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Peter Preye

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About Peter Preye

  • Birthday 07/11/1984

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  1. THE POWER OF YOUR MIND Success and failure are products of thoughts. It matters what your thoughts are. God has given us a special instrument to help us appropriate and come to the full possession of the blessings of God. That's our mind. Your mind is unlimited in its potentials to create whatever you desire. When you put your mind power to work, the possibilities are endless. What you become in life is largely determined by the content and the quality of your mind, because with your mind you can change anything about you. The content and character of your mind must be rich enough to pull toward you what you want . The way to transform, improve and upgrade your life is by renewing your mind. Who you are today is a function of your mind. Your personality is the expression of the contents and working of your mind. Proverbs 23vs7 If you don't learn how to process your thoughts and mind the rich deposits of your inward man, you'll get nothing from it and it reflects in the quality of your life. You are not better than your thoughts. You are your thoughts. If your thoughts are better this , you would have been better than where you are. You wouldn't have been where you are right now. In other words , your present status is a product of your thoughts. You created you present status . To be successful in life is not a matter of I couldn't but it's a case of I wouldn't. It's a choice. Romans 12:2. Your mind will influence your emotions. Your real character is not formed by your spirit but your mind. Consciously disallow negative thoughts. Don't accommodate negative thoughts Your life will always go in the direction of your thoughts. You can't be different from your thoughts. Channel your thoughts the way God wants you to go.Using your mind right is your ticket to the next and higher level you desire. If you like this post, you can read more @ http://cevirtualchurch.org?_inv=aocjj6a
  2. “Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain” (Phillippians 2:16). I was actively involved in soul winning even while I was a student, and back then, I had many of my colleagues asking me, “Are you going into full-time ministry?” “I am already a full-time minister of the gospel,” was always my response. You see, where you are or what you’re doing right now is not what really matters; there’s nothing you are in this world that will be forever. You’re only a student for a while; if you’re a teacher, doctor or businessman, you’ll retire at some time. But if you have received Christ into your life and are born again, you’re a full-time minister of the gospel of Christ. So, at that time I knew I was a part-time student and a full-time minister of the gospel. Christianity is not something you do, rather it’s what you are. For example, your gender isn’t something you qualify for, it’s what you are. A true Christian is a man that has discovered his true reason for living. Such a man doesn’t care where he is because he knows he could find himself anywhere and at any day, just like Phillip who was transported by the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:39). He had abandoned himself to God and so God was free to take him anywhere. So when you’re a Christian you know that where you are is temporary because you can be anywhere and at anytime. You have become a man or a woman who is ready to give God praise because you’re convinced that you don’t go anywhere by accident. All the time you’re always watching out for souls. All of your energy and strength is channeled into one thing: leading men to Christ. This should be the mentality of every Christian. Paul the apostle said, “… woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel” (1 Corinthians 9:16). That means “Let me be accursed if I don’t preach the gospel.” That was a man who understood his calling into the Christian life. If the essence of a career is not about reaching people for Jesus, it’s worthless! You’re not just in business to make money; You’re there to reach the world for Jesus. That’s why Christianity is full-time!
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