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  1. Someone who lives on Earth, and who has no cosmology, should find Genesis 1:1 profoundly appealing: 'In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth.' But even such a person wants to know more than that about the fact that God created everything. Such a person wants to know, first, an introductory level of its detail, and it had better include something about themselves. So, this no-cosmology person finds 1:1 appealing not merely for its meaning for the physical world. Such a person finds it appealing because it seems somehow to promise an account about himself, or herself. They sense their own location in the physical world, and sense that it is effectively divided in exact half. And they sense that each half is itself so divided, and so on. And yet, in all its possible divisions, there is always one binary that is constant: himself, or herself, has an 'other'. And, though this 'other' is mainly the total other, the issue also is as to the special other: each other. And, so, too, begins Genesis 1. And so ends Genesis 1. There are exactly two (kinds of) numbers that 'hedge' all other numbers. The primes, and the highly composites (HC's). See the three links here, which I edited: http://www.conservapedia.com/Prime_number http://www.conservapedia.com/Composite_number http://www.conservapedia.com/Highly_composite_number see also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superior_highly_composite_number, which shows a special kind of HC's.
  2. Here is a most basic thematic summary of Genesis 1, both the plain and the implied: (1) The universe and his unique Earth. (2) Earth and her general water. (3) The water and his unique cycle. (4) The water cycle and her general life. (5) Life and its unique animal life. (6) Animal life and its general human life. (7)... That's what I study. That's why I'm here. Specifically, I found Worthy Christian Forums by some search terms that gave me a Topic-starter post here:
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