nation. There are many more things that are tolerated that would take too long to mention. True followers of Jesus will continue to spread the Gospel but they will be scoffed at, persecuted, beat-up, and possibly killed for speaking the Truth. The bible speaks of the martyrs in Heaven crying out for justice in the Book of Revelation. I believe there are many martyrs there already. So yes, how long until this 'tolerance' of evil, ungodliness in the world completely silences everything that is good, and just, and righteous? I think the saying on the graphic is a good example of Satan's plan. I didn't mean to offend anyone, was just contributing a short reply which now has become long. My apologies Blessings to All ♥
  7. Hi There, I read through every reply to see if anyone would mention what I'm thinking of. In your original post, you said: From what I've read, and from my own personal experience, the devil loves to attack people when they are making a true effort to seek God. I've heard of this happening to the newly saved in particular. Also, those who have strayed away from the Lord and then decide to repent and renew their relationship with Him, are sometimes attacked viciously by the enemy. I experienced this myself, on Easter Sunday of last year, and I'm still recovering from it. It seems as though your nightmares started after you went back to church, for the first time in a long time, right? Well, Satan wants to keep people away from God, and he will do anything he can think of to achieve this. In my case, he used sudden physical pain that disabled me for a week (I even had to go to the ER). I prayed my way through that, but then I was overcome by a dark, overwhelming depression that I tried to fight, but was unable to. That depression (or oppression) is still plaguing me today, which is why I've started visiting Worthy again. IMHO, your nightmares are actually spiritual attacks from the enemy. He hates it that you went back to church and he wants to stop you. I mean, I guess it could be your pregnancy hormones, but I also think it's likely that you are engaged in spiritual warfare. Your nightmares seem to be ongoing and pretty bad. And your doubt, anxiety, and fear about them is playing right into the devil's hand. My suggestion is to continue going to church (you didn't mention if you were still going), praying daily for the Lord's protection, and reading your bible a lot. Don't let Satan win. Put on the spiritual armor of God (read Ephesians 6:10-18) and have others pray for you and with you. AND REMEMBER... Jesus loves you and your baby so much! More than you can ever comprehend. He sees you, He knows you, and He is with you always! So when you feel like you've fallen far from God's grace or that you're not good enough, etc., understand where those thoughts are coming from. Or I should say from "whom". Because they are not from God! Stop those negative thoughts as soon as they pop up by redirecting. Listen to gospel music, pray, open your bible and start reading...anything that's positive. Watch the sunset, whatever works for you. Sorry this is long, but I've dealt with nightmares and worse, and wanted to let you know that you're not alone. I'm with you and so is everyone else here! James 4:7 "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." May God bless and protect you, Melissa ♥
  8. There doesn't need to be a word to protect Christians against those who oppose them. Those of us who believe in God and know His Word (the bible), understand that we will be singled out, verbally abused, persecuted, and in some countries, killed for our beliefs. Jesus makes this very plain in the bible, and we accept the hate that comes to us from modern culture. We deal with it on a daily basis from our relatives, friends, co-workers, and especially in online comments. No "word" for those who speak against us (and thus the Lord God) is necessary. We accept humiliation and persecution because our Savior, Jesus Christ, suffered far worse than we can imagine; and He did so willingly in order to save us from our sins and allow us to have eternal life with Him. Anything that Christians may suffer from in this world is nothing compared to what our Lord went through. We believe that our reward after death is worth far more than anything that happens to us here. So thanks, but no thanks.
  9. This is true. If it were me, maybe I would have said that I don't know if he's in heaven or not. But here's what the bible says, and show him the appropriate verses pertaining to salvation. This is a tough one for me.
  10. This was difficult for me to read. While I'm against the RCC and everything it teaches, at the same time, how could anyone with a heart tell a grieving little boy that his dad is in Hell? It's so sad. Do we lie to children so as to save their tender feelings? If the child was older, I wouldn't have as much of a problem in telling the truth; even though by doing that, one could turn the boy against God. In any case, if this young man was baptized into the RCC, then he's going to be taught falsely for his entire life. How would anyone here answer the boy's question? I'm just curious.
  11. Wow, that is quite a dilemma! I don't attend church myself, so I'm going to leave your question to the more mature believers here. I do want to give you props for being a loving and caring Christian. The fact that you don't just want to quit, and that you desire to help this church, shows God's love shining through you. May the Lord give you the answers you seek and give you His peace in the meantime.
  12. Hello @worriedwife69 Although I'm not married anymore, I did read your post from a female point of view. First off, I want for you to know that you are not the only person to have an unbelieving spouse. A good friend of mine is married and her hubby didn't believe either for a time. She prayed for him continually for a period of 10 years, and he did finally receive salvation. I truly believe that it was through her constant prayers that he was saved. She never gave up on him, even though she felt very lonely in her faith. So I encourage you to pray every day for your husband; that God may open his eyes and bring him to repentance and salvation: I agree with @GandalfTheWise in that there may be some underlying issues within your marriage. It's hard when your spouse doesn't believe in God the way you do, and it must hurt that you're not able to share this part of your life with him. I'm also wondering if sub-consciously - you may not even be aware of it - you are worried about him cheating again and don't want to go through that kind of hurt again. You must also miss him sometimes when he's away riding with his buddies. Honestly, I would give him the benefit of the doubt in this situation. You share the FB page, which shows that he trusts you; it doesn't seem like he's trying to hide anything from you. In fact, everything he's done, including giving her your phone number, has been out in the open. It sounds to me like she was pestering him to teach her how to fix her bike, and he just gave in to avoid conflict. If her boyfriend is part of the group, he probably thinks highly of your husband's mechanical skills and recommended him to her. I really doubt that her bf or your hubby thought anything of it. It's a guy thing. I don't know this girl, but maybe she's a tomboy, you know, just part of the gang. And maybe she truly does want to learn how to fix her own bike. Perhaps she's independent and wants to prove herself to the guys. This is just my observation from what you've written...in the end, you are the one who will have to decide how to deal with this. But I would pray about it and wouldn't jump to conclusions. Remember, when Jesus walked the earth, there were women with Him and His disciples, and they were His followers as well. A few women with a group of men. But there wasn't anything negative about it. So maybe you should ask yourself, "what would Jesus do in this situation"? It sounds cliche, but you should think about it and pray to Jesus about it too. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Your husband doesn't sound like he's being secretive or sneaky in any way. I would turn to the Lord and don't let this get the best of you. Lay it all at the foot of the Cross and let God handle it for you. Amen? Blessings to you both
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