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  1. A Godish thing. Well said. New word!
  2. In the context of this thread being we're Christians. That is the meaning. Being Christian's recognize the sabbath day . Or at least they should.
  3. "Let us therefore no longer keep the Sabbath after the Jewish manner, and rejoice in days of idleness; " (Ignatius:Excerpted chapter 9 http://www.pseudepigrapha.com/LostBooks/ignatius2magnesians.htm) St. Ignatius of Antioch In this letter by the early Church Father the Catholic Church is mentioned by name.
  4. Unless you live in a camel hair cloak eating locusts like unto John the Baptist, your eyes are on this world because you live in this world. And just so you know, the Sabbath is a Christian thing! Not a worldly one.
  5. Myopia not withstanding. I judge as he doth judge. But is given a pass. And typically moderator actions are demonstrated with respect for a member and as such that is what private messaging is for. Not public shaming tactics. I'll not pursue further. I see where the deck is stacked. And I don't read anti-woman hate speech any longer because I do see the ignore option. That's all I have to say about that. Now to the topic: Women are fully entitled to work for their own betterment, even when married. The old axiom of barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen no longer applies. And indeed was an unfit standard even when it was in practice long ages ago in America. Wherein there were laws that prohibited women from inheriting property even from their own parents. Unless of course the woman was wed. There was a time when spousal rape was not prosecutable. There were times when spousal abuse wasn't either. Two people unite together in one marriage but that does not mean the woman loses her identity. Or her capacity to sustain herself should anything go awry. There are vicious men who are sweet as honey in the dating stage. Then when they marry their girlfriend the mask comes off. Because now her status as wife does not require the act of seduction with niceties anymore. How many women who are beaten to black and blue, broken bones, split lips, raped, by their husband, have said to a crisis counselor, I don't know what happened to us! He was so sweet and caring in the beginning! No he wasn't. That kind of person never found a home in such a man as that. What was appearing before that poor beaten woman was an actor. Very skilled, very determined, to get what he wanted. Her. As property. And that's what many a man who invokes scriptures and God as cause for that attitude of property and the wife believe. That's why they say a woman has no right to her own bank account. No right to have monies available to her and her alone so that she has an out if a mask falls. If a fist finds its target on her person. Or that of her children. A woman gives life to her kids. And many a woman has lost her life because the masked evil they married and that fathered those kids saw them as his property too. Ladies, trust experience forewarning you when you are still young, beautiful, single, or married. Don't ever let any man in your life tell you you have no right to your own financial independence! Don't EVER let that persuasion take control of your life so that you agree! Because the moment a man tells you you have no right to financial independence, that's a man that is telling you he's in control. And you will live by his leave. And that is a forewarning that should tell you that he's dangerous. Because the thought of you being able to live without him is not to be tolerated. He's dangerous when he tells you by his actions or even outright, that you have no right to be free of him once you're married. That's the kind of man that kills you. Because you are entitled to die rather than leave him alone. He's in control. "God says so!" A strong man is never threatened by a strong woman. A cowardly man is threatened by a strong woman. Don't fall for a coward. And if you find you're with one, RUN! Because cowards are in prison right now for killing what they could not control. A woman's thoughts that were suddenly no subject to his control. When God created Eve he didn't take the bone from Adam's foot so that he could walk on her. When God created Eve God did not take the bone from Adam's skull so that she could reign over Adam. When God created Eve he took the bone, the DNA matrix, from Adam's rib. That part of his frame that was at the center of his being. That equidistant point between the head and the foundation. Women are not less than. How do you know this ladies? Because after God made man with a scrotum and seed for the future generations, he created a sacred vessel that he invested with the unique powerful capacity to bring life into this world and sustain that life from her own body, the milk of her breasts. You are not less than! You are equal to everything God made you to be as the only way human life in this world crowns into being. You are not property! You are powerful and precious. God knows.
  6. Where in the Bible is the verse , new testament, wherein Jesus said the Sabbath day is no longer holy? Ms.White did not establish the Sabbath. God did. And until God changes it it stands. Therefore, where in scripture did God say to forget the Sabbath day? And by God's saying it I mean, Jesus Christ and his ministry. When did Jesus tell his apostles the 7th day, the Sabbath day was no longer holy? “It is well to remind the Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, and all other Christians, that the Bible does not support them anywhere in their observance of Sunday. Sunday is an institution of the Roman Catholic Church, and those who observe the day observe a commandment of the Catholic Church.” Priest Brady, in an address, reported in the Elizabeth, NJ ‘News’ on March 18, 1903.
  7. Now if only that same admonition would be applied toward one who's comments are designed to assail women . I've found there is an ignore function here. Works wonderfully to solve his problem. Thanks .
  8. True. Good people every day die and end up separated from God for eternity. Because while alive they did not receive his grace and accept Jesus as savior.
  9. I did read it. And you're attitude toward women is clearly personal and because of your last remark about custody cases. You should seek healing for what hurts you still. Rather than think to take revenge on women as a whole and anonymously on a forum using a pseudonym to hide behind in that endeavor. What you're doing would grieve the Holy Spirit indwelling any believer. Seek peace. Because women don't deserve what else you're intending to deliver them here.
  10. The observation? That in your zeal to speak ill of women you did not read your own Rudyard Kipling copy and paste? One that is speaking of bears not women.
  11. He has done . We are not able to properly screen refugees who wish to gain entry into the U.S.. I believe that in itself should guarantee no refugees be allowed to enter. It is common sense to protect the homeland and our citizens first. Especially when the very reason these people in Syria are seeking refuge is because there are elements in their own country that are evil and seek to kill and destroy that country. How then is it wise to import , transport, people from that place? When it is not impossible to imagine the destructive spirit there shall come along for the ride.
  12. First you state there's no need to promote the idea that men are evil and women are not. Then you introduce a Kipling quote that claims the female species is more deadly than the male. What you do not read there is that Kipling is speaking of polar bears, not people. Kipling said, God couldn't be everywhere so he created mothers. Kipling did not hate women. I shall always feel sorry for women who in dating a man don't realize until after the I do that they've married a cad. One who imagines because they think God on their side, they can see women as losing their identity as soon as the veil and dress are stored away. And from that moment on are property of that one who now says, you did and now you ever shall. What such men do not understand about oneness in marriage could fill a book. The travesty is rather than write that one those type males will grab the book that is the Bible itself. And corrupt it to their way of thinking as they cite scripture and verse as to why a woman is to be less than because of her sex. A good marriage can carry two people to paradise. A bad marriage to Hell. In the latter vows a couple takes before the altar each one says, till death us do part. In a marriage to an evil spouse even while still breathing there are a great many ways to die.
  13. As one of the newest persons to arrive here I find I need ask this after reading topics of this nature in different places. Does it ever occur to those who are in Christ that there is a committed effort among those who are only pretending? And as such they start discussions hoping to confuse the people of God. And to start them arguing the spirit of God's word among themselves?
  14. Our Lord told us that the sabbath day and the Lord's day are the same thing . See the book of Matthew chapter 12 and verse 8. The Sabbath day is that last day upon which God our father rested after laboring in creation. Saturday, by our calendar.
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