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  1. Yes child porn is sinful, but it is not an issue for the State hypocrites. Check into 'pizzagate' for the truly vile crimes of the high and mighty being kept hidden by the MSM. Given that the Jewish and Christian communities of the time that the Bible was being complied allowed Marriage at an age most if not all USA States declare to be against Caesar's Law I take the position that the State is inserting itself into an area where it does not belong. Mis-behaving teens is something to be resolved between families, NOt by the State- a State which BTW, in its schools openly encourages sexual experimentation and then gets all righteous and judgemental when teens share pic on those IPhones they should not have in any case. What we have here is the State as usual creating a Problem so that those cells in the private prisons can be kept filled and the politicians can keep getting campaign funds from the prison owners.
  2. Hmmmmm, why should a Christian divorce over a 'crime' invented by modern day politicians and atheistic social engineers?
  3. Reality is that women are more likely to be abusive than are men, sooooo again why are you blaming ONLY men?
  4. Why are you trying to excuse homosexuality- a vile behaviour God Tells us is worthy of execution?
  5. Sooooooo, your claim is that the fault in a failed marriage routinely lies with the husband?
  6. The proof is easily available for those who care to look. Really, the chore is for those who claim the false stills and videos to be real.
  7. 'there are no other life forms.' Is this just opinion or do you have some level of evidence? That the Bible does not mention alien life is not a proof that such does not exist.
  8. The Bible is silent on the issue which BTW has nothing to do with human salvation.
  9. Man has been to the moon, BUT.......what video we see was quite obviously done on a sound stage. Likely because the real video was of very poor quality.
  10. Such is the result of Obama's Open Borders.
  11. Already commented that in effect the particular scripture was being misapplied. Again why if extreme Christian pacifism is so backed by Scripture as a unified whole why has 99% of the Church through history rejected that pacifism?
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