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HisFirst last won the day on July 2 2017

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  1. Hello, I've come in late I know but are you alluding to the Gospel reaching all corners of the world before Christ's return? Good question. The answer can go in a myriad of directions..... Spoken language is an interesting form of communication. It's sounds. Take the tongue clicking language of the Kalahari Bushmen. Fascinating.
  2. The natural response is hurt, then a million internal questions why? I'm sorry this happened to you LK
  3. Thanks Michael, that's interesting (the before church service Sunday school). In my area, that would usually be done in Bible study groups . Talking about Bible study groups...... .......some women I know believe these groups should not be mixed groups, for the simple fact of studying the Word without distractions.
  4. Hi everybody just interested to learn what Sunday School is in your neck of the woods. I ask this because after watching Bruce Gore (American) lectures on Bible history, philosophy etc,he mentions at times his Sunday school classes and I soon realised these classes are made up of adults. (I'm pretty sure)..., In Australia, I only know of "Sunday school" being made up of Church kids having a Bible lesson while the church congregation (adults) are listening to the sermon in the main part of the church building. Whats your Sunday school look like???
  5. As someone once told me, "you may be the only one praying for such and such " .... a particular person.
  6. The woman at the well event - "a woman meets her Saviour" holds so much personal meaning for me?Very sentimental about this story.
  7. Hi TT, I had heard this mentioned but hadn't seen it in print for myself - I just feel despair for what's going on around the globe and the speed with which its all happening. Sometimes I feel like we are being swamped. My impact may not be much globally, but all I can do is love love love(with Gods love ), those I come into contact with on a daily basis - from inside my home and once I step out that door, and of course - pray!!
  8. So he thinks he should be paid to live because he didnt ask to be born.....ok, looks like we're ALL in for some money then!!!
  9. I couldn't help but think of teenage David grabbing the lions beard to defend his sheep I thought it must've been a cub for the wmoan to be subduing a mountain lion!
  10. Sorry for sounding clueless but what is an icestorm? Ive heard of a snowstorm . Does that involve rain and freezing temps?
  11. Hi Neighbour:) Always interesting hearing about your life experiences!! Sort of reminds me of my dad, lived a very adventurous life without really chasing adventure - it found him! I'm glad God watched over you in those frightening and hard situations? it really puts ones faith to the test. Not easy when everything around you is traumatic and your senses and emotions are being assaulted from every side. Hope you are coping ok in tbe heat you are experiencing right now. Keep up the fluids:)
  12. Hi LK I prob will sound totally not PC but sometimes older folk 'complain' however not really meaning to hurt your feelings but just expressing themselves or making a point but coming across as complaining .... if you know what I mean I only bring this up because Ive seen it happen quite a few times. Accept the Birthday money LK - I'm sure if they were seriously broke they wouldnt be able to afford to gift it to you and maybe in your more prosperous times, you could help them out here and there...? Hope I was helpful ?
  13. Thank you TT? ? Yes, Aus needs prayers ty.
  14. Hello brother! Good to be here:) Im camera shy?
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