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Blue Lotus

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  1. Edited by Omegaman 3.0 Hi Blue Lotus, I remved the video, because this thread is about Christian music. As talented as the Pentatonix are, and as nice a tune as Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah is, the lyrics are hardly Christian. Since you added Little Drummer Boy to the thread, I let the thread stand. However, in the future, if you want to post music, please only put on song in each post, so we can review and/or approve of each one individually. Thanks
  2. Ghost is a Swedish heavy metal band. I'm not a fan of their music. It's dark. I agree with the advice that says, follow your conscience. As a Christian this music repels me. But that's just my conscience sharing. Merry Christmas.
  3. We will always have the office of POTUS in America. And the Legislature. And SCOTUS. Unless or until something occurs that wipes it all away. We're to be in the world but not of this world. What does that mean? We follow the rules, made by the rule makers. Knowing that this world is not all that there is. Unlike some who live in the material realm thinking more is everything and the only thing and no thing happens after they're dead. Meanwhile, those in an electoral Constitutional democratic republic have to take responsibility for one of two things as I see it. To vote for their leader and lawmakers, who then decide who sits on the SCOTUS bench of 9. Or not to vote for their leader and lawmakers. But regardless of what one chooses, those three branches are in charge of the nation we operate in as Christians and as citizens. And I think if one among us believes themselves called by God to serve the office of man, in the spirit of Christ, so be it. Because as the Bible tells us, we will know them by their fruits. Donald Trump is the president elect. An avowed Presbyterian. I pray he serves Christ and the office of POTUS faithfully. We won't know till he's sworn in and given the chance. And then we'll know if he's a good president by how he comports himself as the Christian in the job.
  4. You know absolutely nothing about the family in the report. Nothing. It isn't about you. They aren't about you. And that you can't see that is tragic public news in this forum. You need counseling and prayer. And I hope you receive both.
  5. Blessings. I hope everyone's Christmas day was filled with peace, happiness, good food, and family.
  6. CBN News Radio Link Blessed Merry Christmas.
  7. Your experience. You are not that family. You are not their daughter or the girl herself. Your experience does not speak for any of them. It speaks for you. You cannot speak for them. It is ridiculous to think you know where they are or how they feel based on where you were and how you felt. It's called, individuality. It will always be called, individuality. It is not Trans-hive-mind. And it is indecent to insist you know them or anything about how they arrived where they are because you've had your own personal experience. And you do appear to believe it is a debate. Otherwise you wouldn't insist you can speak for them in any capacity at all. And then defend that absurd claim when reality comes knocking telling you you can't. You have no right to. Nor do you have any right to think you're entitled to. That's it.
  8. Rick Parker is sticking to the scriptures. It is you that are not. What it appears you are trying to do is repeatedly push the doctrine of confession and the works based ideology promoted by your church. Which you're entitled to hold as truth. However, when it conflicts with the gospel Jesus preached and died to deliver for all time, you're going to hear about it from Christians who are not members of your church. As you can see. And it is odd that you'd hope to proselytize your church here as if the Christian members of Worthy are not saved and thus are in need of your church. Maybe you should stick to the scriptures and find the truth of God in the teachings of Jesus Christ. AMEN!
  9. God's word gives a parable about those who were apostles with Jesus and yet they walked away from him and his ministry. To which one of the apostles said, they left the discipleship because they were never truly one with the master. Those who believe we save ourselves are deluded. We are saved as the Bible's words tell us, not by our will! But by the grace of God. God calls to him whom he will to be saved. Jesus came to save the sinners, not the righteous. Jesus' sheep know his voice. And that is why they come to him, the eternal shepherd. Those whom God has called to him arrive in his hand and no one shall cast them out. When the eternal all knowing Word that was In The Beginning, says no one will cast us out, that means not even we can cast ourselves away. To fall out of eternal life/Salvation in Christ we would have to be able to evict God's Holy Spirit that indwells the believer. That would make our free will more powerful than the God that knew us, the saints that would find our way to salvation, before God created the world we now inhabit more powerful than the God that called us by name to him. He would have had to make a mistake bestowing his grace upon us and promising us eternal salvation, if we could freely give it back. That's simply not what the scriptures say. And that's not what Jesus died on the cross for. Jesus didn't die to give transitory life. He didn't die to give temporary salvation based on our desire to stay saved. Those who believe they have to work their lives away in order to find out if they did a good job in the flesh once they arrive before God in the spirit, so as to know if they worked, deserve, eternal life were never saved in this life. They were deluded, nominal (name) only christians. They followed a lie they thought was the truth. It's called ETERNAL LIFE AND SALVATION BY THE GRACE OF GOD. You and your ego have not a thing to do with it. And if you think you can give it back, be un-reborn, evict the holy spirit, then guess what? You're not a Christian in the first place. You're the example in that parable about those disciples that walked away from Christ because they were never one with him in the first place. Don't ever let anyone tell you eternal life is not eternal. They're lying to you! And their doctrine is of the devil that hopes you believe. It really is as plain and simple as that. Read the Bible! John 3:16. Watch enough American football games and you'll see that scripture held aloft by someone in the stands holding the sign that is the sign to read the Bible. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. That whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have EVERLASTING LIFE!" God said that! He sent his son to prove that. All else is blasphemy and a lie from the pit of Hell. It really is that simple.
  10. Amen and amen! I believe that is why the saints of God are told to fasten the belt of truth around ourselves, don the breast plate of righteousness, put on the helmet of righteousness, and stand upon the gospel and carrying our shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit.Such is the armor of God. Being strong in the Lord and in his grace because the battle is the Lord's. And we are to be ready. It takes courage to be a Christian in this world.
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